Show me characters that smoke/drink!

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by xminheehee

Out of a sudden I'm curious to see what OCs smoke and/or drink. 

michiko and gesaku smoke cigarettes. michiko drank once and got drunk and never tried drinking again. she is a heavier smoker than ayami and gesaku combined - she smokes like 3-4 cigarettes per day. ayami vapes. 

michiko smokes weed, too. 

Max the Jackalope MaxwellJacks

Max is basically an alcoholic, has been blackout drunk several times

Doesn't do cigarettes but smokes weed a ton

Also he's a prescription drug abuser, that's his main thing

Overall a lot to work with


taiki's pretty much a chain smoker for most of his early life and never fully kicks the habit, in spite of his best interests, even with his wife's support; he does manage to cut down massively though for the sake of his family. 

josephine, unlike taiki, only smokes in times of great duress. she hates the smell of cigarette smoke and loathes the fact she ever developed a taste for them.

dae developed a drinking problem when she was very young in order to cope with her poor home life. she has her ups and downs. i like to think that one day she gets proper help but its never been rped or anything.

and to put a stop to this pity parade, there's eino who drinks socially but never in excess if he can help it!

Ariamon endiria

Started to smoke when he was a 14 years old homeless rat

he's such a trash

Virgel Vincent TheReverendSerpent

Virgil here smokes 

(I swear if he wasn't immortal, he would be dealing with major lung problems) 

Shift WolfenCaticus

Shift, despite having some damn terrible asthma, will smoke a pack of cigarettes in one day if given the chance, and get's super cranky without her smokes. She also drinks pretty habitually, not always to get full on drunk, but still.

Derek Leonhardt corvidology

i have this guy

Tessa Mann cozylittleartblog

Tessa smokes and drinks all the time, but she probably wouldn't so much if it actually had much of an effect on her health. Immortality has it's perks I guess, but it doesn't stop some people from being worried for her. Clara and James both smoke every now and again too, but only because it was so socially common in their time. They were also brought up during prohibition so Clara doesn't drink very often just by habit, but James occasionally helped his father with bootlegging (don't tell the cops, he still tries to keep it a secret even though alcohol's been legal for a year now ;P) and hung around speakeasies. He still has the occasional drink, but he rarely gets drunk.


Jun drinks a lot...of carbonated lemonades.  She doesn't like alcoholic stuff, because she believes are unhealthy so she drowns her pain in sour and carbonated stuff       

Jess Jules

Occasionally smokes when she feels like it. More of a social smoker though, and has no addiction whatsoever.

Joseph Ragali Necronomeow

Joseph can and will both smoke and drink someone under the table. His tolerance for it is insane.

Captor TheTwistedReality

Captor has gotten thrown out of more bars than he can count on his hands, of which he has four. Each time he's been thrown out, there's been a cigar between his teeth.