Papes' OC Question Of The Day! 2.0

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Papes

EDIT 7/31: I'M BACK EARLY I was supposed to be taking a break for longer but, mmmmm I'm afraid of letting this fun thread die

EDIT 7/23: HERE'S THE GOOGLE DOCS I MADE FOR ALL THE QUESTIONS! Including tomorto's by me because that was a question that's been stuck in my mind for ages now....

Hello! I got Isoprene's blessing to revive the question of the day forum game since the original has been closed for quite a while now! I'm still trying to form questions for the future, so feel free to suggest anything to me via PM! I'll try my best to update early enough in the day to give people time, you're allowed to answer in-character, answer for multiple characters, basically whatever fits the prompt best for that day! If yoy suggest a question and end up using it, I will most definitely credit and ping you!

To start it off, I'll recycle a question from the last thread! I'm so sorry aaaa

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Thaaaaat would have to be Antheia. Her blog is like, 95% memes and shitposting, with the occasional aesthetic reblogging.

 Ingrid unused-account

Which of your OCs likes memes the most?

Smol trash lizard

Rowena Rose-writer

Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Definitely this freakin' nerd right here 

Zack SuperStar2361

ohmygosh i remember the old thread ahaha ^^ i really enjoyed answering the questions so i'm glad to see it getting revived!

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

<- according to all known laws of aviation, dat boi over there. we are he is number one when it comes to being a memelord. he will 360 noscope wombo combo you with the power of memes if you dare to even go near his swamp. even his birthday is a reference to a meme cuz it's 4/20 lmao


Karina Romina

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Karina Indeed! She even has a Dab picture...


SuperStar2361 //WHEEZES

YOU COME INTO MY THREAD.......... MEME ALL OVER THE PLACE..................... u just made my day ldblhgk

@ everyone else: I appreciate all these memeing ocs, bless you all esp Karina's Dab picture Romina

 c o p y c a t hallelujah

Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Copycat, 100%. She's the meme queen.

Memen Isoprene

can confirm papes has obtained my blessing 👌

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Memen is pretty much the meme queen of Entirety. She got into them because being locked up in a prison Reality leaves her with the Internet as her only way of communicating with others, and when you use the Internet and are a big dork intrigued by the fact that the word "meme" is close to your name... becoming a top memer is inevitable.

 Yvalhaell Aurhovala Papes

ayyyyy time for the second question

Q2. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

Gonna be lookin through the rest of my ocs to see who else likes to, but for the most part, most definitely Yval! Even if he's still really shy about it. That's because of self-confidence issues but that's something for another day probably. He's.... actually really great at ballroom dancing, too. with that charisma of 20, he better be