πŸ—» Minerals, Metals & More

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by HannahBug

Index post


Ingot_base_plethor.pngPlethorΒ is the most common ore that can be found on Susie and often exists close enough to the surface that keke can get at it (note: it's still fairly underground. It's not like, right under the dirt). It is commonly accepted that it is not alive as it cannot be magically observed like other rocks. As such, it can be smelted down into pure ore and used. When exposed to water, such as rain, for extended periods of time (often a year or more), plethor begins to shingle. This is a process where the ore deteriorates with small flakes of it peeling up and eventually detaching from their source, falling to the ground. It will eventually become fully shingled, so plethor is not suitable for use in outside or wet environments in most cases. Shinged metal can be resmelted back into ore, but some of the original material tends to get lost in the process

Because of this weakness, plethor is most commonly used for things that have full intention on staying inside. It may be used for sculptures, nails for furniture, gilding, decorative tableware, and so on. When used as a decorative piece, it's common to occasionally treat the metal with a water-repelling cleaner, like how you might oil wood. It is an incredibly poor conductor for electricity and hardly magnetic at all. It's a 3 on the Moh's Hardness Scale - about as firm as copper. It's a silver-white in color and often takes on a purplish tinge in shadow


PastelΒ is... pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It's a chalky material usually found in small, multicolored veins towards Susie's upper layers of rock. These veins are often dissolved by leaking water that carries the pastel away. When this happens, it usually leaves the material stretched out over a very long area (think like a snail's trail) in a thin, almost useless layer. Once picked up by water, it's much more difficult to collect and may even be considered a lost cause if it didn't settle into a cohesive lump somewhere. As such, it's somewhat difficult to find dry pastel. Magic users are unable to commune with this type of material, so it is commonly believed to not be alive. It's often collected for use in artistic implements such as soft pastels and chalk sticks. If the pastel is able to be collected with its colors relatively unmixed, then it may have its color extracted for use in dyes. More commonly, the colors are too swirled together to be much use anywhere. In these instances, the whole batch is often bleached and then recolored as desired. It may be pressed into hardened "ingots" for storage before being made into anything