Show me ya EldritchTerror OCs!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by FidgeMimic

As much as I love the humanoids and cute animal OCs, I don't think I've seen much of anything based on the big bads of the horror genre. Do y'all have anyone or anything built to wreak horror and madness in your story? A creature with untold power waiting for the right time to be set free? Formless beasts outside this reality made of writhing flesh and gaping infinitely toothed maws? Or maybe they look absolutely average but have untold power to warp themselves and reality to their will?

I love me some sick-nasty monster designs and reality warping stories yall

EDIT: I finally got a mild profile started for my own hell-thing so I'm just gonna slaaaaaaaaap it right here

Suhail oneironym

I just got a lovely mindflayer I need to upload, but in the meanwhile, I've got Suhail's pact patron? Suhail's a tiefling scholar who was studying the history of his people (who have infernal heritage, hence the devilish appearance), and he started to get interested in this old meteor impact site near town. There were a bunch of caves under where the space rock hit, and the scholar encountered some strange intelligence within them.

A being who is essentially a Great Old One from the outer edge of reality sent the meteor in to the planet to explore it (and also probably eat it). It has bonded with Suhail to aid in its exploration of mortal lives, in exchange for power and arcane knowledge. Suhail doesn't know yet but it's planning to eat him, too, though the gradually expanding fracture marks in his skin will provide a hint. In the places where his skin has started to flake away, a star-filled void is visible instead... and sometimes when Suhail is sleeping, mysterious eyes peer outwards....

 ZETA zinnia

oh good thread op

ZETA is a manifestation of Bad Brain Stuff and a common hallucination so i just turned them into an oc. most common form is a monochrome one-eyed cat, though they can change into any form and can get Scarey. theyre the true antagonist of a perma-hiatus project, mostly bc i wanted to have them get beat up lol.
i generally use the eye to symbolize their presence aka its a reoccuring symbol in like. every single vent art thing i make.
i guess theyre like an eldritch abomination trapped in the body of a kitty bc thats essentially all my artstyle is (cute furries)

Drak Mastre aaawhyme

Well, TheDarkMaster is probably the closest thing I have to something like that. 

Its a lot like a deity in a sense theres so much mystery around it. - only technically witnessed by one or two people, maybe a third, out of the entire age of the universe and beyond. so a lot of people dont think it exists. it resides within purgatory, and can pretty much take the shape of anything, ranging from a skull headed beast shrouded in tentacley darkness- or a jellyfish of sorts- often with dozens of eyeballs loaded within it's glowing exterior OOOooooOoo


Although, Grieve's spider form would be a close second because DEM HANDS. - 287844_uORiTNYJF76W9JJ.jpg?1429950406287847_uYgTcaeClhQhs84.png


Jeez I totally lost this thread, but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS THESE ARE SO GOOD?

oneironym || oh jeez I ALWAYS love a good Warlock pact, ESPECIALLY with a Great Old One (Hi-5 for Tief Warlock twinsies). I've never properly thought of the pact between a Warlock and their patron physically changing them though, like that's such a SICK touch?? It's such a cool splash or body horror and supernatural shit - like if you end up adding more info for Suhail and his patron I would LOVE to read it more in-depth!!!

zinnia || For some reason a lot of really good OCs come from Bad Brain Stuff and the like? I'm not sure why but that's how I've gotten all of my fave OCs so like I consider it a p good method of building ngl. But also, dude I love it when things look Vaguely Non-Evil but end up being so much more - it's such a good trope and design choice??? Plus lbh - cyclops eye is an oldie but a goodie and can never be replaced. I love this small murder(ed?) cat atrocity. A good (not-)friend, would COMPLETELY recommend.

aaawhyme || duuuuuude,,, DUDE,, oh sweet jesus I know I've said 'i'm weak for X' for like all of these but listen,,, it's true? Big Old Monster OCs are so good, and dude these off so many boxes for me?? Deities are such a good choice, and mysterious ones that no one can really decide if they exist or not are ESP good. Also that first pic for The Dark Master is giving me heart eyes emojis and idk why. and then like the body horror that you got for that good torture/murder spider man???? fuckin CHOICE dude im gonna cry

y'all i LOOOOOOOOVE these so much ty for sharing!! I have so much love to give to Eldritch Beings like y a l l


Beefy || like i SHOULD be working but honestly i just spent a long minute doodling Sahx on a post it note bc i love them?? I love them. If you ever put more story or bio-based info in their profile hit me the hECKIE UP bc I'm actually super curious abt like how big this thing is and how it acts in general. >:3c


paranormal-thingum || Tbh I'd consider them related enough for the thread with the cool cult background! My initial idea for this thread was to make it Lovecraft based but I figured that may have excluded ppl from an already small subset of character types on here - so I say they'll fit in pretty well! But ooooooooooH JEEZ THEY'RE SO CUTE? I've always been super into black comedy, and these two scratch that itch perfectly. I'm especially in love with the colors that you used for these two? Like oh man I love them a lot they're so adorable I'm gonna cry,,,,,

Xulthuk oneironym

FidgeMimic Thanks! I haven't had the chance to play Suhail recently, unfortunately, but I do wanna get more art of him and stuff eventually! ... I actually have a miniature of him I painted a while ago, too. I should upload that.

In the meanwhile, I uploaded aforementioned mindflayer O u O


Cross || OOOO He's so pretty!!!! I love his pallet so much dude - plus the gold spots/freckles/sparkles on his coat are such a nice touch, it gives him a nice little splash of spacey-feel and I love it! Cool monsters with masks and body horror are such a good jam dude I love him!!! Do you have a story or bg for him? I'd love to read more abt him!!!!

oneironym || DUDE THAT'S SICK? Like both the Awesome Mindflayer design and the fact that you have a mini of your Tief? I'd love if you posted him! I'm actually super interested in minis for games but all my games are digital. Give me them Mindflayer deets when you can tho >:3c

@clefvondanger || my first instinct was to do the "Thanks I Hate It" meme but honestly I felt like that would be mean and also would improperly display how much I love this OC?? I'm f u c k i n g terrified of it and the fact that he can become such a long boi makes my skin crawl. I love it. I love him?? I love him. The fact that he's both terrifying physically but actually works to help people is such a nice twist? Also he makes sure ppl end up w their pets when they die and he has my undying respect and also my heart.

 Inerri atempause

Maybe Inerri counts? No one understands how she got to work as a personal guard of a deity because all they normally see is just a short skinny demon. She hides her beast form from others because even she can't control its power. I tend to draw that thing with eight legs and five mouths but the amount of body parts is pretty much random every time she transforms.


my shapeshifting characters Syphious and Metus look humanoid enough- aside from their details (which get more uncanny valley as you look at them), but then there's their actual forms...



also, as per eldritch terror ways, they're like... over 40 ft tall.


This thread is perfect for the Ījuacol, who is an ancient beast created as a doomsday device long ago. It had the gift of divination, so it saw everything that humans would come to do. Infuriated by our future presence, the automaton went on a mass rampage, summoning meteors and flames to cover our planet. This even wiped out the dinosaurs! It's original creators took note of the havoc it was causing and locked it up. Many, many, many years passed, and the Ījuacol had broken free to kill the first man and his brethren. Unfortunately for the misanthropic monster, the Ice Age had come, and it couldn't function under cold temperatures. It now lies hidden in a lost tundra, waiting for a chance to strike.