Show me pink characters :0

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 years, 9 months ago) by -bluejay-

Which site theme do you prefer between the two?

108 Votes Teal
180 Votes Pink

They can be either characters with lots of pink in their design, or just characters who like pink!

Pink's not my favorite color but it deserves more appreciation :0

I'll try to favorite a character from everyone! If you have more than one that you wanna show me, please put the link to all of their bios in one post to keep this thread from getting too crazy!


goofball htespagheti

goofball and taffy r my pinkest ocs!!

Lucille Lunetha lilligant

a lot of my characters are pink because it's my favorite color lmao but lulu gets triple extra bonus points for her MAJESTIC MANE of FLOOFY PINK CURLS

Selene Accela

she’s pink AND teal :p

Theomila BRADLEY

Mila is one of my pinker ocs!!

 Cotton Candy Vashkareeth

my sweet jelly-moth, Cece



Usheen Mossolith

Usheen isn't entirely pink but he has a good bit of it in his design and likes the color, his color palette was based off of a pink/orange colored sunset! 

Shea clockrobber

Pink! That's his best quality. 

Maia Brightstar 0950

Oh yes, a lot of pink !

Chance Basscarrier

His skin is pink, does it count?

 Saline sterlinging

100% Saline. Also, my fuschia blooded fantroll Ayalus, just by proxy. cx

🌺Selena Lopez🌺 Kill3r-Qu33n

Selena wears a long pink skirt and always has pink lawn flamingos!