[P] Pierce the Veil [Over!]

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 9 months ago) by HannahBug


Flewcoop has been relatively quiet lately. A few babies hatched, a report on local fauna was done, it was kind of windy recently... It was generally your everyday goings-on. Due to the lazy summer days, it took people a while to see the signs. Quite literally: signs. The first one was spotted deep in the redwoods, standing alone, almost eerie. It was painted with thin, swirling letters and read simply "A curse on you all". This could be unnerving, but there was nothing saying a handful of troublemaking youths hadn't hastily constructed the sign and planted it there. It was generally dismissed as an oddity for the scouts to keep an occasional eye on.

But then...there were more. At first, just one. Then three. Then a dozen. They began to encroach on the town, some being visible from the streets. All of them had the same sort of scrawl and tended to mentioned a "curse", often in a mocking tone. Strangely, no one could catch sight of the person who had taken it upon themselves to do this. It was as if the posts would simply crop up when nobody was looking - blink and you'd miss it. Gradually, the nearby woods were becoming overrun with the cryptic messages. Somebody got frustrated and yanked one from the ground. As soon as the sign was uprooted, the grass that had surrounded it abruptly withered and died. A few hours later, the Snakekey who had taken action had to be dismissed to the Healers', coming down with a sudden fever. The other occupants of the town were warned to leave the signs alone until more was known about them...

TL;DR: Strange signs mentioning a curse begin to appear outside of Flewcoop en masse. If removed, they kill the grass and give the remover a fever

🌲 This is a plot event (what the [P] stands for). It will effect/unlock things for the group
🌲 This event is written in keke-perspective, but you're welcome to use PCs if you prefer
🌲 This is a choose-your-own-adventure style event. Branches must be followed in the order provided. If you want to get multiple endings, you can, but you'll need to start at the beginning per each ending
🌲 Each prompt (aside from this beginning one here and any 🍂 Conclusion 🍂 post) requires 100 words or a sketch clean enough to see what's going on related to the prompt
🌲 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of characters you own
🌲 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like while the event is running!
🌲 If you end up down a path you decide you don't want to be, you can backtrack up the posts your character has done so far until you reach the place where you want to branch off without having to redo art for the prompts you've already done
🌲 You can plot your route ahead of time using these trees (the show spoilers!): Research, pull signs, and leave
🌲 Due to the length of this event, there isn't exactly a set 'finish here' time. Once you've made your first piece, you can continue at your leisure, even if that means finishing a year from now! However, you can only enter new characters in the event while it's running. After the event 'ends', you can only use characters you've already included in your pieces (unless you use an exception day)
🌲 Once a keke reaches the end of a thread (you reach a prompt that has 🌲 Conclusion 🌲 in place of an action select), that keke has finished the event and can no longer backtrack! They're effectively 'out' unless you reenter them again by starting at the beginning
🌲 There's only one possible ending, but there are different things you can earn and learn depending on which path you take!
🌲 You'll find nodes scattered throughout the story. Keep track of which ones you've found! They unlock extra rewards (you only need to do a node-prompt once to unlock the rewards for it for all your keke/PCs)
🌲 Entries go in the Event Entries folder!
🌲 Skip to the rewards

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Contribute to research effortsAttempt to figure out where the signs are coming from, why they have side effects upon removal, and stuff like that
🌲 Pull up more signsWhat happened to that first guy was probably a coincidence. These signs have got to go!
🌲 Try to enjoy your summer... You were just trying to have a nice time and you feel so attacked right now...

⭕ This event ends August 31, 11:59 PM (PST)
Exception days will be available for registration after the event


🌠 - Contribute to research efforts

The one sign that had already been removed from the ground ensured that a bit of testing could be done without risk. Or...theoretically, anyway. The thing was whisked away to the Book House and, right away, it was determined to outwardly be...nothing special. The wood it was made out of was locally sourced and none of the other materials seemed to be anything abnormal. The text though was a possible match to a related phenomenon rarely reported within the valley. Said phenomenon included a mysteriously appearing sign that led a keke down a trail to inevitably encounter an animate skeleton. Nobody knew who this skeleton was supposed to be, but it seemed to have a fondness for 'cursing' people. Then again, this wasn't an unheard of story. Writing some similar-sounding words wouldn't be an arduous task...

TL;DR: The sign is taken away for research. It seems similar to ones that sometimes appear and lead a keke to an angry animate skeleton

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Develop a mild feverWait-- what?


🌠 - Develop a mild fever

After leaning over the sign along with some others for a while, you suddenly realize that you've slowly been feeling not-so-great. Your eyes are tired and you have to resist rubbing at them. You're hot, then chilly, then hot again... You can't help but wonder about the keke that pulled this sign up in the first place. What happened to him? You've heard he went to the Healers', but then what...? He was probably fine. Incurable things don't exist. Still...you continue to grow increasingly anxious about your condition...

TL;DR: You develop a mild fever and are kind of stressing about it

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Go to the Healers' buildingIt's probably for the best if you get this checked out. Just in case
🌲 Admit your condition to the other researchersYou're already here. Might as well get some data on this, right?


🌠 - Admit your condition to the other researchers

Some of the others have started looking at your funny whilst you silently stress out. One of them asks if you're feeling okay. You heave a sigh and confess that no, maybe not... The air in the room noticeably changes as everyone present realizes that they may not be as safe as they suspected they were. A Wistul not-so-subtly waddles to a countertop and retrieves a face mask for themselves. The others present start to mutter questions about what should be done and other such concerns. You sort of just...stand awkwardly in the spotlight while this happens. You're not getting asked any science-y questions like you thought you would. In fact, the others are so busied with this new development that you're not sure anybody's even looking at you. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"HOLY CRUD, YOU'RE A GHOST!!" A keke in the back of the room that wandered in to help out is pointing and screaming at you. Confused, you look down at yourself. You're not sure 'ghost' is the right word, but uh...your bones are kind of glowing. Not a lot, but you can sort of see them through your skin. And that's enough, honestly. But, hey, wait! That's a thing that can happen. Some people's bones just glow. Maybe you've spontaneously upgraded...?

TL;DR: You admit your fever and somebody freaks out at you about being a 'ghost'. You realize that your bones have begun to glow slightly


🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Become fully convinced you're a ghostYOU'RE DEAD, OH NO
🌲 Be the voice of reasonListen, listen, let's all just calm down and think this through...


🌠 - Become fully convinced you're a ghost

The keke that noticed you is screaming. You're screaming. People are screaming at both of you to stop screaming. But HOW are you supposed to be CALM?? You just converted into a ghost!! Because of a dumb sign!!! If you weren't so concerned with your possible death, you might have noticed that your bones seemed to think it might be a good idea to go supernova. The higher your emotional state, the brighter you glow. Any other lights in the room sputter out after a valiant fight to remain lit. Shortly, the walls, the sign, and everyone around you is washed in an eerie light. It's rippling like water and you think...you can see something in there. It's just bits and pieces, darting around like fish. You find yourself pausing your screeching, joining everyone else in abrupt silence. What is this...?

The peace is broken once more by the sign, which had been sitting by itself peacefully, explodes into hundreds of wooden shards. For half a second, you hear others cry in alarm, but then it suddenly cuts off. Blinking around in confusion, you realize you're no longer in the Book House. You're in some sort of grove of black grass heavily ringed by black trees. There's bones scattered around, but they're far too clean and pristine to have been a predator's mess. On top of that, your skin is almost fully transparent...

TL;DR: You freak out and glow really brightly. The sign explodes and you find that you've been transported to an area with black grass and trees. You're also kind of see-through

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 > Try to teleport backMaybe...if you panic a second time, this will undo
🌲 Leave the groveYou are simply not staying here. Time to find your way back!


🌠 - Leave the grove

After picking the direction you believe is most likely to return you to civilization, you set off. However, you don't get far. As you continue on, the foliage thickens around you, herding you down strange, narrow corridors of bark and leaf. Eventually, you come upon a dead end. The dark trees weave themselves together so tightly that there's simply no way you could slip through. You have no choice but to backtrack. Though...it's awful maze-like down here. You're pretty sure you retraced your treads exactly, but it's as if the environment is shifting around you. Sometimes you can see the trail you left in the dirt, but helpful marks seem to be far and few in between

Just as you're starting to get decently concerned, something pale and sharp forces its way between two of the thick limbs, peeling them apart with ease. As the branches are cleared away, you realize that said sharp things are boney claws  belonging to a skeletal figure. Per peers down at you, emotionless, hollow eye sockets lit by flickering orange lights

"At last" Per hisses in a dry, ancient voice that comes from nowhere and everywhere all at once "The curse has caught up to you all." You think you hear a smile in per tone, but it's hard to tell. Bones aren't awfully emotive. Per doesn't leave you time to ponder this. Shoving aside more of the black tree limbs, per leaves you room to pass through as per gestures grandly behind perself "Join the ranks." Per sneers. You glance through per ribs to see a much larger clearing in the woods behind per. A few other keke linger awkwardly in the open space, just as transparent as you. This doesn't seem awfully appealing, but you hear the boughs behind you slithering together, knotting up behind you in such a way that you cannot return whence you came 

TL;DR: You try to leave, but struggle to navigate a maze of branches. You find a large skeleton who ushers you into another clearing with a few other transparent-y keke in it

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Attempt escape anywayUnfeasible? Yes. But heck if that's going to deter you, you rebel you
🌲 Explore the large clearingBigger space means more chances for exits, right?


🌠 -  Go to the Healers' building

As soon as the opportunity presents itself, you quietly excuse yourself from the investigation. Trying not to fidget nervously, you tread across town, ducking between the constant crowd of other keke fussing over the strange goings-on. The Healers' place is on the other side of the village compared to the Book House, but you make it there eventually. You don't even need to enter to see Loretta pacing agitated inside, her white fur a flash against the dull shades of hanging dried herbs. Once you get up the nerve to enter (as you must brace yourself for a possible lecture), you find that the building is empty aside from the Fawnette herself. She doesn't notice you at first, but her pacing leads her to turn soon enough. She starts upon seeing you, halting in her tread

"What? What is it?" She snaps after a moment, though she sounds noticeably shaken for herself

TL;DR: You go to the Healers' building, but don't see the keke that pulled up the sign there - just the healer

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 > Ask about the keke who touched the sign. They're not here and that's kind of concerning
🌲 Announce your ailmentCure, please


🌠 -  Announce your ailment

This other stuff isn't really your problem. What is your problem is the sign-fever you currently have. You convey your condition to the healer and, in place of a stern talking-to, you see her...almost pale...? She quickly snaps out of it, but you can't quite get the expression out of your mind's eye. Loretta starts asking you a barrage of questions about what you've been doing, how you're feeling, where you've been, and pretty much anything else that could possibly be related. You're scarcely able to even answer her before she's asking you about something else. While still talking, she branches off, plucking herbs from the ceiling and scooping other other healer-y things from various nooks and crannies. She starts furiously mashing something via mortar and pestle, but what you're not sure. It's not that you're not looking, you're just starting to feel...out of it. You realize you've stopped responding to the Fawn nearby when you hear her repeating something insistently. It's so far off, though... You can't make out what it is. Just before your eyes flutter closed, you can feel yourself slumping towards the floor and see the vague, blurry shape of Loretta lunging to catch you

You blink your eyes open slowly, feeling as if you've just taken what was supposed to be an thirty minute nap, but ended up being a five hour nap instead. Pushing yourself up from the ground, you find you're not in the Healers' building anymore. All around you, everything is black. The trees are black, the leaves are black, the grass is black... You're in a small clearing that you've never seen before. It feels eerie and alien. Around you are bleached bones, but they're far too pristine to be the leftovers of a predator. You reach out to help yourself up further and realize you can totally see through your arm. It's still there, but...only just

TL;DR: You pass out before Loretta can help you. You wake up mostly transparent and in a grove of black trees and grass


🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Leave the groveYou are simply not staying here. Time to find your way back!


🌠 -  Ask about the keke who touched the sign

You casually mention that Loretta seems to be awful lonely in here. As in literally alone. Like...where is that other dude. Seriously. She doesn't seem super pleased that you've brought this up. You see her open her mouth as if she was going to say something, close it, stare thoughtfully at the wall, and open her mouth again (more pointedly than the first). This time, she's raised a paw for emphasis, so you get the feeling she's actually going to speak. Before she can, there's the sound of shattering glass, but it's deafening, like it's right in your ears. Both you and the Fawn flinch away from the sharp noise, but your attention is quickly caught by something else. Brightly glowing shards have started to crack off you like you're coming apart. They drift away from your body and latch onto the walls where they dart around like rainbows in sunbeams with a mind of their own. This happens faster and faster until you can hardly see through the wave of little broken pieces flying past your face. Then, as quickly as it began, the phenomenon is over. The flecks of light swimming around the walls all dart into crevices or onto the lit windows where they disappear

As it seems to be the logical course of action, you go to ask Loretta what the heck just happened. But when you try, your voice doesn't come out. Alarmed, you reach for your throat only to realize that your almost fully transparent and kinda green. On top of that, the healer looks really freaked out. She swings her head about wildly before rushing around, collecting what seems to be random things for random reasons. You try to catch her attention, but it's like you're not even there. The Fawnette flies out the door in a mess of papers and herbs, leaving you alone in the building

TL;DR: Before you can get an answer, a brunch of bright shards come off you, leaving you semi-transparent. You can't speak and Loretta doesn't seem to be able to see you


🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 > Follow LorettaYou'll get answers yet...!
🌲 Try to cure yourselfAll the resources are right here. You might as well try


🌠 - Be the voice of reason

You put your hands up in a 'whoa, whoa, calm down, guys' motion in a quick attempt to halt any further screaming. Then, you calmly explain that this is probably just an upgrade. It's happened to people before, it's nothing crazy! You get a couple nods of agreement here and there from some of the others. The loud keke in the back squints at you, but doesn't have another outburst. However, in solving this problem, you've created another: the focus on your fever returns. The makeshift research team has begun discussing among themselves whether or not it would be better to do a bit of studying you or ship you off to the Healers'. You...kind of want a say in this...?

TL;DR: You calm the freaking out keke, but now the researchers are thinking about researching you

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 > Get researchedFor science!
🌲 > Go to the Healers' buildingExcuse yourself and see if you can get this fixed


🌠 - Explore the large clearing

As instructed, you slink past the looming bones and enter the wide, bleak plane of grass. Some of the ghost-ke there raise their heads to look at you, but most continue drifting listlessly without acknowledging your presence. You feel uncomfortable. The feeling seems to be mutual. The other transparent Snakekeys turn away shortly, most staring aimlessly at the ground. You do your best to straighten and shake off the haunting feeling - you have work to do here. Standing around isn't going to find a way back to Flewcoop. Behind you, the skeleton slithers back into the knotted trees, an ominous rattling of per ribs following per into the distance. You're safe to search without being caught. For now, anyway

Woefully, the field seems to be as empty as it looks. The perimeter is made of tightly interwoven tree limbs and a tangle of dark, threatening thorns, ensuring you don't get tempted to try and climb over. Other than that, you find...grass. Lots and lots of black, dry, withering grass. It crunches beneath your treads as you go. The sound is a constant reminder: you're trapped now. You're a ghost or something and you're being held hostage by a big, spooky snake. It's fully possible that you can't get back where you came from...

Before that thought can worm itself too deeply in your mind, something catches your eye. There's a sparkle of orange, only just emerging between the blades of grass. If you'd gone any other way, you would have missed it. As it is, it only flickers in the dull light for half a second before going dim again. As it's the only other point of interest you've seen since arriving here, you quickly wind over to it before the memory of where the flash shone from slips from your memory. After a short moment of stumbling and thinking you'd lost it, you push aside the correct pawful of shriveled grass. There a tiny, broken stone lies. It looks darkened and hollow despite the light that came off it just seconds ago. Gingerly, you scoop it up. Immediately, you feel a powerful shiver carry through the whole of you. It's gone as quickly as it arrived, leaving you to wonder if it was just coincidence or...

TL;DR: You look pretty trapped in the clearing. You find only a small, orange shard of rock that makes you shudder when you touch it


🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 Hunt for more rocksIt's broken. Maybe the other pieces are nearby
🌲 Communicate with the ghost-kekeThey might know something you don't


🌠 - Communicate with the ghost-keke

You're not entirely sure what you're trying to ask, but you summon the nerve to approach one of the glowing skeletons that haunt the clearing with you. They eye you nervously as you approach, feeling the same strong apprehension you're currently suffering from. You can't quite get within a reasonable speaking distance - you can't make yourself. Awkwardly, you open your mouth to speak, but your voice only cracks under the pressure. The other keke winces in second-hand embarrassment. This isn't working. Whatever magic is going on here, it's powerful. And it doesn't want you conspiring together

In a last-ditch effort, you raise your paw. The little shard you hold glimmers briefly in the light, shining like a beacon for just a moment. The other keke's eyes flash. You can't quite tell if it's surprise or excitement, they're too transparent to see. You watch them reach into the pocket of a jacket you didn't realize they were wearing, producing a small amber glimmer of their own. They hold their stone up eagerly, mimicking your prior movement. It's smaller than the one you have, shaped a little like an arch. Your pieces wouldn't fit together... There must be more

TL;DR: There's awkward-magic that keeps you from talking to the other keke, so you can only show them your stone. They have one too, but it doesn't fit into yours

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 You hear somethingIt sounds familiar
🌲 You hear somethingIt sounds familiar
🌲 You hear somethingIt sounds familiar


🌠 - Hunt for more rocks

You raise your head, seeking flickers or orange amongst the otherwise ashen scenery. You don't see anything initially, so you try bobbling your head around in search of light angles that will give you any clues. The other keke seem to notice after a minute or two. Or you assume so, as they're looking at you funny. It's just as well - you're not making any progress like this. Thusly, you pull yourself together with dignity and resume your patrol in ghost-land like a respectable ghost-citizen. The burning gazes trail you for a few more moments, but they slowly are drawn away the longer you don't do anything particularly interesting. You slither for a minute or two more before pausing to ponder once you feel suitably unwatched

Things aren't looking as bright as you'd hoped. This place, while contained, is far too large for you to search by yourself. And who knows how much time you have anyway. The skeleton could come back and it seemed like per had some sort of evil plan. Or at least a highly dubious plan. While you're exploring this train of thought, you hear a telltale clattering - the sound of many ribs swiftly rolling over branches as if they were mere blades of grass. You feel like you'll have a few moments before per appears, but suddenly per's bursting into the clearing, a looming tower of blanched bones. Per has a particularly squirmy ghost-keke clasped in a fist whom per unceremoniously dumps on the ground. Per seems to spit some sort of insult at them that you can't quite hear before turning and vanishing the way per came

After a moment, this new occupant rises to their treads and indignantly dusts themselves off. It looked like they were about to search for an escape, same as you, but you see their head jolt off to the side as if something's caught their attention. You, from your place don't see anything. Regardless, they stoop towards the ground as if picking up something. As soon as the 'something' touches their paw, there's a bright orange flash that makes you squint away even from your distance. Once you're able to look back again, you see them holding a little amber shard up in the air. This one doesn't stop shining

After boggling for a moment, you realize that several other beacons of light have split the dark clearing. One of them is coming from you. Looking down to your paw, you see the stone you found has taken on the same brilliant sheen. What's more, you're having a hard time holding onto it all of the sudden. It seems to drift towards the edges of your fingers, slipping away regardless of how you try to pin it down. You hear someone cry out and glance up to see that other shining fragments have taken to the air, one floating delicately away from each ghost that haunts the barren field

TL;DR: You can't find any more shards, but the skeleton brings in a new ghost-keke who finds one. All of the shards suddenly begin to glow, revealing each keke present has one. They're drifting into the sky

🎍 Action Select 🎍

🌲 > You hear somethingIt sounds familiar
🌲 > You hear somethingIt sounds familiar
🌲 > You hear somethingIt sounds familiar


🌠 - You hear something (A)

You're watching in awe as the shards rise upwards, each seeming to have a mind of its own. They're collecting in a central mass above the clearing, shining down brilliantly on the lot of you. You scarcely notice your own shard slip from your paws and swirl towards the others. You get a powerful shiver that runs through your whole body. You swear it made something in your head snap. Not in a bad way, more of an...open way. It's like your ears have been stopped up your entire life and they suddenly cleared. It feels deep, profound, and like every scale you have is standing on its end. You just can't...figure out why

The little amber pieces are putting themselves back together overhead, clinking melodically against each other as they do so. It's more like watching a very polite colony of insects rather than mysterious ghost-rocks. You try to figure out what shape they're making, but it itself seems to be incomplete. This is part of a greater whole. Yet, you sense...an end. This was your task. While you've been completing it, others were completing theirs elsewhere. You can almost feel the remaining parts out there, distant clumps of heat in the corners of your mind

Your attention is torn away with the overpowering sound of trees being rent from the ground, accompanied by hissing and howling you'd imagine only hearing in a nightmare. You hardly are able to begin to turn your head towards the din before hundreds and hundreds of hulking bones are rocketing past you, wind rushing between them as they go. The skeletal Snakekey that's been prowling the dark woods is spiraling rapidly beneath the airborne beacon, flashing per teeth and raking per claws at the thing. Yet, the lump of amber is just out of reach. It chimes on peacefully as the last of the shards tuck into their places

"NO!!" The bones shriek, both enraged and desperate "No, you can't!! The curse is at hand!

The stones aren't listening. The notes of them moving against each other have slowed. You only hear one little clink, clink, clink leisurely hopping across the surface, searching for an imperfection to call its home

"Just give up already you useless-"

Regardless of how much venom the skeleton dips per tone in, the final puzzle piece stops moving only when it can complete the whole. It does so abruptly, cutting off per words with a brilliant flash of white light. You hear per howl, a furious beast, but you can't see per anymore. Your vision is only white. It's not bright. Instead if feels...peaceful. No one's in that void with you, yet you don't feel alone. No, you've never felt safer. From somewhere deep and dark and far away, you hear a great sigh. It sounds so, so weary, but undoubtedly relived. It sounds so familiar... You should know this...

 You...do know this

TL;DR: The shards put themselves together in the sky, but they seem to be a part of a bigger puzzle. The skeleton tries per best to stop the thing, but can't. Your vision goes white and you feel something...familiar

🌲 Conclusion 🌲


🌠 - You hear something (B)

While you're exploring this train of thought, you hear a telltale clattering - the sound of many ribs swiftly rolling over branches as if they were mere blades of grass. You feel like you'll have a few moments before per appears, but suddenly per's bursting into the clearing, a looming tower of blanched bones. Per has a particularly squirmy ghost-keke clasped in a fist whom per unceremoniously dumps on the ground. Per seems to spit some sort of insult at them that you can't quite hear before turning and vanishing the way per came

After a moment, this new occupant rises to their treads and indignantly dusts themselves off. It looked like they were about to search for an escape, same as you, but you see their head jolt off to the side as if something's caught their attention. You, from your place don't see anything. Regardless, they stoop towards the ground as if picking up something. As soon as the 'something' touches their paw, there's a bright orange flash that makes you squint away even from your distance. Once you're able to look back again, you see them holding a little amber shard up in the air. This one doesn't stop shining

After boggling for a moment, you realize that several other beacons of light have split the dark clearing. One of them is coming from you. Looking down to your paw, you see the stone you found has taken on the same brilliant sheen. What's more, you're having a hard time holding onto it all of the sudden. It seems to drift towards the edges of your fingers, slipping away regardless of how you try to pin it down. You hear someone cry out and glance up to see that other shining fragments have taken to the air, one floating delicately away from each ghost that haunts the barren field

You're watching in awe as the shards rise upwards, each seeming to have a mind of its own. They're collecting in a central mass above the clearing, shining down brilliantly on the lot of you. You scarcely notice your own shard slip from your paws and swirl towards the others. You get a powerful shiver that runs through your whole body. You swear it made something in your head snap. Not in a bad way, more of an...open way. It's like your ears have been stopped up your entire life and they suddenly cleared. It feels deep, profound, and like every scale you have is standing on its end. You just can't...figure out why

The little amber pieces are putting themselves back together overhead, clinking melodically against each other as they do so. It's more like watching a very polite colony of insects rather than mysterious ghost-rocks. You try to figure out what shape they're making, but it itself seems to be incomplete. This is part of a greater whole. Yet, you sense...an end. This was your task. While you've been completing it, others were completing theirs elsewhere. You can almost feel the remaining parts out there, distant clumps of heat in the corners of your mind

Your attention is torn away with the overpowering sound of trees being rent from the ground, accompanied by hissing and howling you'd imagine only hearing in a nightmare. You hardly are able to begin to turn your head towards the din before hundreds and hundreds of hulking bones are rocketing past you, wind rushing between them as they go. The skeletal Snakekey that's been prowling the dark woods is spiraling rapidly beneath the airborne beacon, flashing per teeth and raking per claws at the thing. Yet, the lump of amber is just out of reach. It chimes on peacefully as the last of the shards tuck into their places

"NO!!" The bones shriek, both enraged and desperate "No, you can't!! The curse is at hand!

The stones aren't listening. The notes of them moving against each other have slowed. You only hear one little clink, clink, clink leisurely hopping across the surface, searching for an imperfection to call its home

"Just give up already you useless-"

Regardless of how much venom the skeleton dips per tone in, the final puzzle piece stops moving only when it can complete the whole. It does so abruptly, cutting off per words with a brilliant flash of white light. You hear per howl, a furious beast, but you can't see per anymore. Your vision is only white. It's not bright. Instead if feels...peaceful. No one's in that void with you, yet you don't feel alone. No, you've never felt safer. From somewhere deep and dark and far away, you hear a great sigh. It sounds so, so weary, but undoubtedly relived. It sounds so familiar... You should know this...

 You...do know this

TL;DR: You can't find any more shards, but the skeleton brings in a new ghost-keke who finds one. All of the shards suddenly begin to glow, revealing each keke present has one. They're drifting into the sky
The shards put themselves together in the sky, but they seem to be a part of a bigger puzzle. The skeleton tries per best to stop the thing, but can't. Your vision goes white and you feel something...familiar

🌲 Conclusion 🌲