Show me your single male Oc's!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by EncephalonShards

I need more shipping in my life....


My single pringle. -w- I have others but they do not have art yet. 

 Oda Nobunaga (織田 信長) UncleDevil

:^0 Dis boi


I'd only have these guys that are open for ships,male

but the thing is they are in a working world and well I wouldn't like taking them out of that world. it's medieval dnd inspired 


ty is single in the beginning of the story (that ill never write/draw rip)

Blake Elliot McKenzie Jxckalito

Hi Blake here is single as hell. I would've chosen Axel but he's had girlfriends before.

Carrtier Jacobson Lonestarcelt

A lot my guys are single to be honest. They mostly haven't found the right guy, gal, or other for them. Except for Carrtier here. Carrtier is single because he is a massive jerk and honestly it is probably better for everyone that he isn't dating anyone. 


My favorable Ice boy Neptune is sooo single...but unfortunately he prefers staying single cuz he has maaajor commitment issues lol

Sora CupidCola

This is my boy Del, he is a little bit of an angry bean sometimes BUT he can be the biggest sweet heart, although he leans toward male relationships he still is a single adorable looking bean! A lot of my kiddo's are single tbhh.

 Ko UncleDevil

i have another one thats single to tho.


let him smash - p l ease


I have a few male OCs, and they're all single. However, I'm planning on putting two of them in a relationship, and this guy's the only straight boi:

₁ Kazimir Titheling

Boy just sleeps around with whoever - he hasn't managed an actual relationship because of how distant he can be and incapable of connecting. Awkward & lonely with little trust towards others. -- my octopus mer is similarly inexperienced and distant, poor kid is trapped all alone atm ;; -- my lion boy who is uninterested in a relationship - or so far hasn't found any desire to be in one