MYO Approval

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by nighty-
STATUS: CLOSED TIL 21st October 2022
Form: name // payment type // traitsย (base price is common only) // design (link or insert) // self or mod redesign (if your design does not fit up to code, would you like to try redoing it or have a moderator redesign it for you? this will cost extra)ย // Additional information
Please make sure to fill out the form correctly or you will be asked to revise it.
Common MYO - 1 MYO Ticket, $30, 3K Points
Uncommon Trait - +5 Cave Crystals, 500 points, $5
Rare Trait, etc. ย - Unavailable at the moment
Subspecies - +5 Cave Crystals, 500 points, $5
Cryptobloom - Unavailable at the moment

-Follow species Guidelines and TOS
-Refrain from creating your character until your MYO has been approved and payed for!
-You can only request creating 3 a month, or use 4 MYO tickets
-You can make your specibloom have subspecies characteristics by purchasing an uncommon trait
-If you wish, you can donate materials, currency, payment to others to help them afford their specibloom.
- Please be respectful when interacting with moderators.
-No refunds, especially if you ordered a moderator redesign and they have completed it.
Why are they so expensive?
We created them to be more expensive so people are encouraged to participate in events which are a much cheaper way to earn resources for MYO's. We apologize for making it more difficult for you all!
Species guide:
Check Your Wallet!

Not sure if now is the time for this, but! I have a boy I'd like approved!

Form: ย mysthalery (creator/owner) Tucson (Specibloom) // gift (proof) // c: one plant (sunflowers), c: deer horns (they're the purple ones - smaller because he's a kid!), c: large flop ears, c: blank eyes // design // self redesign // has small pebbles in his jelly! The jelly also makes up his "blush" spots, hair, and part of his ears. :]


Looks good approved :)


Thank you! :DD


Heya! Sorry if I filled this out wrong:

OnTheWingsOfADragon (owner) TBN (Specibloom) / Event Prize / all common traits: one plant (kelp), simple erect horns, tall ears, blank eyes, octopus tail / / self designed / I donโ€™t have a name for him yet, so if you can come up with one Iโ€™d really appreciate it. Hereโ€™s a moody little man on the outside, but really sweet and selfless on the inside.



Approved :D


OnTheWingsOfADragon / event prize / common: one plant, uncommon: round ears, shaped pupil, dorsal fin (sorta), rare: unicorn horn / / self-designed / her name is Narwhal and thereโ€™s some lore on her page that contributes heavily to her design.


nighty-, sounds good to me, you can double checkย 


OnTheWingsOfADragon, apologizes to keep you waiting, but it appears that nighty- is inactive at the moment, so I will handle this instead!
Narwhal's design looks good! But I would ask if you could possibly add some seaweed to Narwhal's back, and that's all.

Additionally, stingrays do not count as dorsal fins so no need for that trait.

For confirmation, you are using your uncommon myo and rare trait


Generations Thank you for the feedback! Will add some more seaweed to her design and remove the dorsal fin when I have a spare moment. And yes, I am using my uncommon MYO and rare trait.