🚀 Group Plot

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by HannahBug

Plot and lore stuff that's happened during the group's run for easy tracking
OOC = Out of character. 🌺 = lore-y stuff. 🍁 = plot-ish stuff

Note that events take place in the same city/town/village for the course of a year, switching to a new location for Halloween
Thus far: Bumpytown > Uptree Artisan City Flewcoop > Fliptide/Villa Isle


🌳 Inktober 2020 🌳
This event is OOC and does not add anything to the plot


🌳 Needlefall Festival 🌳

🌺 Snakekeys in Flewcoop celebrate Needlefall Festival in the fall which is a small collection of mini-events cobbled together so that they don't feel left out in the fall celebrations...! These mini events are generally hosted in buildings or small outdoor setups, so one must go door-to-door to participate in games and contests of their choosing


🌳 Distraction Day 🌳

🌺 This event was not celebrated annually prior to this year, as residents of Flewcoop arranged it to cope with fear of snow falling in the valley again (which it did not)
🌺 Similar to Needlefall Festival, Distraction Day is composed of several small events, though these are a bit more in public view. Events consisted of a treasure hunt, a race (with...additions), and the making of hand-crafted gift baskets. Bread Guy and Never Grows Up also attend with shenanigans


🌼 Mysterious Masquerade 🌼

🌺 This is a one-off event not celebrated annually. Members of Flewcoop are invited via mysterious note to a masquerade party at the Book House. There's a large crystal ball in the center of the room which keke will either try to return, try to steal, or just scream if they see anybody touching it depending on the role they were assigned


🌼 The Flipside 🌼
This event is OOC and does not add anything to the plot


🌼 [Mini Event] Unintended Side Effects 🌼
This event does not add anything to the plot (aside from the release of Nightling Snakekeys)