🐤 Mutt Catalogue

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 8 months, 21 days ago) by HannahBug

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Mutt: The hybrid of two pet, mount, or spacer types, their traits blended into something new


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Glowis-Intermediary.png1: Glowis Intermediary: Glowis Major + Glowis Minor

A combination of warm and cool-colored feathers results in a bird with green plumage! Inters have two ear-like tufts like Minors, but they lead into large cheek manes that frame the sides of the face. There's also a tiny bit of feather-frizz on the back of the neck trying to imitate the Major, but it's too stunted to really look the part. As per usual for Glowies, the beak material forms a mask on the face and the eyes can be any color (and glow in the dark)

The wings have an exceptionally long, dexterous, and frightening wrist-finger. While not perfect, this can be used to manipulate objects and gain access to things birds maybe... shouldn't have. The wings are partially feathered, partially membrane with two fingers. The first is long, reaching all the way to the base of the wing. It's large with both pawpad and claw. The other finger is much shorter, being fused into the middle of the membrane. The claw pokes upwards - watch out for it! It can be extra sharp with nothing to wear it down

The feet have two forward-facing talons, one hand-facing. The tail is short and mostly has rounded feathers except for two pointed ones right next to each other in the middle. Like other Glowies, Inters are quite friendly to keke. They eat fish, seeds, and grains. These ones in particular are partial to using their elongated wrist-finger to snatch fish right out of the water! They don't have as strong a pack bonding instinct as Majors do, but they will still offer keke gifts from time to time. Sort of like a cat

Keratin/skin colors can be any color, but frequent dull browns and greys. Everything except the eyes can have any type of marking

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Hopper-Minor.png2: Hopper Minor: Glowis Minor + Bigfoot Minor

Hoppers have a large feather tuft bordering on a crest on their foreheads. Their "ear" crests are pointy, but not as long as the Bigfoot's. Their pupils are slit and they have two, small saber fangs on their beaks. The wings seem to be incredibly reduced beyond the wrist joint... It looks more like a hand than a wing! There's three big ol' fingers with pawpads and webbing beneath them. There's also a bit of membrane that connects the wrist to the rest of the arm. Besides this bit, the wing is feathered. Unlike those of either of their parents, these wings are totally useless for flight. They're too bulky and not feathered right! They can be used for limited gliding, but it's not ideal gliding

The feet of Hoppers have two forward-facing toes and one hind-facing toe. They're slightly elongated. The tail is split into two bushy peaks that are somewhat elongated. Hoppers eat grains, seeds, and fish like other Glowies do. They tend to find success being ambush predators on banks, waiting for little fishes to swim near and then grabbing them with fang and claw. They're very friendly to keke and seem to enjoy their presence

Hoppers can be black, orange, brown, purple, or blue in coloration. Their eyes can be any color. Their skin and keratin tends to be a dull grey or brown, but can technically be any color as well. They can have any type of markings anywhere except their eyes. Eyes can be any color and can glow in the dark

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


All-Seeing-Vy.png3: All-Seeing Vy: Vyis + All Seeing Eye

When a cat and a rock love each other very much For whatever reason, an All-Seeing Eye's stare is capable of slowly charging up a Vyis' lightning until the point that it forms a ball-lightning. What emerges will likely be the All-Seeing Vy. They're slightly smaller than their Vyis parent, being about 2' to 1'5" at the shoulder. In place of their metallic static-absorbers, they have patches of beautiful crystal that often contrasts nicely with their pale, greyish coats. Duchesses have larger back spines as well as a third, central horn on their heads. This mutt lacks any crackling electricity, but seems to have a field of energy around it in the same general places (tails, paws, horns). This field lifts light things such as hair as if they were underwater and can provoke a mild feeling of falling

Rather than being closed, the A-SV's eyes are open and functional. They'll be the same color type as their crystals (eg blue eyes for blue gems) with simple, rounded pupils (the same color type, as well). Thanks to their A-SE parents, they seem to quite enjoy staring as a passtime

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Froggis.png4: Froggis: Frogdog + Glowis Maxima

By seeding their pollen inside a Glowis' breeding scratches and then having the Glowis roost atop the mixture, a Frogdog can produce a Froggis. Despite having wings, a Froggis cannot actually move their shoulders in the way needed to fly. Thusly, they're essentially decoration. Wings consist of a simple membrane with one elongated, clawed finger branching from the paw. Animals are mostly covered in fur, but heave feathers atop their head, covering their ears, and in a short ridge along their tail. There's a small, beak-like keratin formation on the muzzle which also appears to be mostly for looks

Thanks to their prehensile, feathery ears, Froggises are able to glide for short distances. Using this in combination with their springy tail, forcing them into the air, allows them to quite effectively escape predators. They seem to have the same coloration rules as Frogdogs (1 solid color with 0-3 colors for simple spots) with eyes, keratin, and feathers being any color. They're slightly larger than Frogdogs, but only by an inch or two

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Twodog.png5: Twodog: Frogdog + Twolips

A small creature of wrath, a Twodog is created with a Twolips snaps up and incubates Frogdog pollen. The resulting beastie is about 8" to a foot tall with two long, strong mouth-tails and an optional spike collar. Since they have the Frogdog's tail, they're capable of popping themselves up into the air, but, without any ear-hands to grab anything, they'll quickly fall right back down. Instead of prehensile, the ears are two soft or fluffy pillars that appear like pollen. The Twodog uses these to emote and communicate with others of its kind. Being a cyclops, the animal has one large eye in the center of its face that can come in any array of colors and pupil shape. Above it are two nostrils, angled inward for an "angry eyebrow" look.

Despite having four small legs, Twodogs often do not enjoy moving about much. They seem to follow their plant roots and sit in one place much of the time, staring at the sun. They can skitter off if need be, but tend to be lacking in speed. Their bodies are either one solid color or a two-tone gradient and may feature simple markings such as spots, stripes, and swirls. The ears may be any color, but often lean towards white, cream, or yellow

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Stutterbaby.png6: Stutterbaby: Sugar Baby + Stutterfly

If a Stutterfly weaves it's breeding cocoon on a SB's soul window, a Stutterbaby can be born. These pups start out exceptionally small, as they have to fit in those tiny, woody cases! They grow to more normal sizes startlingly quickly, though. Don't think you can keep your Stutterbaby out of trouble in a little glass bowl for more than week or so! Animals have a long, slightly scooped snoot as well as a pair of rounded knobs on their head resembling horns. The neck and hind legs are covered by an exoskeleton-like material that lends the baby some protection. In place of a soul window, Stutterbabies have large chitinous spikes that are boldly decorated. Their hind legs from the ankle down as well as their front paws are made up of this same flashy material. It's worth noting that though the baby's feet appear to have toes, these are actually just grooves in the chitin!

Stutterbabies have shortened tails and lack dorsal spikes. Their legs are arranged more like a Stutterfly than a canid, giving them a peculiar stance. Animals may be any color all around, though their upper-hind-leg and neck chitin tends to be much duller in color than their pretty-chitin

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Sticking-Snapling.png7: Sticking Snapling: Sample Snap + Frogdog

If the nesting material a Sample Snap gathers is full of Frogdog pollen, then the babies that emerge from the pile have a chance of being Sticking Snaplings. These creatures are about 4"-6" tall at the crown of the head, which is larger than their Snap parent, but much smaller than their Frogdog one. They have prehensile ears, though they're a fair deal smaller than those of a Frogdog. They have only two grasping nubs on each ear, which is enough to hold onto things with, but doesn't lend them an excess of support. Despite heavily resembling a Snap, Snaplings have the Frogdog's "angry eyebrow" nostrils as well as a functioning mouth. To survive, they consume a combination of solid food and scents - both make up a healthy diet!

The Snapling attempted to have back legs, but instead came up with a sort of slightly limp secondary arms further down their body. These are often used for grooming or hanging onto small, light objects. Otherwise, they serve little purpose. Eyes may be any solid color, while fur is one solid color with 0-3 colors of simple spots dotting it

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!


Minor-Griffon.png8: Minor Griffon: Glowis Minor + Frogdog

If Frogdog pollen finds its way into a Glowis Minor's nest, the resulting offspring have a change of being Minor Griffons. These beasties are quite small, being only 8" to 1' at the shoulder. They're fully capable of flight thanks to their Minor-like wings and shoulder arrangement. In place of a head crest, they have two, long, feathery ears. Their hind end appears to be one of a Frogdog with the long tail slightly shrunken, thinned, and tipped with a feather fan for navigating the air

Minor Griffons are cool in color (blue, purple, green, etc) with whitish, greyish, or blackish keratin masks on their faces. The keratin color will also be that of their claws. Their eyes may be any color, have simple, round pupils, and may glow in the dark

⭕ These are limited pets and cannot be obtained without earning them!