
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by chunsieur



Base Price: $0
Artist: pUpilS
Designer: pUpilS
Creation Type: Special MYO
Rarity: Common

Masterlist images may be updated to reflect new redesigns. Please post a comment on the ML forum post with the new image and proof of redesign approval.


Please reply comment to this comment with the forum below when updating ownership for this character. Trades/resale/gifts are not official unless documented on the ML post.

Current Owner: (your username)
New Owner: (who you're trading to)
Method of Transfer: (trade, resale, gift, etc.)


Original Owner:pUpilS


Please reply to this comment with approved redesigns to update the ML photo.

Redesign Approval Proof:
New Image: (link only)