👥 NPC Catalogue

Posted 3 years, 14 days ago (Edited 2 months, 30 days ago) by HannahBug

🌿 Susie 🌿

🌳 Bumpytown: Billevilent, Jayden, Lilly, Nan, The Alchemist, Bree, Winslow, Bettle, Logan, Rosemary, Lake Keke, Wallow, Koi Wintergreen, Coraline, Embert, Sam, Marimill, Kovu, Stubby, Cassie
🌲 Uptree: Sasha and Maria, Scout, Amelia, Dr. Worm, Benny, Lacquer, Blanchir, Wit Wull 'O Way, Will Wull 'O Way, Abbie, Skit, Dot
🌺 Artisan City: Stub, Hanson, Barley, Gummy, Cyra, Bavis, Marilyn, Andie, Pawel, Moby, Missi, Bones, Cannoli, Smokey, Remmy, Hattie, Jambalaya, Nicola, Rumi, Daz
🌲 Flewcoop: Custard, Twig, Olivia-Faye, Loretta, William, Maranda, Cocoa, Harbor, Amantha, Reinhart
🌴 Fliptide & Villa Isle: Hello, Edith (and Missus), Jen, Maple, Aubrey, Terrin, Spoons
🌲 Undercover: Amos, Herman, May May, Scampi, Fetty, Mach, Big, Dave
⚠️ Wyeast: Ander

Miscellaneous: Bread Guy, Merdia, Rubin, Natson Goodall, PJ, IO, MJ, AI, AJ, JJ, TM, EY, OH, Stripe, Kai'in (hollowed), She (hollowed), Last of Dark

🌹 That He Made For Us 🌹

⚠️ The Awoken Providence: Black is the Night, Crystals in the Riverbed, Close to Me, Cloud of Ash, Fire in the Sky, Through Golden Leaves, Never Grows Up, Sleeps With Open Eyes, Trips Over Paws

Miscellaneous: Words That Bite

🌳 Fluffy 🌳

???: Ay'mah, Koa'on, Liu'mii, Sai'ya, Maou'tin


NPC-Billevilent.pngName: Billevilent (Billy/Bill/Levy)
Pronouns: He/him or xe/xim/xis
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~34)
Morph: Goblin
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Cairns
Magic: None
Castoff: Glow
Pouch ability: Useable level

Occupation: Janitor
Location: Bumpytown, nursery
Upgrades: Head fluff, heat pits, ear morph, buffalo wings, thumbs, paw shaper, beans, multiple arms, brows, loops, snaggletooth, shed, tiny horns, claws, stinger, Eye of the Beholder
Personality: Billevilent is a silent type of guy, only talking when talked to, except for his grumpy mumbling. If you stick around long enough, he'll open up a little to you though, and maybe tell you a story. He's always a little grumpy because he has to clean up after all of these kids that are always breaking vases, tracking in mud, and spilling flour all over the kitchen. He's a really nice guy, just a bit grumpy because the kids love to cling to him and make messes. If he doesn't have any work to do right away he'll play a quick game of hide-and-seek or tag. Although he may grumble while he works, he loves his job

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Jayden.pngName: Jayden (Joe)
Pronouns: He/him
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~25)
Morph: Reach
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Cooking
Magic: None
Castoff: Cheese trail
Pouch ability: Base level

Occupation: Chef
Location: Bumpytown, nursery
Upgrades: Head fluff, nostrils, thumbs, ear morph, bonus teeth, fuzziness, lil horns, claws, fluff edits, slices, beans, scale loss, Eye of the Beholder, sizzle skin
Personality: Jayden is a happy go lucky guy that absolutely adores children. Although he's usually happy he does have his bad days. Joe can be heard whistling in the kitchen and telling jokes to anyone who will listen. He enjoys his job to high heaven and usually shows up early to make treats for the kids. Joe grows most of the products the nursery uses at his home, which he prides himself in very much. Jayden can get a bit flirty at times, hence his apron's design, but not too often

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Lilly.pngName: Lilly
Pronouns: She/her
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~29)
Morph: Fae
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Frosting cookies
Magic: Heat (starter)
Castoff: Charming
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Foster care nurse
Location: Bumpytown, nursery
Upgrades: Head fluff, heat pits, thumbs, ears morph, bonus teeth, paw changer, tiny horns, scale shaper, smooth mouth, fluff edits, brows, freckles, snaggle tooth, baby fin, Eye of the Beholder
Personality: Lilly is a very kind keke. She loves making cookies, reading, or doing small chores around the nursery as a pass time. She adores kids, hence the reason she chose the job she currently hand. She can be strict and stern when provoked or when the children are rambunctious. She will gladly give any baby keke a piggy-back-ride or hold them in her arms

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Nan.pngName: Nan
Pronouns: Ey/em/eir
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~21)
Morph: Joey
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Candy making
Magic: None
Castoff: Wisp
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Healer
Location: Bumpytown, healer's
Upgrades: Head fluff, ear morph, claws, baby horns, fluff edits, slices, blepper, and tail tuft
Personality: Nan's mute, but that doesn't get in the way of eir cheerful mood. Ey are great at breaking up tension in the air and love seeing new faces. Optimist who mostly cares for children because ey work so well with them. Maybe some of that has to do with the candy ey pass out, but regardless-- Eir very supportive of kids (or older keke) that are spooked by the concept of healers and what they do and tries to find fun ways to get eir job done in typical doctor fashion

Designer: HannahBug


NPC-The-Alchemist.pngName: Unknown. Commonly referred to as "The Alchemist"
Pronouns: He/him, they/them
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~40)
Morph: Reach
Blood type: Cold

Art type: Etching wood
Magic: Water (rank 2), shadow (starter), heat (rank 1)
Castoff: Tendrils
Pouch ability: Base level

Occupation: Healer
Location: Bumpytown, Alchemist's Raft
Upgrades: Head fluff, heat pits, Eye of the Beholder, ear morph, feathered wings, thumbs, beans, drowsiness, and freckles
Personality: He does not like people, they exhaust him. Very easily stressed out by pretty much everything so, to keep a lid on it, he smokes enough to fog up his little shack. Aloof and keeps any interactions brief and cold in hopes of appearing rude enough to ward people off. The vast majority of his time is spent trying to perfect potions or discover new ones. Most of the time, he can't keep them from going stale before any use comes of them

Designer: HannahBug


NPC-Bree.pngName: Bree
Pronouns: Mainly goes by they/them, but will also use he/him on occasion
Type: Regular
Age phase: Youth (~16)
Morph: N/A
Blood type: Cold

Art type: Crochet
Magic: Earth (starter)
Castoff: Glow
Pouch ability: Useable level

Occupation: Pond tender
Location: Bumpytown, egg pond/nursery
Upgrades: Bedhead, blotches, fin shreds, freckles, fluff edits, brows, scale shaper, paw changer, gills
Personality: Quiet and shy, but kind. Often seems drowsy, but that's just how they are. Bree spends every day possible just the way the like it: hanging around the egg pond and watching for hatchlings. They love being around kids and open up more around them than they would around older keke. Never seems to make any sudden movements and has a near ridiculous amount of patience. They help ease hatchlings onto dry land as well as fish out ones who may not be able to get out and comfort the more emotional ones

Designer: HannahBug


NPC-Winslow.pngName: Winslow (Win/Winnie)
Pronouns: He/him
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~36)
Morph: Reach
Blood type: Warm
Spouse: Bettle

Art type: Creating displays of other's art
Magic: None
Castoff: Bubbles
Pouch ability: Base level

Occupation: Owns and runs the art gallery
Location: Bumpytown, art gallery
Upgrades: Ear morph, paw changer, thumbs, soft nose, slices, basic horns, jagged wings
Personality: Win's enthusiastic about everything. Like, really enthusiastic. Especially about art though, it's his passion. He personally doesn't do much of it, but he does make sure everybody else's works are displayed to their full potential (at the perfect angle, with the perfect lighting, in the perfect place--). Busy body who comes up with more than enough activities for everyone (even though that's the rec center's job...). Very friendly and will listen to anything you tell him. Wants to make sure you're able to do your best!

Designer: HannahBug


NPC-Bettle.pngName: *Bettle (pronounced Bee-tul)
Pronouns: She/her
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~38)
Morph: Reach
Blood type: Cold
Spouse: Winslow

Art type: Pushups
Magic: None
Castoff: War paint
Pouch ability: Base level

Occupation: Rec Center owner
Location: Bumpytown, rec center
Upgrades: Brow morph, thumbs, ear morph, paw changer, claws, slices, fuzziness, lil horns, scale shaper, fluff edits, soft nose, tail tuft, beans, feral stripes, more scales
Personality: Bettle is one of the most excitable keke in Bumpytown. Bettle is obsessed with exercise, physical activities, and her husband Winslow. As Bettle is very passionate about determination, health, and inspiration she tries to help all keke alike to have a good grasp on all things that cost energy. She can often be found doing exercise in her free time or devising a workout to teach other keke. She takes her job very seriously, though self-appointed at first as a free-lance workout trainer, Bumpytown soon found a place for her amongst them
*Her name is actually spelled Beetle, but she's misspelled it her whole life and has forgotten that it's actually her real name.

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Stubby.pngName: Stubby
Pronouns: Xe/xir
Type: Zenith (Charm)
Age phase: Adult (~31)
Morph: Mer
Blood type: Cold

Art type: Tying knots
Magic: None
Castoff: Bubbles
Pouch ability: Base level

Occupation: Fisher (??)
Location: Bumpytown, docks
Upgrades: Ear morph, slices, shed, loops, blepper, gills, danger fin, Color Bomb
Personality: Stubby is a chatter-box, xe's always up for any kind of conversation. Stubby, as xir name suggests, is very stubborn and usually can't be budged on xir opinions or beliefs. Most of the time xe can be found swimming in the water, being tangled in xir nets, or sitting on the docks. When Stubby isn't doing that xe can be found catching (and throwing back) small fish. Xe isn't viewed the best in town.

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Lacquer.pngName: Lacquer
Pronouns: They/them
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~27)
Morph: Joey
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Whittling
Magic: None
Castoff: Flames
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Teacher
Location: Uptree, Tree House
Upgrades: Head fluff, thumbs, ear morph, paw changer, claws, loops, fuzziness, scale shaper, blepper, tail tuft, beans, extended mane, stripe pupils, danger fin, glowing eyes, colored belly scales
Personality: Lacquer is very careful around people, hiding in shadows, hissing, and arching their back. They don't seem to relax even in the presence of small keke hatchlings. They always keep a dagger on them and their hand flinches to it often. When speaking about themself, they switch between using "Lacquer" and I/me pronouns. Lacquer teaches a class on self-defense and hunting most of the time to the string of children constantly flowing in and out of their classroom, but other lessons such as math, reading, and writing are occasionally taught as well. They are very defensive about their position as a teacher and often scowls and threatens anyone attempting to usurp their position.

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Cyra.pngName: Cyra
Pronouns: It/its
Type: Exoskeletal
Age phase: Adult (~20)
Morph: Strider
Blood type: Warm

Art type: Making small stick structures
Magic: Air (rank 2), heat (rank 2), and fire (rank 2)
Castoff: Beams
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Airship pilot
Location: Artisan City, Airport
Upgrades: Thumbs, freckles, simple pupil, paw changer, nub tail, blepper, sections, glamorous hair, missing paw
Personality: Cyra is a very playful keke, always chatting with people and carrying fidget toys. It can't sit still, even when piloting an airship. Other than its horrible habit of always wanting to move it is really kind and sweet, always making exceptions for people and going out of its way to help.

Designer: AlleyBalley


NPC-Kai-in-Hollowed.pngName: Kai'in (k eye ' in)
Pronouns: Per/pers
Type: Legend
Age phase: Adult, exact age unknown
Morph: Unknown
Blood type: No blood in this form

Art type: None
Magic: Unknown
Castoff: Wisp
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Legend...?
Location: Varies
Upgrades: Sabers, uni horn, glowing eyes, claws
Personality: Kai'in is aggressive, though not usually with the intent to attack. Per seems much more interested in causing a general stir and scaring people about some sort of 'curse'. Per's incredibly elusive and tends to only appear to small groups of keke at a time. Never expresses 'positive' emotions such as sympathy, friendliness, and so on. Has a hot temper that's very easily set off

Designer: HannahBug

⭕ This is the hollowed version of Kai'in, seen before the Pierce the Veil event takes place. After this happens, per returns to their whole form


NPC-Kai-in-Whole.pngName: Kai'in (k eye ' in)
Pronouns: Per/pers
Type: Legend
Age phase: Adult, exact age unknown
Morph: Unknown
Blood type: Warm

Art type: None
Magic: Unknown
Castoff: Wisp
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Legend...?
Location: Varies
Upgrades: Sabers, uni horn, glowing eyes, claws, leafy dragon scales, hazy markings, freckles, pupils, spooky vapor, fuzziness, head fluff, fluff edits, scale loss, blepper, outside ribs, paw changer
Personality: Upon being restored, Kai'in is much more reserved and hesitant than per originally was. Per is quite confused, as per can't really remember much about perself at all. As such, per spends much of per time pondering and trying to recall the past. Per's nicer than per was before, but in a faltering, unsure sort of way. Feels that per is meant to guard something and so per often patrols random areas, trying to find per purpose. Still has a fierce, firey temper, though it's harder to set off now

Designer: HannahBug

⭕ This is the whole version of Kai'in, seen after the Pierce the Veil event takes place. Before this happens, per is in per hollowed form


NPC-Never-Grows-Up.pngName: Never Grows Up
Pronouns: Ey/em/eir
Sex: Shiny
Type: Child of Shivelight
Royal: No
Age phase: Adult (~22)
Morph: Fence

Magic: Speechcraft
Occupation: It's implied they ey make their living through dubious means, though how ey do this is harder to nail down
Location: The Awoken Providence, though ey often wander on Susie
Upgrades: Ear morph, sun monster scales, baby horns, notch scars, thumbs, fluff edits, wiggly tail, paw changer, grabbies, claws, brows, short stature
Personality: Never Grows Up is sly, coy, and cunning. Ey prey on those who are naïve or down on their luck in order to get what's best out of a situation for eirself. Usually wearing a smirk and prone to suspicious giggling through eir teeth (that sounds an awful lot like hissing). Eir never held back by silly things such as ""rules"" or ""laws"" and will do exactly as ey please. Eir incredibly slippery and good at covering eir tracks. Most people are highly suspicious of em, but at the same time, there's no proof...

Designer: HannahBug



NPC-Koi-Wintergreen.pngName: Koi Wintergreen
Pronouns: She/her
Type: Regular
Age phase: Adult (~36)
Morph: Joey
Blood type: Cold

Art type: Leatherworking
Magic: None
Castoff: Cheese
Pouch ability: Refined level

Occupation: Guild founder (Haveners)
Location: Bumpytown
Upgrades: Head fluff, nostrils, brows, thumbs, ear morph, pupils, paw changer, claws, shed, fuzziness, fluff edits, blepper, bib scales, muzzle, tail tuft, beans, rib fingers, piebald, spine spikes, candied belly scales
Personality: Slightly anxious and might be a bit fidgety, but if she's doing her job right, you'd never know. Friendly and determined, but not overbearing. Very quick to cringe away from rudeness and she will not give you more than two chances to stop being a jerk. As a guild founder, she's often at the end of any negativity it may receive, but isn't about to let any of that change her mind. Stubborn in her ways, so don't even bother

Designer: HannahBug