The Wrong Side of Progress [Over!]

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 8 months, 15 days ago) by HannahBug

Wrong_Side_of_Progress_Banner.pngLook. It's kind of Undercover's whole thing to keep an eye on the Valley Effect. A watched pot never boils and all. Do you know how infuriating it is that some ding-dongs popped a hole in the other side??? The side they're NOT looking at?? This is, obviously, a travesty. The Effect clearly has no other purpose than to keep kekin safe - in a nice little enclosure where nothing too horribly world-ending can get in. Now, everybody's out there having a party about freedom and scouting and whatever, so they don't realize that we're going. to DIE.

Part 1

🎍 (1) The Grand Plan 🎍

It's the only way. Somehow, the keke of Undercover are going to have to figure out where the whole entire valley left their brains. That hole has got to be sealed. Getting the one in the sky would be great too, but... at least that one's hard to get to. There probably aren't space-Sheeps to worry about. But there ARE. Land Sheeps. They're called Sheeps. Regular ones.

There's all sorts of talk across town about stopping the end of the Valley. There are a couple figures who have thought enough things through to be "in the lead" of the planning, as it were. Some smaller ideas fizzle on the sidelines. It's starting to become a spectacle. A couple of the "leaders" are arguing about something and it's getting heated. Somebody's built an entire small-scale version of Undercover in the mud, out of mud. It appears that somebody else didn't think that one was accurate enough and built their own version, which is slightly bigger. A tiny corner of it has eaten Smaller-Undercover. There's been a couple bulletin boards erected for notes to be hung. A Gribbon is going around planting sticks in the ground with a red yarn strung between them. It's... kind of a madhouse

🌾 Draw/write 400 words about your keke/PC attending or observing the planning session
🌾 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody with a simple background. Shading is optional
🌾 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌾 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌾 Prompts can be done in any order
🌾 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌲 (2) Closing the Distance 🌲

There are a couple massive arguments. Some Snakekeys are voices of reason. Some super aren't. It's the whole jumble. It takes a few hours, but things do eventually wind down. Kekin are tired enough from their emotional outbursts to constructively work on a plan to solve The Problem. With villagers pitching in in a helpful manner, things go much quicker. Soon enough, it's time to actually disembark to the breach to dissuade the lunatics. It's a long journey. Really, couldn't have been too much further from Undercover, but it must be done. Willing animals are packed up supplies for the two-to-three days it will take to travel to the hole at a casual pace. Kekin are getting their things together. The village is hustle and bustle. Some kids are still protecting mud-Undercover

🌾 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC preparing to travel or on the road for the breach
🌾 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌾 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌾 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌾 Prompts can be done in any order
🌾 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌷 (3) Show Up and Shut Down🌷

After a trip full of stress-fueled bad behavior and manner-lackage, the party has arrived at the breach. There are lots of other kekin scattered around, wondering what the heck is up with the caravan that's fallen in their lap. Some Guardian-like keke even try to shoo them off. Before Undercover inhabitants can get too heated about this and about how these guys are totally screwing the Valley over, it's noticed that... maybe the breach-kekin aren't as psyched about going out there as implied. The mood right now is actually kind of grim. Kekin look downtrodden. Some of them are injured while others attempt to repair outposts that have either been damaged or never finished in the first place. Scouts watch the invisible opening with keen, stern eyes. What's really been going on around here...?

🌾 Draw/write 400 words about your keke/PC arriving at the breach. What do they see there?
🌾 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody with a simple background. Shading is optional
🌾 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌾 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌾 Prompts can be done in any order
🌾 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌳 (4) Turning Things Around 🌳

After all the ranting and raving of the past few days, several Undercoverites are feeling... pretty bad about their major assumptions towards the hard-working teams guarding the hole in the Effect. Maybe they need to get out more... Whatever the case, they're here now. And the whole trip doesn't have to be a waste. Some younger kekein suggested throwing a surprise party for the workers and most members of the group have quickly latched on. Some of the more paranoid members of Undercover basically brought everything and the kitchen sink to the border, so they have a... strange selection of supplies to work with

Soon enough, kids have set up stalls offering little games that may win one a prize in the shells of the outpost. In the midst of the doom-and-gloom, there's now trivia games, object hunts, art contests, guessing games, and so on. Rewards range from dolls or toys that kids brought along to a humble collection of flowers or berries. Adults from both sides are charmed and find themselves participating in unexpected ways. Some Undercoverites play at the stalls. Some border guardians make stalls of their own. One reach keke in particular is having kekin guess what kinds of flora and fauna are outside the Valley and rewarding them if they're close. He's probably being... a little lenient on those prizes

🌾 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC participating in the little party
🌾 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌾 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌾 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌾 Prompts can be done in any order
🌾 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🍒 P1 Rewards 🍒

🌸 You earn use of an upgrade in this pool for every keke/PC that you own/any NPC included in an entry for part one of this event (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🌸 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🍃 1 > Sun monster scales: Bonus scale plating that can go on the face and/or the arms (must be placed as shown above)
🍃 2 > Feathered mane: Swap the mane from fur to feathers! Can have a tuft on the top of the head, but doesn't have to. Must be no longer than shown above and can be any color
🍃 3 > Lizard leggies: These'll  make you stand out in a crowd, but they won't make you stand.  Seriously, these things are super weak. Two or four lizard-like legs.  Placement must match example. Do not enable walking/standing


🍃 1 > Front teeth: The front teeth on the upper jaw fuse into two large, flat teeth like that of a rabbit. This may cause the large fang teeth to disappear or they could be unaffected
🍃 2 > Mosaic shell: A turtle shell. Can go anywhere on the back side of a keke, whether it be the torso, naga tail, or both
🍃 3 > Bauble whiskers: Whiskers of any length anywhere on the body, but each one has a small circular or tear-shaped bead at the end


🍃 1 > Sunny aura: Dude,  you've got god rays coming off you. Sick! Bright sun beams that usually focus in areas such as the paws, behind the head, at the tail tip, or on the wrist joints of wings. Pick only one or two spots, though, as this shouldn't turn a keke into a living flashlight. Rays can be any color
🍃 2 > Skipping stone scales: Belly scales like the mythical Skinki. Turns the scales into a cluster of  small circular or oval shaped scales. Should still be in the same general area the scales were originally. This upgrade does not allow the color to be changed
🍃 3 > Cheek points: Little spikes that poke off the side of the face like discount mandibles. May be any color

Part 2

🍃 (1) Preparing for the Future 🍃

The fun and games last well into the evening. After it's all said and done, both groups of kekin clearly feel more at ease around each other. Hey, since they're here and all, do the Undercoverites think they can lend some helping paws? One of the big projects the team at the border is working on is building an arch that shows clearly where the breach is. It's an important asset to have - it prevents accidentally getting lost in the Effect, helps in preparing for animal attacks, and so on. As it is, they really only have the stumps of the thing on the ground and need more help plotting out the shape of the hole

🌼 Draw/write 400 words about your keke/PC helping build/plot out the arch
🌼 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody with a simple background. Shading is optional
🌼 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌼 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌼 Prompts can be done in any order
🌼 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌿 (2) The More, the Better🌿

Obviously, nobody really knows what's outside the Valley. As such, it's very important to always have multiple scouts. And, to ensure what they're seeing is real and not a trick of the Effect, many of them have to be outside the border... If the Out Valley is anything like the in-Valley, they'll need to be on their guard and prepared to fend off stray predators. That said, not all of the outpost positions are dangerous. Some of them are very close to the border or even inside it. The guards express that it'd be very helpful if some villagers would like to stand guard while some of their overworked scouts get some rest

🌼 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC scouting the Out Valley. What do they see?
🌼 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌼 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌼 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌼 Prompts can be done in any order
🌼 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🌱 (3) Junior Cartography 🌱

Punkins_Rough_Sketch.pngDuring the Undercover party's stay at the breach, Punkin arrives, ready to work on improving their map of the nearby area. They're delighted with all the extra interest that the hole has gathered - more kekein means more help! Map-making is a tricky business involving triangulation. And if you have more than one keke working on that, it sure does make things wild easier...! Plus, they need someone to watch their back while they work. They offer to take anyone interested (and responsible) out into the unknown to continue work on the valuable map

🌼 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC helping Punkin chart the Out Valley
🌼 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody
🌼 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌼 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌼 Prompts can be done in any order
🌼 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🍀 (4) Curious Cookout 🍀

Night has fallen around the breach. Several fires have been created for the sake of keeping anything out there wary. No sense in letting them go to waste! Many of the guard-keke have taken up roasting peculiar-looking food items (at least... assumedly food items) over the flames. They invite their friends, the Undercoverites, to participate! The thing is... some guards are using this as an opportunity to prank the unsuspecting. Getting a "snack" shoved into one's hands may or may not be genuine. Dare ye consume?

🌼 Draw/write 400 words about your keke/PC participating in the cookout
🌼 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored fullbody with a simple background. Shading is optional
🌼 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌼 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌼 Prompts can be done in any order
🌼 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🍒 P2 Rewards 🍒

🌸 You earn use of an upgrade in this pool for every  keke/PC that you own/any NPC included in an entry for part two of this event (you may use the same character multiple times if desired)
🌸 These upgrades should not be applied on hatchling approvals


🍃 1 > Kebab horns: A single pair of long, thin, and straight horns that are quite sharp at the ends. They don't make you fireproof, so don't get any funny ideas...
🍃 2 > Flambé: A low fire envelops or trails after a keke's paws and/or tail tip. This does not burn and if it attempts to spread from the designated area, it will instantly sputter out. Can be any color. Cannot be controlled, it's simply for looks
🍃 3 Sizzle skin: Leg so hot u fry an egg. If you had any, that is. These markings glow with heat that's under the Snakekey's control. Can be any simple shape such as swirls, spots, hearts, etc, but they all must be the same shape. When cool, they can be any color, but are commonly black. Can go anywhere on a keke. May burn if heated too far - be careful!


🍃 1 > Transparency: Complete  or partial transparency. This has may uses and can make see-through  patches in the skin, lower a Snakekey's opacity, show their skeletal  structure/insides, and all sorts of fun stuff
🍃 2 > Halo: A floating patch of light most commonly seen in a circle formation, but can come in other shapes. Can glow and be any color or amount.
🍃 3 > Neck pouch: An  inflatable pouch on the front side of the neck like a Blizzard's. When  puffed up, it typically shows vibrant coloration. Can be bumpy or smooth


🍃 1 > Skibble decoy: A single formation on the back that looks like an egg. This can be detached and will regrow within a week or so. If you really want to, you can eat it, too... Can be as large as the torso max
🍃 2 > Heart mask: A hard, heart-shaped plate that covers the upper portion of the face. There will either be holes in the mask for the eyes or the eyes will be moved on top of the mask. May be any color
🍃 3 > Branch tail tip: Add  a branch of any kind to the tip of the tail. This may include flowers,  leaves, moss, fruits, etc... The branch and any part of it may be any  color

⭕ This event ends September 20, midnight/11:59 PM (PST)
Exception days will be available for registration after the event