Show me your single male Oc's!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by EncephalonShards

I need more shipping in my life....

$30 huuyuri

I have my boy Fenrir--- he's a sweet boy, but gets himself into a lot of trouble.

I also have my bby Corrin who is literally a mess and doesn't know what he's doing about 73% of the time

Caius Korsithk

Caius is a single he/him~

I have several others, too, haha -

Kazue Hyun dandelionfields

Ah yes, single and male.


Single dad trying his best to run a restaurant and also parent.

Darcy Alves SnowdropWhiskey

I don’t think I have a male character who *isnt* single,,

Orion BvnnyStitch

he's an antagonist that has a big crush on the protagonist- but unfortunately he sacrifices himself and is never able to get into a relationship

Intel yanderechips

I was going to make him date someone in canon but that got scrapped

Come get your food ladies/gentlemen


Athy, Bron, Qevon and Cerons (no profile yet) are all single.

Athy has issues with social interactions (let alone dating) due to mental health issues, but he would be SO happy to find someone who loves him for who he is.

Bron...has people-skill well as hygiene issues 😂 If he can get those resolved, he might have a chance!

Qevon was in a long-term relationship with Dolysene, but she broke it off, because he became jealously possessive. So now he's single until further notice (and he kind of deserves it).

Cerons is a prince who doesn't have the word 'commitment' in his dictionary. He's had a lot of shallow...'relations'...but nothing concrete.

Edit: Almost forgot Gaul...but he's not looking for a relationship, it's nowhere on his priority list.

Tristan Bonheur CrispinAsheYA


Laurens flatworld

Laurens used to have a girlfriend called Amaranta. they went through a... violent breakup and they dont speak anymore. hes painfully single and probably hasnt properly spoken to a woman in at least 10 years.