show me characters with good stories!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by cosmicconundrum


toyhouse has a lot of characters who are amazing visually (and i mean, like, really darn amazing), but a lot of them also lack interesting stories and lore. if you have any characters whose stories and backgrounds you're particularly proud of, show them off here!


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Juniper cosmicconundrum

bumping this thread with juniper!

she's part of a world called "the new mutants," which is basically about people with superpowers who are also sometimes immortal, and there's politics and they fight each other. it's pretty sick.

she has an entire backstory in the works which spans from 1920 to the present day, and it's still not fully written. however, you can find most important details in her bio!


I got two characters that have a big backstory that I want to write out some day.

Nicolai is one of the newer ones I own. xD Well I own him nearly 3 years now. But only some weeks ago I got to develope him in the direction I wanted him to go. Uploading him to Toyhouse and making his profile helped me a lot. It forced me to use my brain and think about him xD Long I had no clue what to do with him. He started out just as an nsfw character but after some time I wanted to make a story with him. It was so difficult to let to old Nicolai go and make some place for the new Nicolai. Had a identity crisis with him.

Kelan is the main character of my book I am writing. His profile still needs to be finished. But I am bad at writing in english. I managed to add a lot today :D I am so proud auf myself. I've written over 300 pages by now and it will be a lot more in the future. I just need to start writing again. 

JINRAI Raizou aska-ray

Raizou and his friends all "star" in a story about youkai...

you can read it here! ;)

Chaos Jazzy_J_Wolf

Chaos has a good story but all my Featured Characters have really thought out stories to them

Gray Allard graystreet003

His story is quite elaborated and given thought to it, meticulously planed so it also fits along other characters timelines. It's got quite content on it and a story settled. You may also be interested on the antagonist

Zog (Daerius Schneider) SkystormV

Almost all my characters are part of the same sci-fi novel I’m developing lore for, so a lot of them have mostly fleshed out bios. But I’d say Zog has the most info, currently. (Axo is an honorable mention though)

 Aruko Doresuaan

I don't know if it's a good story or not, mainly because it depends on what the person likes-- (action, romance, etc.) 


I have a lot of >:D stories that are usually just "Slice-of-Life", meaning my characters' life piece! 

Well... actually, I also have stories with fights, romance, and everything else! I'll sort by Category! 

Romance/Drama/Slice-of-Life ↓

-AlexandreIII,QiangII,and Aruko


They are two childhood friends, because of a fight, they were separated and QiangII started to hate AlexandreIII throughout his childhood.

One day when they could finally see each other QiangII fought AlexanderIII, and then he Proclaimed war! 

Unfortunately... AlexandreIII still doesn't understand the reason for this silly fight, and he just wants to be friends with QiangII again... and finally be able to comfort the sorrows of his old friend-

(I accidentally deleted the rest and I'll have to write it again AAAAA) 

🌞| Othala Hannibalus

I am really proud of Othala's story, it's only beginning what is written on her profile but i still think it's super cool :) 

 Milton Reeves Oyrso6rsrso66sro6r

I spent two days on his backstory so if you're interested go ahead and give it a little read 🤤

U-Jin Applejack

while im still working on these folks, i love what i have!

Akira - Volvarik - Saffron