🌱 Field Guide

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 months, 25 days ago) by HannahBug

Susie's covered in all sorts of plants! Snakekeys consider them just as alive as animals, so they need to be respected and treated well. Regretfully, it's a bit difficult to avoid eating and slithering over the little guys, but keke do what they can. Dedicated farms typically show beyond runes out of appreciation for the foliage. If you have to cut down a tree or eat some wild plant, it's best to leave a rune behind, too!

🥗 Farmable: Ash pod, b'loon bloom, boomnana, boon bean, burr (WIP) kaas paddles, dropleaf, mikii
🍵 Herbs & SpicesDropleaf, Mikii
💚 Medicinal: Blooming Sia, Blue Fiona, dropleaf, village tower
🌳 Lumber: Blooming Sia, Sia Tree

🌿 Consumable
Ash pod, babyfood pod, Blooming Sia, b'loon bloom, Blue Fiona, boomnana, boon bean, burr, catchfruit, dropleaf, eat chain, etapetal, firefruit, gore berry, heavy thing, kaas paddles, kernel blade, koy pepper, lure bulb, mewlon, Mikii, Oasis and Lake Vacofruit, piekin, pixie stick, pumpkin, pyro berry, relic root, seafrood, scented pepper, simmer pod, skirted sporehive, slumber fruit, snap pepper, squish fruit, summer berry, toasty twig, trick tato, wish legs

🌷 Decorative or Idle
Bushel grass, pommehead, pop flower, Sia Tree, village tower, willow wand

🌵 Dangerous or Poisonous
Blight spitter, blood bead, eve vesper, lure bulb

🌿 Farmable, Medicinal, or Edible

🌷 Decorative or Idle

🌵 Dangerous or Poisonous

🌿 Farmable, Medicinal, or Edible
Rockplants, Tubules

🌷 Decorative or Idle 
Curtain Leaves, Giant Tubules, Snap Xass, Xass

🌵 Dangerous or Poisonous
Snaggers, Traptubes

🌿 Consumable
Beanbag plant, Wrong Holiday Tree

🌷 Decorative or Idle
Colorbulb, Coral tree, Poolplant, Towel lily, Very Dead Tree

🌵 Dangerous or Poisonous




🌾 31: Sandrunner (SR). Creation ☀️ Obtained through: The Flipside 🖍️ Suggested by Beepbeepmeow12345!
🌾 32: Slugger (Slug). Still WIP! 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 33: Fairy Pondskipper. It's a mystery 👻
🌾 34: Astral (Stra). Anticipated the be the next Patreon early release 🖍️ Suggested by NightWolfDragon!
🌾 35: Who's to say

🥝 36: Reserved for Enchanted
🥝 37:
🥝 38:
🥝 39:
🥝 40:

Tab-pane fane in cannot include 'active show' when copy-pasted or it will...active show


Xass.pngXass - Plural: Xass. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityMeh... Flavor Profile: Bitter, sweet. Taste: Earthy, very watered down purple grape. Height: ~1-2"

Xass is the most basic and abundant plant life on Xavier. Plants consist of a small, fleshy leaf with a slight divot in the center (sort of like a thumbprint) and a thin, basic root. Leaves grow short, near translucent velvet that make them feel soft to the touch. Their tough flesh and low nutritional value make them a generally poor food source for non-specialized consumers. If eaten, they taste like an earthy, very watered down purple grape. Their insides are filled with a thick jelly akin to aloe vera that stores water and excess sugars. This allows them to grow in arid environments, though they're more commonly found in areas with more pleasant temperatures. Coloration can range from purple to pink in varying saturations depending on plant breed and soil type. Each leaf reaches one to two inches when full grown. Plants reproduce by growing tiny velvet pods - identical in appearance to the regular velvet to the naked eye - on their surface in optimal times of the year. Sources such as wind and fauna detach these pods, spreading the foliage to new ground. Their name simply comes from Xavier + grass

Tubule - Plural: Tubules. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityTopically medicinal. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: "This might be dirt". Height: ~3-4"

Xass has many variations that have evolved to better survive different stressors. Tubules are taller, standing roughly three to four inches at their full height. They're the same basic shape as Xass, being a leaf with a divot in the center, though Tubules have a rounded tip and curl tighter at the base. This forms a small 'straw' where a drop of water will often become trapped. Their leaves are waxy which gives them a slight sheen. Some types of Tubules will grow slight, semi-translucent velvet on their surfaces, but not all. These are debatably even harder to eat than base Xass considering their tougher skin. To add insult to injury, they've developed to grow on very nutrient-poor soil, taking up the space that no other plant wants. Their insides are filled with a very thick jelly-like substance that will not run if the plant is cut open. This goop is good for soothing irritated wounds such as cuts and scrapes, but has little other use. It tastes like nothing aside from the slightest hint of 'this might be dirt'. Coloration is typically green, though purple and yellow variants are not unheard of. Leaves often sport whiteish variegation in the form of stripes

Rockplant - Plural: Rockplants. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityEdible. Flavor Profile: Sweet. Taste: Sugar water. Height: ~1" or less

Rockplants are very small, being only an inch tall if that. They're fleshy little bumps that grow together in clusters, often resembling a scattering of gravel. They use this camouflage and their closeness to the ground to avoid being eaten by most fauna. They have a high sugar content, which can make them more nutritionally valuable. If eaten, they taste like sugar water (which isn't really surprising, considering). Their coloration is highly variable, becoming almost anything in order to best blend in with their environment. Rockplants prefer to grow in rocky soil or in the shade of large stone formations such as a pile of boulders

Snagger - Plural: Snaggers. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Sharp & burning. Height: ~1-2"

Snaggers are a variation of Xass that replace the central divot with a single, large thorn for defense. The thorn and upper side of the leaf are waxy while the underside is only fleshy. The waxy areas will grow short, semi-translucent velvet that's a touch pricklier than the usual stuff. While considered a bother in gardens, Snaggers often grow alongside other Xass types, contributing to keeping the whole of them alive. Their insides are filled with a jelly akin in texture to cold syrup. This liquid is acidic to the point of shocking unaware consumers and comes along with a sharp, burning taste. Snaggers grow one to two inches in height. While they often seek out their own species to grow alongside, they seem to crop up just about anywhere (unless it's too cold). They're colored brightly, often with spots or stripes, to further warn others to stay away. Their undersides tend to be pale from lack of exposure to the light

Snap Xass - Plural: Snap Xass. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityMeh... Flavor Profile: Umami. Taste: Slightly yeasty, mushroom-like earthiness. Height: ~3" (unbent)

Snap Xass is a taller type, growing to around three inches in full, though they're commonly bent to a shorter height. Their leaves have a small divot at the base while the rest of the plant is thick and fleshy, often compared to a finger for disturbance value. The tip of the plant has a small protrusion like a root that will seek earth to embed into. Once there, it will curl up, anchoring the plant in an arch. If disturbed, the protrusion will come loose and, if all goes well, make the little leaf slap the would-be consumer right in the nose. This is usually enough to keep more skittish predators at bay. Once the Xass has snapped, it will remain upright for the rest of its life. As such, these things grow in large patches for safety in numbers. 'Snapped' plants will produce more seed pods than they otherwise would in an attempt to further protect themselves. This can lead to dramatic overpopulation, so it's not strange to see what looks like a huge, mutant wad of Snap Xass. They grow in temperate areas, often forests or fields. Their coloration varies from purple, pink, green, yellow, to white, but typically remains pale in an attempt to not draw attention. They often feature pale stripes for further camouflage. The overall plant is very crispy with a snap akin to celery. While they have a high water content, it isn't loose in the form of jelly like other Xass types. They taste slightly yeasty with an earthiness bearing resemblance to mushrooms


Giant_Tubules_and_Traptubes.pngGiant Tubule - Plural: Giant Tubules. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityMeh... Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Very aloe vera. Height: ~2-3'

Giant Tubules are Xavierian plants related to Xass (specifically their smaller cousins, Tubules). They stand around two to three feet tall when fully grown. Each plant is a single dense, waxy leaf. Some plants are covered in short, near translucent velvet, but not all types have this. Leaves have a central divot that may or may not connect into a straw shape near the ground. "Straws" trap small amounts of water. Coloration varies from green, purple, pink, and yellow often featuring gradients, spotting, and/or whitish variegation. Due to their tough skin, most creatures will often consider this foliage not worth eating. On top of that, they're filled with a viscous, jelly-like substance that will spurt out onto a consumer. This goop is very sticky and may actually bind smaller creatures to the plant itself, making them easy prey for others. The burst of jelly that comes out is strongest when the plant's skin is first punctured. Subsequent bites will provide less powerful jets until there's not enough pressure built up to do so anymore. The substance has a very strong "green" smell and a nigh overpowering aloe vera-y taste. Giant Tubules tend to grow in thicket-like clusters and can be found in temperate areas as well as more arid locations with poorer soil

Traptube - Plural: Traptubes. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Wax. Height: ~5-7'

Traptubes are another relative of Tubules that have grown to stand five to seven feet tall. They require soil with more nutrients than some of their other relatives and thusly tend to grow only in temperate forests or jungles. Each plant consists of a single thick, waxy leaf with very tough skin. The typical Tubule divot is fused except for on the very top of the plant, making it a long straw in shape. This tube collects water which the Traptube is able to slowly absorb through a specialized patch at the bottom of the chamber. This process happens fast enough to keep the tube from flooding, but slow enough that the leaf's insides are almost never fully dry. This water may drown small creatures that slip down the straw and are unable to climb the slippery insides. The plant will eventually digest these creatures through its absorption patch (if they sink. If not, they may float at the surface for a prolonged time.) Coloration ranges from green, pink, to purple and may feature stripes or spotting. Leaves may or may not have short, near translucent velvet depending on the plant's specific breed. The meat of the plant is very, well...meat-like in texture. Its stiffness aids the tube in being able to hold itself upright. The substance is notoriously juicy and not really meant for keke consumption. Snakekeys will suffer stomachaches if they decide to take a bite. It has a slight weed-sap sort of scent and a taste awfully similar to wax


Curtain_Leaves.pngCurtain Leaf - Plural: Curtain Leaves. World: Xavier. Range: (?)
Edibility: Meh... Flavor Profile: Umami. Taste: Bargain bin tofu burger patty. Height: ~3-5'

Curtain Leaves are Xavierian plants standing three to five feet tall. They grow in temperate or jungle areas. Their big leaves catch the wind incredibly easily, so they depend on more sturdy foliage for shelter. Thusly, they are usually found within forested areas, but not on the outside edge. They don't require an abundance of sunlight. Instead, their wide span helps them pick out small flecks of shivelight from beneath the canopy with which to sustain themselves. Each plant grows multiple leaves stacked like a deck of cards. Leaves are about a centimeter thick and have a waxy surface to deter predators looking for an easy meal. Each one has a sort of short 'wall' running up each side before tucking over itself at the tip of the leaf. There's a thick, central vein at the base of each leaf that has an almost braided appearance. Purple veins can be seen branching off this central ridge, but otherwise, the leaves are smooth

Curtain Leaves reproduce asexually by reaching out with runner roots and then developing bulbs underground which will grow into a new plant. They tend to grow in thick clusters, giving those who have to travel though them a hard time. Leaves are a dullish green or green-purple in color with purple-brown roots. Their insides are dry and spongy with a flavor akin to a bargain bin tofu burger patty. They can be cooked to give them a slightly more appealing flavor, but generally aren't considered worth eating by keke


image.pngAsh Pod/Ash Pod Tree - Plural: Ash Pods/Ash Pod Trees. World: Susie. Range: The Valley (central)
EdibilityEdible fruit. Flavor Profile: Sweet. Taste: Dusty dates. Height: ~2-3'

Ash Pod Trees are fairly small, scrubby plants that stand generally no higher than two or three feet off the ground. Their leaves are thick at the base, but taper into long, feather-like growths. They're overall a pale yellow-green, sometimes making plants look sickly, with serrated edges. They live in areas that are hot and arid, enabling them to fruit randomly throughout the entire year. Fruiting period varies depending on when the tree reached maturity. It's not uncommon to see a different plant in bloom every time one visits a scrubland area. Bark is a pale brown and very craggy, sticking off the plant in weird cliffs. Each tree will likely only have two or three main branches, though growing more isn't out of the question. Ash Pod Trees, when growing in excess, will spread out horizontally rather than vertically. They can reach impressive widths, offering dappled shade for smaller creatures. They're also wicked stubborn. They're very difficult to remove from unwanted areas, coming back from severed roots. They may also crop up from cliffsides and from under sidewalks if y'ain't careful

Ash Pods themselves are roughly the size of an average orange. They have red skin that feels somewhat papery on the outside, but doesn't show it like an onion does. The rest of the skin is thin, but spongy, giving the ball some rigidity. The stem is surrounded by a frilly top, which can be pulled to easily open the fruit, but don't be deceived! The inside of this convenient wrapper just holds a lump of powder. It's fairly coarse, feeling akin a weird mix of sand and sugar crystals... So, it won't spread like powdered sugar, but you still don't really want to explode this thing all over your lap and/or kitchen. Contained within the mess are itty bitty seeds, but you probably won't be able to find them. They're disguised as the rest of the powder so that there's less of a chance of something picking the seeds out and preventing the tree from reproducing! In fact, seed-eaters will sometimes totally avoid Ash Pod Trees to dodge this disappointment and wasted effort. The mix tastes like dusty dates. It's often blended with water to form a paste that's easier to use/harder to blow away

The roots, bark, and leaves of the tree aren't anything special. Snakekeys can eat them, but it's not advised, as it'll give them the slightest sour stomach. They're very nutritionally poor anyway, so it's just as well. They taste like plant parts, the bark being especially dry and crumbly. It falls to wet, clumpy dust in one's mouth in a sort of... coffee grounds way. It's gross and gritty and tastes black. The leaves are thin with only a tiny bit of liquid in them. They taste like you'd expect your basic tree leaves to. The roots are very earthy in a "this is almost dirt..." way. They have the texture of wet clay once you get past the thin outer skin and kind of just make you regret doing this


unknown.pngBabyfood Pod, Babyfood Bush - Plural: Babyfood Pods, Babyfood Bushes World: Susie. Range: The Valley (non-desert)
EdibilityEdible fruit. Flavor Profile: Sweet, Bitter. Taste: Awesome (babies), two hit KO (adults). Height: ~3-5'

Babyfood Bushes are very lush with paddle-shaped leaves. It honestly looks like they grow too many a branch... These things are crammed on every available surface, often stacked like cards. The leaves are a slightly deep green and do a fantastic job of totally obscuring the bush's branches. The veins and the outside edge of the leaf are a lighter, green-white color, but this isn't typically visible from a distance due to the leaves' sideways orientation. Wood is a touch thick due to the weight it has to bear and an almost-black brown. Not that you'd know. Plants are very hardy and can grow almost anywhere that isn't a desert or snowscape. They're not really proficient spreaders and generally mind their own business. They generally don't get higher than five feet, often being closer to three or four. Fruit is produced through spring and summer

Pods are hard and nut-like with smallish, rounded knobs all over their surface. Inside, they're filled with copious amounts of custardy goop that's usually a pale yellow or faded green. It's divided into two chambers split by a thin wooden wall. Four seeds will be in each chamber. They're a semi-translucent black and can be consumed as a side effect of eating the fruit without really noticing (like the white seeds in watermelons). They're named for the fact that young creatures, Snakekey hatchlings included, seem to love eating the insides. They're a choice food for picky eaters, as it's difficult to find a baby that doesn't like the stuff! However, the love dissipates as a critter ages... Keke adults are generally repulsed by the idea of putting a pod in their mouths. The stuff's gross, man. Little creatures will often seek out the bushes for a snack and play games that result in breaking the tough pods open

Peculiarly, it's hard to pin a flavor on the custard, as the kids who eat it aren't generally great with words. Older individuals may re-take a swing at describing the taste, but it's often confused what with kid-memory and eating the fruit during years where the flavor is fading, mixing with the adult taste. Some infamous descriptors are "awesome", "good", "my favorite", "like cake", and "sunshine". Older kids tend to haltingly go for "just the best" or "I don't remember". For adults, pods taste so violently like one microsecond of sugar-death followed immediately by a slap of the strongest sugar-based aftertaste... Except it isn't an aftertaste - that's actually the now-taste. After this two punch knockout, the goop will be "spent", not otherwise strongly presenting a flavor other than anonymous slime. It's a baffling experience, even for those expecting it

Other parts of the bush aren't really worth eating. Keke aren't designed to specialize in the basic wood, leaves, and sticks that you've got here. The leaves are thin and taste like kinda-icky green while the roots are narrow and slimy, tasting like some kind of noodle that might have been okay if it wasn't dumped in sour garbage. Literally: sour. It's akin to some sort of Chinese sauce, but it wasn't made totally right and it was left on the counter until it grew a skin. Maybe with a bit of pork fat thrown in there. Delectable. The branches and bark taste like straight-up cedar - freshly cut and oozing with that wild-sharp smelling sap


Blue_Fiona.png?ex=6519b5c6&is=65186446&h[Blue Fiona] Plural: Blue Fionas World: Susie. Range: The Valley (temperate)
EdibilityMedicinal. Flavor Profile: Bitter, sweet. Taste: Floral, wet cotton candy. Height: ~3-4'

The Blue Fiona is considered not just beautiful, but a symbol for love and affection. It's thought that the heart-shape and its meaning comes from the center of this plant itself, though the shape goes back too far into history to truly discern its origins. Lovers will often give each other a Fiona as humans on Earth would give each other roses. Except kekin tend to go for a single flower due to the fact that they can be up to 8 inches across...!

The uses for the plant don't end there. The Blue Fiona has medicinal value. Its soft, frilly petals serve as a vector for many other types of medicines and poultices, making it an important staple for many a Healer's building. Patients tend to be relieved when their cure involves this flower due to its only mild bitterness and gentle sweetness. The taste of the petals is undoubtedly floral with a hint of wet cotton candy

Flowers are complex in shape with a pink, heart-shaped center for receiving pollen surrounded by a small ring of blue petals followed by a white, frilly ring of specialized pollen-releasing petals. The whole of this is then rimmed by another grouping of blue petals, these being the largest of the bunch. The big petals also feature a slight periwinkle gradient at their tips. The leaves of the plant are considered inedible, as they generally cause mild pain while being digested. They are, however, very pretty, being pink with lighter tips and featuring flame-like orange variegation. Plants grow as bushes that favor growing upwards into columns when they can. They grow in temperate regions where they have plenty of access to sunshine, but also shade at some point during the day. This often sees them on the edges of forests or in clearings

The roots of the Blue Fiona are edible, but due to not being exceptional in taste and difficult to harvest without harming the rest of the plant, they're usually left alone. They have a woody outside with an inside like that of a raw potato. When eaten, they taste akin to a raw potato, too; there's a hint of woodiness that is generally attributed as being a bad aftertaste



Willow_wand.png?ex=6519c80b&is=6518768b&[Willow wand] Plural: Willow wands World: Susie. Range: The Valley (temperate)
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Bitter. Height: ~6"-2'

The humble willow wand is a column of tiny, white flowers growing in the center of a cluster of pale green leaves with pointed tips. They can commonly be seen all by their lonesome in temperate areas, but, as annuals, it doesn't take them too long to seed an area with friends. They have a very light scent that is a somewhere between honeysuckle and pear. Despite their pretty smell, it's not recommended to put any part of this plant in your mouth. It has a very strong bitterness to it that almost totally obscures its peat-like flavor. Thusly, these plants are usually only used for scent-related things. Well, there's also the third thing...

Peculiarly, when these flowers are placed in the nest of an egg-to-be, parents can wish for certain specific upgrades to appear on their hatchlings with an actual chance of success...! There have been many attempts to dismiss this as an old kith's tale, but there is undoubtedly a rate at which wishes are fulfilled. Said rate is difficult to pin down, as it seems to vary based on the individual using them flower. It's been hypothesized that belly scales react with this plant, thusly each keke's power level reacts differently, but more study is needed



Dropleaf.png?ex=6519ceb6&is=65187d36&hm=[DropleafPlural: Dropleaves. World: Susie. Range: The Valley (lush)
EdibilityEdible herb, medicinal. Flavor Profile: Umami, sweet. Taste: Rosemary and spearmint. Height: ~2-3"

Named for its teardop-shaped leaves, the dropleaf is a kitchen herb garden staple. Its leaves add a mix of rosemary and spearmint flavor to dishes, providing an interesting savory-sweet kick. These tiny plants are perennials and fairly common to see out in the wild. They grow in dense clumps in damp, shady soil, which usually sees them in locations one might find mushrooms or in thick forests.

2.1.pngEach plant grows roughly 2-5 leaves depending on height, so it's important to have a good wad of them if you're planning on using them in a lot of meals! Once a year, dropleaves will produce a single, small flower. These have many, small, pointed petals that range from white to pale purple in hue. Dropleaves taste best before they bloom, so it's best to harvest before plants bolt. Each flower will produce about a dozen seeds, which may not seem like much if one doesn't account for how many plants grow together

Leaves can be pressed to obtain dropleaf oil. Oil can be used in meals for its flavor or as an essential oil for its anti-allergenic properties. Some kekin also claim the oil has a calming effect, but this seems to vary based on the individual. Kekin who consumed more dropleaf in their hatchlinghood are more likely to be soothed by its scent than those who consumed less


Mikii.png?ex=6519d6f2&is=65188572&hm=988[MikiiPlural: (Same) World: Susie. Range: The Valley (dense forest)
EdibilityEdible herb. Flavor Profile: Spicy, sweet. Taste: Cayenne chocolate. Height: ~3-6'

The Mikii [pron mee-key] is a peculiar flower adapted to fighting for sunlight in the understory of thick Susish forests. It's done this by moving its leaves to its head where they're intermittently placed between its petals. Its pollenfrills are also green, though a lighter color than that of the leaves. Usually, its head faces up towards the sky, but it will intently follow any strong enough light source with impressive speed for a plant.

The leaves of the Mikii are an herb that tastes like spicy cayenne chocolate. They're flavored as such to keep things for eating its precious few. Since a flower will only have five petals and five leaves, it's often considered unethical to harvest wild plants. Mikii needs to be garden-grown in an area where it gets plenty of sunlight without having to fight for it in order for the leaves to be safely used for consumption. Due to its ungainly height, this can be a bit unideal, especially for smaller types of kekin

Leaves have a distinct shape in their veins, making them instantly recognizable when whole. Petals are orange, yellow, or both. The pollen core is heavily perforated and a deep brown. The long, thick stem is made of many thick fibers that are unpleasant to consume due to tasting mostly like water. Imagine celery, but you had to chew three times as hard. Stems have small, alternating leaf buds ascending them. These are evolutionary leftovers and will never grow into full leaves - they'll just stay little nubs. Smaller animals often eat the leaf buds and kekin could too if it was worth the effort. They're less fibrous than the stalks, but still taste a lot like plant-water

Petals can be harvested as an herb as well as the leaves for a milder, more floral taste. "Mikii" is a popular flower-themed name for children and pets


Paddle_Kaas.png?ex=651a09b5&is=6518b835&[Kaas PaddlesPlural: (Same) World: Susie. Range: The Valley (open fields)
EdibilityBaking ingredient. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Baking powder. Height: ~2'5"-3'

Kaas is a staple cereal that keke grow pretty much wherever they go. It provides large amounts of flour without taking up extensive space. Each plant grows two, thick paddles, one on each side of a central grass-like stem. The inside of these paddles is full of crystalline granules of flour that stick to each other, keeping their shape unless broken. They can be harvested and used as is or ground up into a finer substance. Paddles used to be full of air bubbles on the inside to keep them light, looking not unlike a sparse luffa, but keke have bred them to be packed to the brim instead! At the same time, they've strengthened the stem until it was about as woody as a piece of grass can get in order to support the new weight

One great thing about Kaas is that once the paddles have been snapped off, the plant will grow another set! It'll do this three times in its lifespan, lasting several years before fields need resowing. Its last batch of flour will be riddled with seeds, but these are too small to taste like much of anything, so kekin usually eat them anyway

The flesh of the paddles is slightly papery in texture and a little bit waxy, which keeps its payload from becoming a heavy wet lump. The only issue with this is that it provides animals with something to nibble on. Farmers must be diligent to keep beasts away from their fields and chewing holes in this protective covering. Not many creatures will go for it, but there are certainly some who will take the opportunity. While they'll leave the flour crystals alone for their unpleasant taste, bite marks will allow rain to enter the paddles, then breaking the plant with the excess weight

Flour, as one might expect, doesn't taste any good on its own. It tastes a lot like baking powder unless cooked into something such as bread or cakes. The waxy paddles taste much the same, though the twang of sourness in their flavor is lessened to almost nothing (hence why animals will eat them). This does technically make them more edible, but... but why are you eating the paddles when you could be eating bread...??

This base breed of Kaas grows in orangey-yellow, turning to red in the fall. The stems are yellow and considered inedible, as cutting off very much of them will kill the plant. Also they taste like wood.


Colorbulb.png[ColorbulbPlural: Colorbulbs World: Nature realm. Range: ?
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Bitter tulips. Height: ~1-2'

A plant akin to tulips, it has multiple stems on which a unique color of  flower grows. One plant can have a full on rainbow collection of  flowers!


Very-Dead-Tree.png[Very Dead TreePlural: Very Dead Trees World: Flame realm. Range: ?
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Char. Height: ~10-20'

This peculiar construction grows from the ground in the flame realm. Its bark should not be eaten, as it will sit like a rock in your stomach...


Poolplant.png[PoolplantPlural: Poolplants World: Dew realm. Range: ?
EdibilityNo. Flavor Profile: Bitter. Taste: Polluted water. Height: ~5-9'

A large, pitcher-like plant. It stores water in its pool-shaped flower, and consumes the impurities of that water. 100% safe to drink and swim in this water! In fact, the plant would like you to!


Coral-tree.png[Coral treePlural: Coral trees. World: Dew realm. Range: ?
EdibilityEh... Flavor Profile: Umami. Taste: Water with just a hint of soy sauce. Height: ~10-35'

These tall coral families make up the shape of a tree!


Wrong-Holdiay-Tree.png[Wrong Holiday TreePlural: Wrong Holiday Trees. World: Luminous realm. Range: ?
EdibilityEdible fruits Flavor Profile: Sweet. Taste: Damp fruitcake. Height: ~10-25'

It's actually made of metal, but yet still grows. It's fruits look a bit like glowing orbs... It's not Christmas, though...