The Birthday: Water Week [Over!]

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 2 months ago) by HannahBug

Water_Week_header.pngIt's a bit breezy, but otherwise quite pleasant in Fliptide and on Villa Isle. There's more tourists than usual, as the beach is an appealing local to celebrate Susie's birthday (assigned to Feb 2nd by keke). Aside from the tourist trap merchants though, most residents are busy preparing for and getting hyped for the event that the little city hosts around the same time. Originally, it was an extension of the short, but exciting Birthday so that one had more than a single day to jam in every activity. The occupants simply thought up too much stuff, there wasn't enough time...! Over the years, Water Week has spiraled into majorly its own thing that is often highly anticipated by locals

TL;DR: Occupants of Villa Isle and Fliptide are celebrating their event, Water Week, which is a runoff of The Birthday

🌊 1: Splash Park 🌊

With the ocean right next door (which is not an ocean, mind, but keke think it is) it's nice and easy to harness for "Splash Park". Said park is not really a park, but an area sanctioned off where water pumps are set up and anyone who can use water magic is enlisted. All ye who enter had better be ready to get soggy! Timed fountains shoot up from the ground and toss bolts of water around as if they're playing catch with each other. Walls of mist descend from archways of pipes, powerful hoses of soft-water blast keke down long tarp slides, and the mages are always lurking around corners to mix things up!

TL;DR: Keke use the nearby "ocean" to make a water pump and mage-powered water park

🥝 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC in Splash Park
🥝 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody
🥝 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own keke
🥝 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🥝 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌊 1: Rewards 🌊

🥝 You earn of the upgrades in this pool for every keke/PC that you own or any NPC included in an entry for prompt 1 (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🥝 If desired, you can trade in upgrades earned from any section of this event for use of a special morph below!
🥝 You may do the above conversion as many times as you like for this event
🥝 The special morphs earned from this event may be applied to replace the morph of an existing adult for free (so you don't have to get morph changer )
🥝 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🏐 1 > Aqua wings: One or a pair of manta ray-like "wings". Can be placed anywhere on the back side of a keke (top of the head, shoulders, tail tip, etc). May enable flight, though they're more helpful for swimming
🏐 2 > Mosaic shell: A turtle shell. Can go anywhere on the back side of a keke, whether it be the torso, naga tail, or both
🏐 3 > Repellant jets: A single or pair of glands that may be invisible, appear as slight bumps under the skin, or show as bumps inside the mouth. These allow a keke to shoot water from their mouth(s)! Water comes out at around the velocity of putting your thumb over a garden hose. Glands may be any color, water should be water-colored


🏐 1 > Contaminant: Whenever a keke physically touches a liquid, they convert that liquid into something else. This is a slow effect, like a tea bag diffusing in a glass (so you can't just convert large bodies of water). Contaminated liquid may be any color and may have slight destructive properties, but can't be, say, strong acid or lava
🏐 2 > Swampland: Add ponds onto a keke in any amount, shape, and size. These ponds are fairly shallow, so while they may totally cover a keke, most of them would still be Snakekey underneath. Gravity is mostly disabled for these things, so if you have one on your side, it won't just dump out on the floor. It might drip a little, though. Water can be any color and may come equipped with small water plants and/or tiny fish. Weird!
🏐 3 > Scaly scales: Puts a coating of small, visible scales atop the belly scales, making them look akin to fish or lizard skin. These scales may be any solid color or a gradient of two. If applied to a character without belly scales, you may add what appears to be the typical keke belly scales on the usual areas, though this will only be made up of the little scales. This may or may not hamper a keke's ability to slither on any surface - up to you!

Mer, Fantail, Slipper

⛱️ 2: Themed Buffet ⛱️

Traditionally, Susie gets a cake on her birthday. Water Week, lasting longer, likes a little more variety! There's usually a buffet held in one of the town/city buildings each day of the event. Everyone's welcome to contribute, but they have to follow a theme! Okay, you don't technically have to, but non-theme-followers are put off on a side table while theme-followers are entered into a contest for who best portrayed the topic. These can be as simple as "spicy" and "glitter" or as unclear as "danger" and "happy"

TL;DR: The event has a buffet each day, which majorly follows a theme such as "shiny" or "red"

🥥 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC making an entry for the buffet or just showing up for a bite : )
🥥 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody
🥥 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own keke
🥥 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🥥 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

⛱️ 2: Rewards ⛱️

🥥 You earn of the upgrades in this pool for every keke/PC that you own or any NPC included in an entry for prompt 2 (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🥥 If desired, you can trade in 1 upgrade earned from any section of this event for limited furniture item your keke can collect and keep in their house, shown below
🥥 You may do the above conversion as many times as you like for this event
🥥 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🏄‍♂️ 1 > Frosting: Frosting (or goo) forms on the skin and drips off. Commonly seen on the paws, but can pop up in other areas as well. Can form markings, such as stripes or hearts if the corresponding upgrade is applied. Frosting can't cover more than half a keke. Can be any color and can optionally have sprinkles mixed into it
🏄‍♂️ 2 > Sizzle skin: Leg so hot u fry an egg. If you had any, that is. These markings glow with heat that's under the Snakekey's control. Can be any simple shape such as swirls, spots, hearts, etc, but they all must be the same shape. When cool, they can be any color, but are commonly black. Can go anywhere on a keke. May burn if heated too far - be careful!
🏄‍♂️ 3 > Saucy: Parts of a keke appear to be... melting off? Make a keke's skin (or... upper level of covering, if applicable) gooey and drippy. The viscosity of the liquid is up to you! The color of the goo will generally match the part that it came off of unless upgraded otherwise


🏄‍♂️ 1 > Gold leaf: Apply super delicate gold leaf anywhere on a keke in any amount. Note that this will look wrinkly and flakey if not smoothly brushed onto a surface. Must be a yellow, gold, rose gold, or silver color unless upgraded otherwise
🏄‍♂️ 2 > Fruiting wreath: This upgrade takes the form of a ring, which can be placed anywhere on a keke in any amount or size. The wreath may have or be majorly made up of leaves, but this is optional. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, tubers, berries, or anything otherwise scientifically classified as "fruit" sprouts from or makes up the ring. One ring can produce multiple different fruits if desired. All parts may be any color
🏄‍♂️ 3 > Sample platter: Add bits of food no larger than a (regular) keke's paw anywhere on a keke in any amount. Food may be cut into pieces to meet the size requirement, but cannot be shrunk to do so. Food may be any color

Commemorative plaque, somebody else's bowl

🌊 3: Sea Glass 🌊

The nearby ocean is capable of making sea glass, which are shards of glass that have been buffeted by the waves so much so that they've become soft and round. This may be difficult to find if the local Elver (and other aquatic keke) population didn't collect it in preparation for Water Week. Now, they've started to bring their hoard to the surface! The glass may be used as simple party favors or be included in art projects such as collages, wind chimes, tiny carvings, and whatever else you can think of. Many different keke will hold art classes, explaining uses for these unique stones

TL;DR: The local Elvers have collected sea glass and brought it up for art or simply for keeps

🥝 Draw/write 250 words about your keke/PC collecting, inspecting, or using sea glass in art
🥝 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🥝 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own keke
🥝 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🥝 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌊 3: Rewards 🌊

🥝 You earn of the upgrades in this pool for every keke/PC that you own or any NPC included in an entry for prompt 3 (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🥝 If desired, you can trade in upgrades earned from any section of this event for Fishee OR Frogdog pet for any of your keke/PCs!
🥝 You may do the above conversion as many times as you like for this event
🥝 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🏐 1 > Candied glass: Plates of sugar simmered into thin, glass-like panes. May be any color and go anywhere on the body in any amount
🏐 2 > Soul window: A circular pane of glass like a Sugar Baby's. Shows a glowing image inside rumored to reflect one's soul. A Snakekey can have a max of 2 windows and both should match. Inside the window is only a vague color - you should not see a keke's insides through it. Soul can look like anything (an eye, flames, a glowing dot, etc...)
🏐 3 > Clear horns: Glass horns in one of the three layouts shown in the example. Forward and backward-facing horns may be longer or shorter than shown, but nubs should stay quite small. Horns may be any color, transparent, semitransparent, or opaque. If the character has another horn or antler upgrade, clear horns may take on that upgrade's shape while remaining glass if desired!


🏐 1 > Panes: Add glass panes of any shape and size to a keke in any amount. These may either go through one layer of a keke, showing their insides, or two layers, appearing to cut a hole through them. Note that a (regular) keke's insides will be the accent color unless upgraded otherwise! Panes may be any color, but must be at least semitransparent unless upgraded otherwise
🏐 2 > Delicate claws: Add claws made of glass to any fingers or toes a keke may have. May be retractable, stuck out, and any color or level of transparency. While claws may be any length, they must be one of the two types shown in the example. Traditional is your typical cat-like claw. Mittens convert fingertips (around the last two joints) into glass as well. The claw upgrade may change the shape of the claws themselves, but cannot alter the glass fingertips added by the mitten type
🏐 3 > Sea glass spine: Add smallish (not larger than a regular's paw), rounded sea glass anywhere along a keke's spine in any amount. This will majorly be one row of stones, but there can be extra bits "coming off" the bigger pieces if desired. Glass should be smoothly shaped, as if worn down by the ocean, or carved into a shape that the sea glass' size would allow. It should be a cool color (blue, teal, green, etc...), white, or a light cream unless upgraded otherwise. Not all stones must match or be a single solid color!

Fishee, Frogdog

⛱️ Residency (Fliptide): Decoration Road ⛱️

Now and again, Fliptide will decorate the sides of the "main entrance" road. It's fun, it's cute, and it gives visitors something unique to remember from their trip! These decorations are often themed around something and, with Water Week here, summer fun is the topic of choice. There's fake palm trees and statues of animals wearing sunglasses galore. In fact, there's been so many additions this year that they're spreading out much further up the road than usual, attracting additional curious passersby! Will your keke apply their creative talent or are they one of the characters being confused by these structures encroaching on the desert?

TL;DR: Fliptide residents are adding summer-themed decorations around the road leading into town

⭕ This is a bonus prompt for residents of Fliptide. You can read about residency here!
🥝 Draw/write 450 words about your keke/PC making decorations or in/looking at the decorated area
🥝 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a halfbody with a background, all fully colored
🥝 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like provided they are residents!
🥝 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

⛱️ Residency (FT): Rewards ⛱️

🥝 You earn of the upgrades in this pool for every Fliptide resident keke/PC that you own in an entry for this prompt (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🥝 Although they must be earned by residents, these upgrades may still be applied to any keke/PC you own
🥝 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🏐 1 > Kebab horns: A single pair of long, thin, and straight horns that are quite sharp at the ends. They don't make you fireproof, so don't get any funny ideas...
🏐 2 > Bauble whiskers: Whiskers of any length anywhere on the body, but each one has a small circular or tear-shaped bead at the end
🏐 3 > Terrarium tail tip: Add a single glass terrarium of any shape and size to the tip of a keke's tail. You can put whatever you like inside! Anything involved in this upgrade can be any color

🌊 Residency (Villa Isle): The Bubbles 🌊

Villa Isle has been moving as fast as it can in hopes of getting a big project done in time for the event. As it turns out, they managed! At the start of Water Week, they were able to reveal the result of their hard work: a short series of bubbles and tubes made from strong glass and plastic. These structures start on land and submerge underwater, allowing keke to peek at the underwater wildlife without so much as getting their belly scales wet! The local Elvers are pretty delighted too and are eager to say hello to visitors

TL;DR: Villa Isle just opened a series of submerged tubes and bubbles that one can visit to see underwater

⭕ This is a bonus prompt for residents of Villa Isle. You can read about residency here!
🥝 Draw/write 450 words about your keke/PC visiting the Bubbles (inside or out)
🥝 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a halfbody with a background, all fully colored
🥝 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like provided they are residents!
🥝 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌊 Residency (VI): Rewards 🌊

🥝 You earn of the upgrades in this pool for every Villa Isle resident keke/PC that you own in an entry for this prompt (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🥝 Although they must be earned by residents, these upgrades may still be applied to any keke/PC you own
🥝 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🏐 1 > Tubing: Add tubes of any type (plastic, metal, glass, etc), size, and color anywhere on a keke! These may be opaque or you can fill them with anything you like
🏐 2 > Stinger tendrils: Jellyfish-like tendrils that the keke can move, though they're a bit slow on the reaction time for some reason. Can do nothing or give a slight sting when touched. Can go anywhere in any amount
🏐 3 > Angry tendrils: These very long, very thin fins can be applied anywhere on a keke in any amount. While they can touch things "regularly" if desired, they also have the weird ability to smack others with them, instantly making the victim quite annoyed. Okay, that sounds like the regular effect of smacking somebody, but this really is anomalous. Not really helpful unless you enjoy being a jerk...

⭕ This event ends March 9, 11:59 PM (PST) 
Exception days will be open for registration after the event