Show me your deities

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 9 months ago) by yonah

I admit, I'm a sucker for deity/god OCs. Got any cool ones? Post them here!

Corruption 🃏 EmptyProxy

Here's my precious God of Madness! (It's so nice to see someone else who's a fan of God OCs ;w; )

Aano'ra atempause

while I have Serlian and Eithias that made all of the living things and shaped the world to their own imagine i prefer to call them just 'creators' 

this one is an actual god that created the base for the entire world for the other two to work with

 Jarilo Ledokol

I have Jarilo here and his wife Morena, both of whom I made OCs from the actual deities from ancient Slavic mythology. My plot which they belong to, while they still possess their original deity powers they're trying to adjust to the 21st century lifestyle and live more like ordinary humans. In a future expansion of the cast there will be more OCs of other gods like Perun, Veles/Volos and Svarog, possibly Chernobog and Belobog too just to make the plot more chaotic and entertaining.


In my universe I have these Jeiro is the God of Greed (Sin of Greed) In my universe each of the sins is a god of the Underworld, in a sort of collective group of order (Along with a couple of others outside the Sins) His life partner is Lust (seen in his album photos). Jeiro is his alias, Mammon and Greed being his real names.

Aaand dunno if Demigods count but Balto is Jeiros 'son' (they'll both cry if you actually call him that). In the lore I made, each of the Gods created the Demigods of hell and the first set of Creatures to begin life in the Underworld. Greed managed to bet and play off any responsibility, feeling Greedy to want to keep his 'talent' to himself. But he ended up having to create Tricksters. In my lore there was only two Trickster Demons, and one eventually was destroyed by Jeiro. Balto is now the only Trickster, a Demigod, God of Tricks and king of Tricks /o/

Helena Lillis ludo

does medusa count as a deity ? idk but this girl is a part of a magical girls group that are reincarnations of mythological figures ! I also have sÊlène, who is a sort of rewrite of kaguya-hime !

Ythrill** Myota

Though not quite a "deity" in the full sens of the word, she's the closest thing to it within her universe. Ythrill is an entity that represents and maintains her universe of origin, though generally she stays out of the way of important events, preferring to watch mortals from afar, and on occasion playing minor roles in larger events. She acts like an experienced mother, always willing to offer a hand to those who need it most, often in the form of a reassuring piece of wisdom.

Isaac Impy

Mmmm dat golden fleece doe

 The Green Writer Renigee

Not sure if she counts as a deity, but Greenie here has her own little world to control... like a dollhouse! Or should I say, toyhouse?