Show me your goat or goat themed OCs!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by Bidoofs

Apologies if there's already a thread like this, I had a look but I couldn't see one!

I'd love to see all of your goat or goat themed characters. Ferals, anthros, kemonomimi - they're all welcome here! 

Bring on the goats!


Billy yulecat

No name for this guy yet (suggestions appreciated) but here's my 70's rock music loving ram


my name

Huckleberry yulecat

asdfdfh I've already posted here but I have a new one, here's Huckleberry

Seki Wolvenhyde

Seki is a bear/goat hybrid :P

Arethusa wolfwantsred

Ary is a satyr and also a death...lord? She's a death goddess at least, lol. Only instead of souls it's the threads of fate/life


This thread:


Katla SlyAsAFox

i hope she counts as a goat ; o ; Katla got some goat features..undead arabian ghula mix


4x the goat (horns). Quad or No Name

[$25] Galico [6art] Seiden

Galico is meant to be goat-based.... He has a goat head, at least.


I don't have goat characters but just saying this thread makes Arthur cry


@Dangerine sorry Arthur but all of these goats are good boys and girls and I love them