πŸ“– Species & Setting Info

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by HannahBug

Gonna see if moving this to a thread works better than a page!
Intro post wip, will have nav links later if this looks okay


Susie and Solar System reserve



Keke reserve

🌿 Senses 🌿

🌱 A Snakekey's vision is just slightly sharper than a human's. This improvement comes in the form of detail clearness. For humans, 20/20 vision is normal eyesight. To "20" refers to feet. So, someone with 20/20 vision sees something 20 feet away as if it is... 20 feet away. Which is correct! People with 20/40 vision see things that are 20 feet away as if they were a whole 40 feet away, making them nearsighted. With that in mind, the average keke will have 20/17 vision; they can see things 20 feet away as if they were only 17 feet away. Not very drastic, but you'd probably notice if you were suddenly turned into a keke!
Keke_color_assosiations.png🌱 Very young keke have sharper vision, thought to aid them in detecting predators and things that would put them in danger. This is in effect between roughly one month and four years of age. From there, it will begin to ever-so-slowly fade out. So slowly that the Snakekey probably won't notice! (Humans do the same sort of thing, being 20/10 when young and 20/20 when older)
🌱 Snakekeys have better night vision than humans, but not to a cat-like degree. They do not have a tapetum lucidum, which is a tissue that makes some animals (cats, alligators, dogs, etc...) have eyes that appear to shine or glow in the dark. Besides making them lack some awesome points, not having this membrane makes their night vision weaker. Like how keke have 20/17 vision compared to the human average of 20/20, keke can see about "three bits" better at night. If you will. They're also aided by Susie's moon being brighter than Earth's moon and, due to the lack of light pollution, Susie has a clearer sky, allowing more starlight to reach the ground
🌱 Magenta is a blip of how human eyes work - it doesn't actually exist on the spectrum of visible light. Our brains just need something to go in an empty space and thusly filled it with magenta! Snakekeys do not have this blip and thusly don't see this color. It's less of a "cannot see" and more of a "see x instead". The color isn't gone, more replaced with a more "correct" one
🌱 Keke can see three colors that humans can't, known as vaya (vie-yuh), tampa (tam-puh), and ciin (seen). Since we can't see these, they're literally beyond our comprehension, which makes describing them... pretty difficult, honestly. Impossible, some would say. They do take up a place between green and blue on the color spectrum (however, they should not be assumed to be teal. I use that as a filler color for these three sometimes)
🌱 A Snakekey's eyes are forward-facing like those of a human. This gives them precise, focused vision, but a poor range of sight. A keke's visual field spans roughly 115 degrees, which is 5 degrees thinner than that of a human due to upright oval shape of keke eyes
🌱 The macula, the area at the back of the eye that sees things with much more clarity, is very large in keke. In humans, this area has about 16 degrees of arc with only 6 of those degrees having high enough resolution to read text. For Snakekeys, the macula has an arc of about 45 whole degrees with all but the edges, leaving about 42 degrees, being able to read text. This allows keke to process much more information without having to move their eyes at all! Akin to a cat, a keke's eyes will majorly be forward-fixed and they'll often move their entire head to look at things rather than redirect their eyes. Due to the whole of a keke's eye being similarly pigmented, this will likely not be visible

πŸƒ Smell is a difficult sense to put a number on, as it's highly based on factors. For example, intensity of the source, wind conditions, and moisture levels of the air all matter. Varying levels of these will make a smell reach further or shorter. Humans can smell wildfire smoke up to 100 miles away if the conditions are right! While keke can't smell quite as strongly as an Earth snake, they do have an advanced sense of smell due to their large scenting pocket (an organ in the mouth akin to a Jacobson's organ). In the most general of terms, they're at least twice as good as a human at distance-smelling
πŸƒ The scenting pocket is used by a keke flickering their tongue out of their mouth, then pulling it back in and tapping the tip of their tongue to the pocket's opening above their throat openings. They can do this rapidly, just like an Earth snake! This allows them to collect a lotΒ of olfactory detail in a very short period of time. In addition, the pocket can distinguish which of the keke's two tongue tines the scent is stronger on, giving them very good directional tracking
πŸƒ The scenting pocket is prone to irritation in the presence of very strong smells. Just like humans may sneeze in the presence of pepper to get the irritant out of their nose, keke will "sneeze" to potentially remove abrasive molecules from their sniffer! This is done reflexively by an abrupt expanding of the pocket, pulling air in, and then convulsing suddenly, rapidly expelling what was just "inhaled". Which means keke sneeze directly into their own mouths, sorry...
πŸƒ Keke are able to smell far more things in an area than a human by default. You probably can't smell you keyboard, your desk, and whatever you're sitting on (if you are), but a keke would! This isn't overwhelming to them. Instead, it's just how things work! Aside from being naturally used to it, a keke can avoid smelling things by not tapping their tongue to their scent pocket. It may still pick up very strong smells unaided, but most things keke will be able to "shut off" by simply not smelling

🍠 A Snakekey's sense of taste is nigh identical to that of a human's (regardless of their horrible food preferences. They're just like that). Their tongues don't quite have the real estate to house all of the taste buds this requires. Besides, keke don't often chew as humans do due to their teeth arrangement. While the tongue has some taste receptors, more are located in the back of the mouth near the throat openings, in the lower jaw, and in the esophagus itself. If a Snakekey really wants to savor something, they'll probably allow it to rest on the bottom of the mouth. Along with the taste receptors there, it's in the path of saliva that it might otherwise be majorly untouched by

Snakekey_Upgrade_Base_-_Bald_fix.png🌺 A keke's hearing is very near a human's. They have some slight improvements due to their ear type, such as being able to angle their ears towards sound to better pick it up. They benefit very minorly from their ears projecting from their head, but not as much as you might think... A keke's ear openings are on their head, not on these heightened areas. In addition, the "sticks" of keke ears are tubular rather than dish-shaped, which would amply sound much better, "herding" it towards the ear canal. So it basically cancels out. If a keke upgrades to dish-shaped ears however, they'll experience a tiny boost in their hearing ability!
🌺 By default, both humans and keke can hear thunder from roughly ten miles away. A dish-eared will get about a third of a mile tacked onto their maximum hearing distance

πŸ’ Touch, for keke, is about as sensitive as it is for humans. That is to say: quite. Their paws (or hands, if applicable) feature the highest level of sensitivity. In the focused individual, it's possible to tell the difference between a single layer of molecules on a surface. They have other touchy areas, such as the face, mouth, and neck but they'll decrease in receptiveness compared to the paws
πŸ’ Most of a keke's body, unlike humans, is lessΒ sensitive to touch. Think of this like how a dog can tromp through the woods barefoot, but you (I assume) wouldn't dare. This mild decrease in touchiness makes keke a bit hardier out in the wild. It's in part due to the thickness of their skin, partially due to their scaly covering. Out of everything, the belly scales probably feel the least. Granted, they're still receptive. They can feel pressure and a keke will be aware if they're running over a bunch of tiny rocks. It might not be perfectly comfortable, but the thick keratin protects them from harm
πŸ’ Keke may face issues with small parasites or other such things on their bodies. Humans would be alerted to something crawling on us thanks to sensitive skin and hairs, but a keke might totally miss it.... Make sure you keep up on your dust baths to keep the crawlies away!



Fake reserve



Grib reserve


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Crestul reserve



Quill reserve


That He Made for Us reserve


ddqgazk-df0279df-8225-44da-8809-abbc9296Micro_Shive.pngChildren of Shivelight
🌿  Anatomy 🌿

 🌱 Head: The Shivelight are tall, lithe creatures usually standing about 6 to 7 feet tall (not counting the ears). They're very light. Adults may not weigh more than 90 pounds in most cases. They have very narrow heads with a slit, rabbit-like nose. Eyes are usually long almond shapes with simple, round pupils. They have two pairs of medium-length, rounded ears with ribbed insides. By default, they grow longer fur on their heads and the top section of their necks, giving them the look of having hair. Mouths are smooth with split lip and seamless, being invisible unless the Shive wishes to show it. Teeth are small, but sharp, meant for an omnivorous diet. When open, the mouth has a black lip akin to a dog's. Shive of royal decent may grow one or more horns on their forehead area
🌱 Appearance: Long necks connect to slender shoulders. A Shive's chest notably lacks a collarbone, with two downward swooping lines instead showing their different muscle structure. Elbows may extend slightly past the ribcage, making their arms look quite lanky. Hands have four fingers and a thumb, which are more slender than a human's. All Shive have six nipples on their lower stomach area regardless of sex which are used to nurse young. These lie flat unless a Shive is actually nursing. There's a thin indent running down the front of the torso, due to the way it can be bent slightly. Shives do not have navels. They have small hips and long, digitigrade legs that end in tiny, three-toed paws. Paws have a small pad on each toe and one in the center of the foot. All leg bones are very lengthy, making them one of the most common bones to break. A Shive's tail extends from their lower spine and is typically about as long as they are tall. It's coated in long, silky hair that hangs downwards (kind of like a borzoi). It's tipped with a somewhat knobby hand that has three fingers and a thumb. This hand is tipped with claw-like protrusions and usually has a faded padding on the inside of the palm. The third hand has a lessened range of movement, but is still useful

🌿 Basics 🌿

🌱 The word 'Shive' rhymes with 'hive'
🌱 Shive have four biological sexes: shiny, matte, gleam, and gloss. What this means, uh... Snakekeys can't tell. The Shive are far too proper to say!
🌱 Sexes seem to be visible by looking at how a Shive's eyes reflect light. This appears to just be surface-level and not actually have to anything to do with breeding. Shiny is your typical eye. Matte reflects little or no light. Gleam bounces back light in the darkness like a cat's eye. Gloss is so shimmery, it looks like the eyes are welled up with tears!
🌱 Shive have an aura they output, referred to as "will". This is applicable to most beasts, but creatures with higher intelligence, such as other Shive, Snakekeys, Girbbons, etc... will not feel the effect. Will makes most creatures feel at ease around the Shive. This allows them to ride animals around without actually taming them. Caution is advised, through. If a beast is angry or determined enough, it may be able to break will
🌱 The Shive have strict rules about using will since they an influence living creatures with it. For example, beasts should not be used as meat shields or be told to willingly walk into slaughter. Don't be evil!
🌱 Will can be dimmed by the Shive outputting it, though it's difficult for them to shut it totally "off". The effect is generally close enough, though. Dimming will requires extra focus
🌱 The Shive's tail is their strongest limb and is often used as a weapon in a pinch. It's very unlikely to break and can fling attackers away easily
🌱 The Shive seem to have an 'inventory' system, which is visible only to them when 'pulled up'. They can deposit items of any size within this inventory, but the whole thing usually can't carry more than 100 pounds. Inventory weight can be increased if a Shive is more physically fit, but never to the level where they could like...steal a house
🌱 Shivelight infants are commonly called 'kits'. Kits are born with a coat of black baby fur, which they'll later shed for their adult coat
🌱 The blood of Shives is commonly similar to their skin color. Pink or red skin, for example, will likely have red blood. This isn't always the case, though! Pale grey skin may also feature red blood, if it feels like it. Whatever the case, blood will be a solid color unless upgraded otherwise
🌱 Royals have tendency to have magenta or purple-pink blood, setting them apart from the common rabble (even though rabble may also have this blood color sometimes, shhhhhh)

🌿 Culture 🌿

πŸƒ Etiquette for Shive comes in an incredibly long list, but most of them will follow this to the letter. They're known to be cleanly, orderly, and mannerly
πŸƒ Generally, Shive do not enjoy conflict, but will not sit idly by and take fire. They can be a formidable force if provoked
πŸƒ Much of what the Shive know is common knowledge, as they teach most of it in schools and make the rest available in vast public libraries
πŸƒ Many Shivelight ride beasts all over the place. The skill of riding creatures is taught to kits, often as soon as possible!
πŸƒ Shive often bow or curtsy in greeting or as a sign of respect. There doesn't seem to be anything defining what sex of Shive bows or curtsies
πŸƒ The Shivelight talk noticeably differently. Their language is more like old English, with 'thee's, 'thou's, 'ye's and a smattering of fancy wording
πŸƒ It is considered highlyΒ indecent for a Shive to go shirtless regardless of sex. Pants, however, seem to be optional. Nursing Shive may do so in public, but should keep others from seeing their torso by using a cloth
πŸƒ Despite their personal inventories, Shive and their mounts are often seen adorned with bags. This is because bags are totally in style. They're usually stuffed with leaves or foam to give them a full look. Bags have to look important, after all!
πŸƒ Shive are not medically adept. They practice incorrect medical procedures such as trepanation and bloodletting. This decreases their lifespan to an average of 50 years when they have the potential to live longer
πŸƒ Magic exists in the world of the Shive, though seems to be different from the type Snakekeys have. Shive magic can be more powerful with less effort expended and covers more elements
πŸƒ The Shive tend to name things in a drawn-out, title style. This includes the names they give their children
πŸƒ A Shive's title should not be shortened to a nickname, as this can be considered a terrible insult! Only a partner the Shive holds near and dear (generally the spouse) is allowed to use a nickname out of tenderness, but this generally is to be done in private. One should not use nicknames around other parties - you're exposing something very private to them! This is both embarrassing and insulting
πŸƒ Technology for Shive is very medieval-like. Things are somewhat refined, but notably not 'modern'. Unlike Snakekeys, though, the Shive do quite a bit of mining for metals and minerals
πŸƒ Shive can build villages and form towns, but most larger settlements are often associated with a kingdom (which is generally called a 'providence')
πŸƒΒ Providences are usually run by either a royal family or a royal council. Civilians have no method of electing these rulers, but aren't strangers to hauling out the ol' guillotine if things get nasty

🌿 Information Elsewhere... 🌿

🌸 Additional info on sexes and courtship in the Breeding Guide
🌸 Text included in the Creation Guide (not ported to TH at time of posting)


Xavier reserve


ddq1f09-d12a6642-2db6-4327-85cf-177fcbc3Glowis Maximae

Glowie reserve


🚫 Xilgenauts

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