show me characters with good stories!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by cosmicconundrum


toyhouse has a lot of characters who are amazing visually (and i mean, like, really darn amazing), but a lot of them also lack interesting stories and lore. if you have any characters whose stories and backgrounds you're particularly proud of, show them off here!


  • be nice!
  • follow toyhouse TOS
Dr. Trousers kreizn

He's got a good story and an entire world and rope of characters that are detailed as well.

Flashslip garyc0re

i've actually written an entire novella for her :^ most of my ocs have very intricate lore/stories but hers is the only one that has a completed, actual novella (found in her literature section)

diver cynocardia

you don't really get to see it on their bio because they're the protagonist of a game i want to make but

basically diver doesn't want to seek treatment for their deteriorating health because they have serious problems, and they're deeply in denial about being disabled and disgusted by their illness, which they see as weakness and are convinced is purely psychological. somehow they still end up in a hospital, and when they open the doors, everything starts to break down, collapsing the building. after everything happens, diver wakes up in what appears to be a satellite hospital, whose staff are hostile monsters. they feel they have actually been here for awhile, and don't question their surroundings at all. they decide to escape, like they've tried to do so many times before. but someone else keeps sabotaging them, a ghost they've been trying to keep at bay for years.

there are at least 3 npcs that resemble snakes, despite my best efforts to not do this

Florian (Also DeVine) chesh_re

This is my Fer. Al oc's entire lore page... I forgot to upload their ref sheet but am doing it at the moment.