Show me your deities

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 9 months ago) by yonah

I admit, I'm a sucker for deity/god OCs. Got any cool ones? Post them here!

kyrrrr-CHOOM QuazarStar

A volcano god! ....of a volcano that won't emerge from the sea for another 200'000-ish years. Oh well, them's the breaks I guess.

Mithra Mazda fuelli

Mithra is the god of the sun in my lore; originally benevolent and gentle, he became more jealous and self-centered when his cult fell into neglect. 


him? oh yes him!! He's the reason why people like watching social trainwrecks happen... and is the reason why chaos exists. no one likes him >:(

Asharri msiai

Asharri is a god of the winter wind, joy, and warmth. Ironic, huh? The god of winter being god of warmth.

Miktia v13kai

centipede god of shadows. he's a bit nicer than other high gods

Desdemona kowarii

Desdemona (and her hubby, Sebastian) are deities of wind and fire. They take humanoid forms to interact with their loyal subjects, but their true celestial forms are dragons.

 Regis radishleaf

she has complicated origins, but she's the goddess of true sight.

Aerandir Webmegami

A zora deity made for my stories built in the Legend of Zelda lore and who has a dragon shape. He can control the elements linked to the ocean and weather, he is worshipped by travellers and sailors. :)

Bankai sphxs

this guy resides in hell and brings misfortune to the mortal realm. he's basically the embodiment of disease and famine, bringing it to those who dont obey the laws of the natural world

 Wang FeiHong sinn

FeiHong is a deity/god!! It's hard to describe of what, because he isn't the god of any set thing ;;/

a bit of him is inspired by the Queen Mother of the West in chinese culture!!