Show Me Ace Characters?

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by  👑 Chazz Prom

As someone who is asexual, I feel like I haven't seen a whole lot of ace characters. Show me some of yours?

I have a few but my main sona Prom is obviously the one I choose to show off~


I've got a few of them

Malachi, - ace/aro

Treman, - ace/biro

N.F.N.N, - ace/aro

Lockdown - TBD but probably on ace spectrum


Fehn I'm not sure whether you've found the answer to your question, "(If anyone has a word for that, it'd be great. I've never been able to find something that describes a non-sexual/non-romantic "soul mate" type relationship)" the word you're looking for would be queerplatonic


Renigee aw thanks!!!

Jay Corby AlleycatIrony

have a nice old lady


I've got a bunch!! (I'm just listing the ace ones and not the aspec ones because if I listed them we'd be here all day)

Acantiet is a wonderful ace space lizard and one of the founding members of a species I made!
Anebulas is the son of three of my favorite ocs and ace/aro. He does have a QPP that I need to upload, an equally ace/aro glitch named Goldlatch.
All of the characters in this folder are ace! They weren't created with any drive and have no curiosity about any of that stuff. They all dismiss it as "mortal silliness".
Oura is demiromantic ace. They never get close enough to anyone to form any kind of bond though. They're pretty shy.
Raskho is ace/aro and extremely sex repulsed. He's too worried about not getting scattered across time and space to bother even if he did feel anything.
And last but not least, Stormfront is a tiny pastel ace/aro robot who's full of anxiety. He's pretty jumpy and has an issue with his voicebox that causes him to stutter and drag out words.


Fredia Asexual/Demiromantic
Mal Asexual/Aromantic and completely sex-repulsed 
Shizuki Demisexual/Homoromantic
Maxx Asexual/Aromantic 

Rain Kattenkvvaad

I'm not sure how many asexual OCs I have, but Rain is definitely one of them.

 Ain helmsless

Ain here is!! I feel like most of my characters are asexual/aromantic in some way... so i won't list everyone bc that'd take forever

I make little jokes that I'm writing and creating things I know since I'm ace/aro HAHA

owari kurosawa gummy

Owari is asexual/romantic(?)


The Ījuacol was created without any kind of romantic or sexual feelings. After all, you can't be an effective doomsday device if you're chasing tail!

Volcano Voxaz

Volcano here is ace/aro, she gets grossed out with any of that stuff

I have more ace ocs, but she's my favourite and probably the most ace/aro out of all of them

 Cookie WeirdGhostOn_

Cookie is my ace lab bab <3

Rothko Zeda

Rothko here's asexual, and I haven't run across anything while writing up his narrative that makes me think he's anything but aromantic as well. I'm ace myself, and I have a few other ace characters, actually!