🐎 Bestiary

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 days, 15 hours ago) by HannahBug

🌿 Bestiary 🌿

There are many animals that roam around the world, free to do as they please. Mostly, Snakekeys are against the idea of taming animals out of respect. They wouldn't want to force anything on them! Because of this, wildlife can't really be assigned tasks or even expected to follow simple commands. Upon discovering they could communicate with animals, Snakekeys' relationship with the local fauna has gotten much more complex. Creatures can now be kept as pets, used as beasts of burden, ridden, trained, and so on! With their new knowledge, they can simply tell when a creature is displeased with its situation, allowing for easy adaptation (and sometimes even persuasion)

🐑 Farmable: Black Hole Doe, Bluff Puff, Bubblebee, Skibble, Whinoodle
🐕 Pets: Fishee, Frogdog, Glowis Major, Glowis Minor, Sample Snap, Sugar Baby, Vyis, All-Seeing Eye, Twolips, Stutterfly, Bigfoot Minor, Warped Frogdog, The Out Valley Fuzzling, Sweetie Pie, Sheepsdog
🐎 Mounts: Breadbutter, Greater Pyrus, Whinoodle, Sheepsdog

😊 Friendly
All-Seeing Eye, Bigfoot Minor, Blizzard, Frogdog, Glowis Major, Glowis Minor, Greater Pyrus, Kookatrice, Lowl, Puffin, Squeakbeast, Stutterfly, Sugar Baby, Sweetie Pie, The Out Valley Fuzzling, Vendosaur, Vyis, Warped Frogdog, Wistul, Wurrtroll (day), Wurrwulf (day), Wybaaht, Xilgenaut

😐 Passive
Bauble Bug, Black Hole Doe, Beetleshell, Bobbirb, Booted Beany, Breadbutter, Bubblebee, Catch-Me-Not, Cloaked Beany, Crested Grazer, Deeble, Duffalop, Feather Bird, Fishee, Giant Fruuf, Goqui, Harvestman, Hooded Beany, Ilinook, Lady Fish, Moadora, Quillrend, Sample Snap, Scarlet-Beaked Nillbird, Screetin, Scrumbsaur, Skibble, Sleepysaur, Smirtee, Snoreosaur, Soupopod, Springhop, Squinnikit, Stonetooth Felis, Tiptap, Toothback, Tree-Eater, Tricatch, Unipede, Waving Buzzar, Whinoodle

😒 Wary
Bluff Puff, Butter, Clothesline Lemid, Floral Tetra, Fringer, Froad, Fruuf, Mountain Husk Doe, Pterrurfly, Puffii, Realmsi, Sheepsdog, Shruump, Sip Skip, Ted Tap-Foot, Trotling, Twolips, Unimaeus, Wisp, Wubudu, Wurrtroll (night), Yippolai

😡 Hostile
Grabbus, Heavodon, Plains Crawler, Sheeps, Snarlaptor, Spotter, Suckerfish, Sunwater Skewer, Veianrora, Veisvora, Wurrwulf (night)

🐕 Pets: Brown Hunde, Serpent Hunde
🐎 Mounts: Brown Hunde (keke-sized riders), Keeper of Small Blades, Scalecrown

😊 Friendly
Brown Hunde, Serpent Hunde, Twodigit

😐 Passive 
Diggle Wurm, Greatwurm, Keeper of Small Blades, Scalecrown, Shorehook, Tender Wing, Wings that Ripple

😒 Wary 
Black and Tan Kilpe, Grazing Kilpe, Swim-Hoof

😡 Hostile
Tendril of Blades

🌌 Spacers: Striker Spacer, Vendari Spacer

😊 Friendly
Rooter, Striker Spacer, Vendari Spacer

😐 Passive 

😒 Wary 
Xass Nibbler, Mokkin, Common Hun

😡 Hostile
Biting Pin

🐕 Pets: Fuzzlyt

😊 Friendly

😐 Passive 

😒 Wary 

😡 Hostile




🌾 31: Sandrunner (SR). Creation ☀️ Obtained through: The Flipside 🖍️ Suggested by Beepbeepmeow12345!
🌾 32: Slugger (Slug). Still WIP! 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 33: Fairy Pondskipper. It's a mystery 👻
🌾 34: Astral (Stra). Anticipated the be the next Patreon early release 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 35: Who's to say

🥝 36: Reserved for Enchanted
🥝 37:
🥝 38:
🥝 39:
🥝 40:

Tab-pane fane in cannot include 'active show' when copy-pasted or it will...active show



These does are known to be stubborn, defensive, and determined. They usually live in mountainous areas, but can also be found in fields. Their herds are always watchful and collectively protect the lambs. Each doe grows a rocky armor that may vary in shape. This can actually be harvested and used as building material, as it will grow back with time. Usually, they don't feel like sharing, though. They don't particularly care for Snakekeys and will attack if given a reason to. Have a reputation for charging and taking on predators, as their armor makes them very difficult to bite down on. Pelts are usually brown and always brindle



Large, greyscale lapdogs lizards with vibrantly colored mouths, tongues, tail fins, and (when inflated) underbellies. Supposedly, these are warning colors, but for what is unclear. They're not venomous or hostile or anything. In fact, they love Snakekeys. They act like hyper dogs around them, moving quickly and barking excitedly. They also have a tendency to crawl onto creatures, whether they're bigger than them or not. They eat nectar and pollen, but usually in a less graceful manner than expected (ie, they're just sitting around munching flowers)


Xass-Nibbler.pngXass Nibblers are tiny Xavierian "bugs", being only a centimeter long, that feed on Xass' velvet. This doesn't hurt the plants themselves, making the little guys essentially harmless. They use their hand-like feet to cling to foliage while their armored back plates provide them some defense. Their armor is purple or pink to blend in the with Xass' coloration and covered in tiny spikes to mimic the appearance of the plants' velvet. These spikes might deter tiny predators, but are totally harmless to something larger, such as a keke. Nibblers are capable of storing excess nutrients in their chubby little bodies, so they often busy themselves with eating until they're round enough to safely last a while without new food. They live anywhere there's Xass and only those areas. They're not aggressive to keke, but they are quite defenseless in comparison, so they typically hunker and pretend they're not there. A Nibbler's blood color depends on it's diet, and is thusly pink or purple


Mokkin.pngMokkin [mow-kin] are large Xaverian herbivores, adapted to consume the nutrient poor Xass via a multichambered digestive system. Despite having a few rounded teeth on the outsides of their mouths, they swallow Xass whole to save energy that would be used chewing the tough flesh. Their tongues are lined with two rows of large keratin spikes as well as coated with smaller barbs not visible unless one looks very closely. This helps them easily rip mouthfuls of food from the ground without wasting time nibbling on little bits. Of course, it also... tends to result in them eating a lot of dirt. In place of eyes, ears, or noses, they have rhinophores that allow them to 'taste' and 'smell' the air. These are constantly coated in a secreted mucus to aid them in the catching of informative particles. Being quite vulnerable and the animals only method of navigating its environment, rhinophores can be tucked up against the head for better protection. If badly damaged or totally removed, a Mokkin is likely dead in the water without outside help. Thankfully, they're not often attacked due to their hulking size and somewhat toughened skin. For further defense, their skin is pink or purple and pattered with large, giraffe-like spots to help them blend in with the fields of Xass they feed on

While all Mokkins have small horns on their jaws, elbows, and tail tips, environmental pressures can cause dimorphism resulting in larger horns more equipped for battling it out. Each animal is capable of both producing and developing offspring, but they're unable to self-fertilize. If an animal suffers hardship while carrying a baby such as lack of food or significant predation, the child will be born with larger horns in hopes of better surviving in what is perceived as a hostile environment. While Mokkin are fairly solitary, living alone or in small groups, they aren't very territorial. As such, large-horned animals often act as roaming vigilantes, defending groups in need in exchange for resources

Mokkin are plantigrade with semi-mobile hands used mainly for locomotion. Their horns are typically purple, pink, or bone-colored while their rhinophores may be any color. It's speculated that rhinophore coloration aids in deciding on a mate, but each Mokkin seems to have a personal preference (which is sometimes passed to offspring). Their insides are blue, yellow, or a combination of both. They are slightly wary of keke and the more easily agitated may prove hostile, but overall they seem to simply prefer to be left alone. It's not uncommon for an approached animal to simply walk a distance away if disturbed and then resume its business


Rooter.pngRooters are Xaverian "insectivores" equipped with peculiarly shaped heads. On the underside of their swooping muzzles are two thin, toothless mouths. Each mouth is equipped with a long, narrow, and sticky tongue that is only just small enough to slip in and out of the mouths, which lack the muscle to open themselves. These black tongues dart delicately around plant life and into the burrows of tiny creatures in search of food. Additionally, tongues are scent receptors in place of nostrils. Animals primarily linger around Xass to consume Xass Nibblers while also borrowing protection from Mokkins. They're capable of foraging in spinier foliage thanks to their tough nose pad which is kept moist due to mucus to help them regulate their temperatures. Their feet are not actually hooves, but elongated calloused pads evolved after generations of having overly soft, easily damaged feet. The old padded feet were used to sense vibrations, but this sense is now significantly numbed

Rooters are purplish-brown in coloration with a distinct fur pattern. Their underbellies are lighter with shoulder and eye stripes of a matching color. Their back sides are darker and often with visible ticking. Their feet and fleshier areas are greyish in appearance while their eyes are black, dark brown, or dark purple. Their tongues are black despite their insides being a rich wine color. All animals are capable of both producing and carrying offspring, but cannot self-fertilize. They almost always have twins with triplets or singletons being equally rare. They're quite friendly and will occasionally trot up to keke unprompted to ask for pets


Biting-Pin.pngThe Biting Pin is a tiny, parasitic Xavierian "bug" typically of pale, sallow coloration, though they are capable of slight color change to adapt to a host. Their backs and necks are protected by rust-red armor plates that prevent them from being easily detached from the skin. They also have a small "beak" plate on their faces despite having no mouth to speak of. A long siphon on their heads is injected into the host, after which they employ a series of pumping 'veins' to draw in blood for consumption. Tiny, two-fingered feet with long claws aid them in latching on to a surface while the back legs have become vestigial paddles. Pins typically hide on elongated plants that a host will brush up against, depositing the bug on their bodies. As they're only half a centimeter long, a few creatures pose no problem to the average host, however as long as there are two of them, they're capable of reproducing very quickly. Strangely, they're very territorial creatures and will split into separate colonies on an animal's body. If bugs from different colonies get too close, they'll risk detaching their siphons to try and joust each other off. On rare occasions, a Pin infestation will totally remove itself due to infighting alone. Colonies will very rarely kill a host, as growing to a certain size is detrimental to the bug for these reasons. They live only in warm temperate to arid areas, being incredibly intolerant to cold. As such, they can easily be detached by using ice or cold water

Bright red eyes and beaks are considered an iconic parasitic feature to Xavierians due to these itty bitty pests


Common-Hun.pngThe Common Hun is a small Xavierian predator. They're small and light on their feet, making them fast and agile. Their wide, paddle-like tails help them navigate while sprinting while their large claws give them a good grip on the ground. Their front claws are retractable to help keep them sharp while the back claws have grown to totally replace the fingers. All of their claws as well as their teeth are constantly growing, so they often scratch at trees or rocks to keep them pointy and the proper length. Huns are pack hunters, typically going after small to medium-sized prey and living in groups of five to ten. They use their two long fang teeth, which jut out due to their lack of a lower jaw, to repeatedly stab their prey, often in the legs, until it is too injured to run anymore. After prey collapses, they'll stand on top of it, using digestive pads on the undersides of their feet to digest and absorb nutrients. This isn't the fastest process, so Huns often have to fiercely defend their kills from scavengers or other predators

The underside of the animal's upper jaw is hairless, dry, and tough skin of a pink coloration. Their fur is usually brightly colored, being pink, purple, orange, blue, and - rarely- green or white. They feature saddle and mask patterns accompanied by lighter underbellies, leg striping, nose spots, or socks. The eyes are often vibrant and feature a slit pupil to help them see prey through taller vegetation. Huns inhabit temperate to arid areas, favoring wide, open fields where they can run for long stretches. All animals are capable of producing and carrying offspring, but cannot self-fertilize. They are wary towards Snakekeys, typically making threatening gestures before scampering off. One should exercise caution as a large, ambitious pack is capable of taking a keke down 


Gulora.pngGuloras are Xavierian herbivores living in forested or jungled areas. They are typically dull in coloration, being brown, grey, murky purple, grey-green, or dusty yellow with large, long, blotchy white spots on the face and hindquarters. Their three-fingered trunks allow them to grasp and uproot plants such as Giant Tubules with ease, which they'll spend a great deal of time passively munching on. Their large mouths allow for a lot of food intake at once, so they often choose food sources that appear quite ambitious. They lack noses, eyes, and ears using instead whiskers on their trunks and feet and sensory cerata on their necks for navigation. Two thick, antler-like growths protrude from the chest which are used for fighting and uprooting particularly stubborn plants. Thanks to their large chest muscles, they're capable of impressive bursts of speed, though they rarely utilize this, as it's not viable for them to be dashing all over

A Gulora's cerata is often vibrantly colored, but will still attempt to blend in with the surrounding vegetation. Thusly, it's often purple, pink, blue, or green. All animals are capable of both producing and carrying offspring, but can't self-fertilize. Animals only have one infant over long spans of time, so they're very protective of their young. It's not uncommon for them to feature increased hostility when caring for a baby. They may live solitarily or in small groups of two to four, sometimes five. They generally do not care about Snakekeys and will ignore them for the most part


Sw-im-Hoof.pngSwim-Hoofs are HisBorne semi-aquatic ungulates. They're adapted for eating underwater foliage in many ways, but this leaves them very vulnerable on land. The legs end in three-fingered paddles, though those in the hind legs are larger and wider than those on the front. This adaptation leaves them almost completely unable to stand. When not in the water, animals will rarely drag themselves further than the shores of their home. They're covered in oily, water-resistant fur that is typically brown, green, or yellow on top while blue on the undersides. They may also feature dappling. Their ears can be pinned to their head to keep out water and their nostrils can be likewise sealed. Animals cannot breathe underwater and will have to return to the surface approximately hourly for air. There are two filters on the muzzle used to expel water from the mouth when eating, filled with tiny bristles that keep food in. Teeth consist of three grinding plates on each jaw - one in front and one on each side. Eyes are very large with round pupils to see in the low light underwater. They're rimmed with a large 'eyelid' that closes around the majority of the eye when on land to cope with the brighter environment. Eye coloration can be blue, white, or yellow

Animals are fairly small, being 2' feet tall (if they were able to stand upright) and incredibly skittish. When not actively feeding, they'll lie on shores in herds of no fewer than five, attempting to camouflage. In groups, there are commonly 2, 3, or more assigned scouts to watch for danger. At the first sight of such, there will be much honking (imagine goose+goat), and darting off into the water at high speeds. This reaction extends to Shive and keke. Only tolerant to temperate areas


Greater-Pyrus.png🖍️ Species bought from alleyballey

The Greater Pyrus is a Susish animal that kekes kind of...accidentally domesticated a long time ago! The Pyrus learned that keke would take pretty good care of them. All they had to do was be nice! And so be nice they did. Pyrus love Snakekeys. They're best friends. They have a relationship akin to dogs and humans. Even animals that have returned to the wild won't mind if a keke approaches

These creatures are majorly detritivores, feeding on dead or decaying matter. As such, they normally live in forested areas where there's plenty of leaf litter to much on. Their tiny mouths hold three odontophores - little extendable raspers to strip things like algae off rocks or dead skin off animals. The spikes on these things however are so small that to a regular keke, they'll just tickle. Their bodies are covered with a huge abundance of long fur, but this doesn't result in overheating due to these hairs being... pathetically thin. Air goes right through it, making Pyrus incredibly poor suited to live in cooler areas. Animals have scent glands by their eyes that they use to communicate things such as danger or territories. They can also send messages and express emotions in this way. Scent is vital for individuals, as they lack any sort of mechanism with which to vocalize. A large protrusion runs along the sides underneath the fur. It remains moist and serves to regulate body temperature, breathe, and smell. They have thick, prominently jointed legs with camel-like hooves, allowing them to more easily traverse rocky areas. Their bodies are overall fairly thick and muscular beneath the poofy coat

Pyrus are grey, though they may be any shade of such (including white and black). They commonly feature markings such as tear-like stripes, ear rings or backs, countershading, dorsal stripes, and ticking around the feet, but others are possible. For example, one may see spotting akin to piebald, dun striping, and dappling. Eyes may be green, blue, grey, brown, yellow, and orange. They have horizontal pupils to aid them in scanning their surroundings, as they are prey animals to larger or pack-hunting predators. Their backs are very strong and their gaits especially smooth (though not bump-less), making them excellent mounts. Keke emphasize comfort with tack, ensuring their trusty steeds are unchafed. Due to the thin, silky quality of their fur, straps and the like can quickly cause soreness and hair loss if not padded properly. The side vents also must not be fully covered so that the Pyrus doesn't lose one of its vital senses or suffer breathing difficulties. Properly cared for animals are generally quite willing to take their keke friends on a ride

⭕ These are limited mounts and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Tendril-of-Blades.pngThe Tendril of Blades is a HisBorne animal, standing around nine to twelve feet tall at the shoulder. These beasts are apex predators, taking full advantage of their sheer size and strength.  Bulky heads are equipped with long trunks that are useless aside from being a weapon, as nostrils are located on the forehead. The underside of the trunk is lined with "runaway" skull plates, each producing a pair of teeth that puncture the skin. Tendrils use these to grasp and kill prey as well as fight among themselves. There's a mane of stiff hairs along the spine which can be raised to further make the beast look more imposing. The feet are adapted hooves, being slightly claw-like in order to better grip the ground and propel their heavy bodies forwards. Considering their size, they are ambush hunters, though their speed should not be underestimated. They're capable of outrunning prey if they don't have to navigate tight corners. Agility is far from their strong suit. Front-facing eyes and large, dish-shaped ears are designed for training in on their next meal

While animals don't have sexes in the human sense, they still feature sexual dimorphism. Males have longer tusks and manes, a prominent shoulder hump with a thicker neck to support it, a nose tuft, and small lower tusks that protrude from the mouth. Females are smaller in size with shorter tusks and manes. They have a prominent nose ridge, through which poke two "horns". These horns are actually the lower canines, grown long enough to puncture the skull through. Males tend to wander while females will often set up territories. Animals are highly aggressive towards those of their own kind and fights to the death aren't uncommon in encounters. Males may be the larger, tougher beasts, but the female alone get a say on who she's interested in taking on as a mate or allowing in her territory

Tendrils usually live in large open fields or sparse forests, preferring warmer temperatures, but accepting temperate areas as well. The have wide coat color variation, as they don't need to worry too much about blending in. Fur can be seen in yellow, orange, rusty red, black, grey, white, and brown. Almost all animals will have dun-like patterning with a darker fade on the legs and trunk, perhaps also the ears and face. This fade is often accompanied by light striping. Manes are typically a different color than the main body and have small rosettes near them. Faces may have white markings akin to horses. Dark markings on the lips and eyes are also commonplace. Faint underside spotting or full on piebaldism may be seen as well. Eyes are almost always yellow

These beasts are an outright menace to Shives. Not only will they likely attack on sight, they also have a tendency to destroy things that must be rebuilt. A Shive's affinity with animals does not seem to calm a Tendril, try as they might. They are to be avoided and aggressively redirected away from providences. Keke will likely have similar luck however, being a less sizeable snack, they may fare slightly better. Don't get cocky, though...


Tender-Wing.pngThe Tender Wing is a small, radially symmetrical HisBorne animal that can often be seen drifting through the skies with half-fluttering, half-undulating movements of its six legs. They're extremely light and fairly delicate, hence their name. The small calcium shell that protects their main body can offer some protection, but isn't meant to take a beating. Each of their legs ends in two grasping claws for collecting insect prey and grasping tree branches. The underside of the legs are covered in feather-adjacent fluff, helping them float in the air. Animals have four eyes on fleshy stalks which can be retracted into the shell if need be. They're also known to take their eyes away when splashed with water. They don't much like water. The underside of the main body houses the mouth/main orifice, armed with a four interlocking, serrated beaks

Considering their delicate nature, creatures will generally flutter off if anything much bigger than them draws too close. This includes keke, but they can be easily befriended as small, slightly clumsy companions. To Shive, they are more accepting due to the former's aura influence. When they don't believe they're in danger, Tender Wings are gently curious and peaceful beings. They don't necessarily flock, but rather seem to form friend groups of around 3-5. Each animal will have multiple friend groups that they'll shelter with depending who is around that day. This specific type of Tender Wing lives only in temperate areas with at least some trees to rest in, but other breeds may inhabit more variable environments

This variant of the animal has a brown or cream shell and usually pale purple feathering. The eye stalks and beaks may be any color, but frequent warm colors, especially yellow. The remainder of the skin may be purple, brown, black, cream, or white. While majorly simple in appearance, beaks and eye stalks sometimes have simple gradients or freckles


The-Out-Valley-Fuzzling.png🖍️Suggested by alleyballey!

The loftily named Out Valley Fuzzling is a Susish creature more commonly called just a "fuzzling". The extra hype comes from the fact that these little guys were the first creatures stumbled upon once the ground-level Valley Effect hole popped in 2723. Akin to giant pandas of Earth, they're quite peaceful and feed on bamboo. In fact, the bamboo forest on the southern end of the valley seems to have been a natural extension of their territory before the Effect formed, cutting them off. It was only natural for them to come right on in as soon as they were able - which they did! By the time keke discovered the fuzzlings, they were already munching away on valley plants

These animals are fairly small, being around 1' to 2' at the shoulder. They live in social groups that can get fairly large. Their paws are deceptively dexterous. They use them to manipulate their food and climb high into the trees when threatened. In fact, they can live entirely arboreously for long periods of time and will do so until a problem has left their territory. They're herbivorous and will eat generally any plant, but often consume tougher, nutrition-poor foods to decrease competition between them and other animals. They enjoy fruits and will happily snack on them when the opportunity provides. Different types of fuzzlings can live in different areas, but this specific one prefers moderate temperatures without an excess of precipitation. They're generally friendly towards keke, as many of them tend to have treats

Fuzzlings are short, stocky creatures with a delightfully poofy coat of wool-adjacent fibers. They seem to prefer keeping their eyes closed, relying on scouting members of their band to warn them of danger. There's a large leaf on the back of their head as well as one growing above their cotton ball tail. They have rounded ears, a very short muzzle, and a small stripe of armor plating on their nose. Their facial features are bundled closer together, sometimes giving them the look of having a comically fat head. They have three toes on each paw as well as a dew claw on each front wrist. Their retractable claws aid them in climbing and - incredibly rarely - fights

The animals commonly have a white, cream, green, yellow, or brown base coat. They feature spotting and/or ticking of the same sorts of colors. Rarely, they may be solidly colored with no markings, but the ticking helps break up their shape for better camouflage. Common markings are socks or stockings on the legs, colored ears, a "mask" or "eye shadow" by the eyes, and tear-like markings running from the eyes to the corners of the mouth or face. Their leaves are generally leaf colors, trending towards green, brown, yellow, red, orange, or even black, but they may also be other colors if there is enough different hued foliage in their home area. The eyes are almost always green or brown with the pupil being lighter in color than the iris. The puffy tail can be any color, but is very frequently white

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Sleepysaur.pngSleepysaur. Plural: Sleepysaur(s). Male: Bull. Female: Doe. Young: Calf. Collection: Herd
World: Suise. Range: Susie (?). Temperament: Passive. Diet: Herbivore
Shoulder Height: ~20-25' (f), ~24-30' (m). Weight: ~23,000-28k lbs (f), ~26k-33k lbs (m)
(For reference, bull African elephants are 10-13' at the shoulder and weigh ~13k-15k lbs)

The Sleepysaur is a descendant of the Snoreosaur, altered by living in conditions different than those within the Valley. While they can still rear up on their hind legs, they seem less designed for it. In fact, their agility has suffered quite a hit, in part due to their increased size. Their hostile back arching behavior is reduced, but still present. Thanks to this slow-down, they're generally much less destructive towards their environment than their ancestors. Much of their time is spent feeding from the tops of trees, as their diet has migrated less towards fruit, more towards leaves. Their chests are barrel-shaped due to adapting a ruminant-style digestive system in order to make this diet effective.

Sleepysaurs sometimes live in small familial groups as is seen in their ancestors, sometimes dwell in larger herds, usually with 3-6 members. The company lends them some protection lost in other areas and, as a result, Sleepys seem to be more social towards members of their own kind in general. Although less high energy, they'll still preform mating dances, often utilizing the neck and tail for some noble-but-silly looking wobbles. Males need to compete much less with other males. When necessary, they tend to make a show of how powerful and impressive they look, trying to save energy that a fight would take. 9 times out of 10, the loser will leave without a scratch

Compared to the Snoreosaur, these dinosaurs have much longer necks and tails. The horns are significantly reduced, as they're generally not used for intraspecies combat as well as being too high up to be of much use toward most would-be attackers. Instead, the tail is armed with a two lobed club. Males may still sport bud tines on the horns as well as on the tail club. A female's horns will be fairly short while the male's are roughly triple them in length. Both genders' horns face backwards. The toe bone anatomy is more pillar-like, akin to the front feet of sauropods. Three vestigial toe claws remain per foot, though they're quite small. Musculature in the chest and neck area tends to be somewhat visible as well as a small portion of the ribs. The waist is thinner than the rest of the torso, curving up sharply near the hind legs. The attached teeth snow no significant fangs, instead featuring many more, small, nub-like teeth used to strip large portions of leaves from branches

Coloration is very similar to their ancestral species. Skin is dull, being brown, green, red, yellow, blue, grey, or whitish to match the environment. They often sport partial or complete countershading, accompanied by thin, sometimes blotchy stripes or small to medium spots. Patterning is typically somewhat simple and may only affect a small portion of the body. The eyes are always white or pale grey and the insides are a shade of green. The toe claws are typically a lighter or darker variation of a color already on the body, but may be any color that the skin or tail club can be. Tail clubs often match the nails, but may also be a blackish color or a shade generally acceptable as a base skin color

Sleepysaurs generally do not care about Snakekeys due to their small size. While they largely trend toward passive, they can be befriended with repeated kindness. In the same way, they can also be ticked off. An annoyed Sleepy will generally ignore or simply leave. However, they will most certainly still defend themselves if legitimately threatened. Playing this game is very ill advised...


Trotling.pngTrotling. Plural: Trotlings. Male: Bull. Female: Doe. Young: Calf. Collection: Gang
World: Suise. Range: Susie (?). Temperament: Wary. Diet: Frugivore
Shoulder Height: ~4-4'9" (f), ~4-5'5" (m). Weight: ~65-80 lbs (f), ~75-95 lbs (m)
(For reference, a male German shepherd dog weighs roughly 65-90 lbs)

Trotlings are a descendant of the Snoreosaur. Unlike the Sleepysaur which specialized for bulk, Trotlings instead took the path of agility. They're significantly smaller than the original animal (though they're still pretty big... Don't try your luck!). They kept all of the Snoreosaur's flexibility - expanded upon it, even. Their limbs have a further range of motion, allowing them to live almost entirely arboreally if they so choose. They spend upwards of 50-90% of their time in trees, so it's quite an important adaptation to have! Further aiding them is the tail, which has become prehensile. It's not strong enough to hold the animal's entire weight, but it can still save them from taking a tumble. The feet, previously elephantine, have developed into primitive hands with sharpened claws for gripping bark. It seems they haven't been able to grow more digits, but have developed several large, calloused lumps for gripping. Most noticeable is the ball on the front wrists. This big pad is immobile itself, but can be used as a makeshift thumb akin to the false thumb in Earth pandas

Sexual dimorphism is not as noticeable in Trotlings as it is in other members of their family. Both sexes have medium-sized horns, lowering the chances of the things getting caught in branches and such. The underside is serrated so that they can easily cut themselves loose in a bad situation. Bulls may have bud tines while does will lack them. Bulls may be slightly larger in size, but this is not always the case...! Some does can grow to impressive sizes and this ability will often pass down to her offspring. The lower fangs are roughly the same size in both sexes, though those of males may be a touch longer. Easiest to spot will be the colorful markings bulls have in order to attract does. These can appear anywhere on the body in any shape or color, but are most often contrasting to the skin. More flashy markings will more easily entice a mate! However, patches that are too large will hamper a bull's ability to camouflage... They must strike a delicate balance, being little enough to be a prey species for many of Susie's large predators. Note that females may also have these decorative markings, but they're often not so brightly hued

Trotlings are very high energy. Their diet of sugary fruits fuels this while, at the same time, increasing interspecies tensions. Rather than roaming around in small herds, they'll most commonly establish a territory which they'll defend savagely against intruders they see as a threat. Thankfully, this doesn't often mean keke... unless you're picking fruit or waving a weapon around. Don't do that. Since they have a home base, Trotlings craft leaf nests, usually up in boughs, but sometimes on the ground. Entering "camps", or areas clearly identifiable as the main resting area, isn't advised for pretty much anybody. Animals tend to take this as an attempt to usurp their territory and will go... absolutely wild. Both bulls and does will establish territories when on their own, often combining the areas when becoming a mating pair. Both sexes are incredibly hostile to other Trotlings (or other members of the animal family), screeching and rolling around in fighting balls like feral cats, sometimes until one individual dies. As such, finding a mate is difficult... One Trotling, typically the male, will approach the territory edge of another animal, repeatedly bringing many gifts, preforming intricate dances, and showing submissive body language. This tends to get them a bit beat up and chased off often, but, if luck favors them, their potential lover will quite abruptly accept them

True to their name, their primary form of locomotion is trotting - even in branches! They'll canter or gallop when need be, but sproinging around is definitely preferred. Gangs of Trotlings generally consist of the mating pair and juveniles not old enough to be kicked out yet, though this varies depending on the individuals. Some groups are more tolerant to their kids and may elect to keep select members around. To those within familial groups, animals are quite playful. They'll play-fight, hone their dances, and chase each other around all the time. It kind of... looks annoying. But they must be enjoying it - they wouldn't put up with it otherwise

Regardless of their potential hostility and their willingness to attack creatures several times larger than themselves, Trotlings feature more defined camouflage than most members of their family. They can still be hunted and eaten, so they need more than simply marked skin to hide them effectively. Animals almost always feature both upper and lower countershading. They may also have small to medium spots or blotchy stripes covering the majority of their bodies. This disruptive patterning allows them to better blend into the canopy, making "stand still and wait for it to leave" a viable defense tactic. The skin can be green, brown, red, yellow, blue, grey, or whitish, featuring brighter shades than Snoreosaurs are known for. Markings can be any of these colors as well. Eyes are solid in color and may be white, light yellow, or pale green. In calves, eyes are brown and may sport disruptive blotches. This will fade with age. The insides are green and the nails may be any color possible on the skin (or colored like the bright, decorative markings if they happen to spread onto the toes)

Calves have a special baby pattern to further reduce their visibility. Skin will be either green or brown, generally. These colors may be altered if the calf lives in an area with no green-brown trees, but green and brown are the "defaults". There's often countershading on the body, but it's not guaranteed. There will be dense camouflage on the body in shapes akin to those of baby tapirs being, you guessed it, green and brown in coloration. While babies can be incredibly bitey (""for fun""), they will freeze up in the presence of a danger, lying still like some Earth fawns. If this isn't the best course of action, parents will have to physically pick them up and move them. It's instinct to blend in. This behavior will dissipate as their calf coloration does

Trotlings can live in any area with moderately warm temperatures, but vastly prefer tropic-like places due to fruit availability. Those who live in areas where no fruit is available for prolonged spans of time will develop seasonal omnivory. During this period, they'll eat the vegetation that is accessible to them as well as hunt live prey