Dave's House [Over!]

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 month, 8 days ago) by HannahBug


Dave's house is haunted. This is a well-known, indisputable fact. While it sometimes lies vacant and still, it more often than not tends to be a hotspot for ghost activity. And those ghosts tend to -more often than not- be a little... unwelcoming. Dave's house is large and well furnished. There's plenty of objects for spirits to inhabit or chuck at uninvited visitors. Still, kekin continuously venture into the building. Some of them want a good spook, others to attempt to disprove the haunting. However, the most frequent reason for entry is to attempt to dispel the ghosts. It's unsettling knowing the dead have made a hangout next door and most residents of Undercover would simply prefer to have that off their plate.

👻 Intro: A Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail 👻

While they can still be plenty active during the day, the spirits tend to be more... energetic come nightfall. Herein lies a decision. Go during the day an investigate the house for anything strange, possibly avoiding being haunted. Or, go at night to witness the full extent of the ghosts, hopefully learning more about them in the process. It's not an easy choice to make, as the time doesn't guarantee the desired results. What hour dare ye enter?

🌿 Draw/write 400 words about your kekin venturing to Dave's house. Do they chose night or day?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody with a background. Shading is optional. Be sure to indicate if it's day or night!
🌿 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌿 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like! However! Once you've chosen night or day for a character, that specific kekin will be locked into that path until you've completed all the prompts for it. If desired, after you've finished all the prompts, you may come back with that same kekin and choose another path
🌿 The intro prompt must be done first! It decides which path you'll be taking
🌿 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

< Day | Night >

🌙 Residency: The Haunting Hour 🌙

Almost all Undercover locals know about the Hour. For whatever reason, the spirits grow braver, rowdier at one specific time. They're much more likely to venture from Dave's house and go looking for trouble. It doesn't happen every night, but it's best to make sure you're tucked safely into basket by the time the Hour arrives, just to be sure. The Haunting Hour is 4 AM - the last of the night before the sun starts to rise. And, if you desired, you could venture out then.

🌿 This branch can only be completed by residents of Undercover
🌿 If choosing this path for a resident kekin, do this prompt instead of the other intro one. You do not have to do both!
🌿 Draw/write 400 words about your kekin venturing to Dave's house during the Haunting Hour
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a fully colored halfbody with a background. Shading is optional
🌿 You may enter this branch with as many residents as you have as many times as you like! However! Once chosen, they'll be locked into this path until you've completed all the prompts for it. If desired, after you've finished all the prompts, you may come back with the same character and chose another path
🌿 This prompt must be done first! It decides which path you're taking
🌿 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

The Hour >

⭕ This event ends April 13th, midnight/11:59 PM (PST)
Exception days will be available for registration after the event


☀️ The Day ☀️
You've chosen the relative safety of the daylight and enter Dave's house with the intention of exploring its secrets without having to constantly look over your shoulder

🌲 D1: Into the Den 🌲

You approach Dave's house with the light of the sun on your back, or whatever's left of it after it cuts through the heavy fog. Its comfort is short-lived. It's dark within. The windows are coated with a layer of dust and grime that makes the light filter through strangely... Eccentric items litter the floor in great piles - couches, boxes, vases of feathers, partial skeletons, things that look like they should be in a museum... It leaves ample space for someone unwelcome to hide behind, Snakekey, ghost, or otherwise. However, despite the unsettling atmosphere, the house seems to be lying still. Perhaps your timing will be rewarded.

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin exploring Dave's house. Do they find anything interesting within?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌲 D1 Rewards 🌲
You feel a prickle across your skin. It seems that merely being here has had an affect on you. Already, you're not the same as when you first tread scale over the floorboards...

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Horror jaw: Split the mouth into more pieces or otherwise alter the jaw structure. This allows you to swap your horizontal mouth to a vertical one, have a neat 4-part mouth, and stuff like that! Can only change color to added parts (such as large attached fangs)
🍃 2 > Mandibles: Add bug-like mandibles to a keke's face. These can go inside or outside of the mouth (or both!). May be any color and can come equipped with spiky 'teeth'
🍃 3 > Pierce teeth: Vampire fangs! These can stick out of the mouth, be retractable, or tuck away on the roof of the mouth like a snake's fangs

🥀 D2: *Clink Clank* 🥀

You're allowed to explore in peace for a good period of time before you hear something clinking in the distance. It sounds like it's coming from the kitchen, perhaps some haunted tableware. You become unnerved when you realize this could include knives for cutting meat... You think about heading for the door, but then again... Whoever's making that noise doesn't seem to know you're here yet. Or, at least, they haven't acknowledged your presence. A peek wouldn't kill you. It's what you're here for, after all

Holding your breath, you peer around the corner into the heavily tiled kitchen. Instead of seeing another explorer or some floating spoons, you see something that... doesn't make any sense at all. There's a small ball of light hovering above one of the counters, nudging a pile of silverware. The utensils seem repelled by its presence, as if it has a tiny force field around it. What is this little thing...?

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin encountering the dot of light. Do they approach?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🥀 D2 Rewards 🥀
You shudder, sensing something strange in the air. Your belly scales react in turn

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Metalskin: Add metal bits onto a  character. Metal may be any color and shape, though it can't replace current body parts. It can however, very thinly coat them to give the same sort of effect! Shouldn't create entirely new body parts such as  limbs or eyes
🍃 2 > Construct: Change limbs/body parts to be mechanical and/or prosthetic. Material can vary. May be any color and size. Can be any shape as long as it doesn't change limbs into something their not. For example, you can have a paw with some fun swirly features like a lion's paw chair leg, but you couldn't change said foot into talons unless you had something like the stick arms upgrade (or some such)
🍃 3 > Glow: Add a glow anywhere on (or off, for that matter) a keke. These can form shapes such as appearing to have multiple glow-arms, but note that the glow won't be tangible. May be any color

NPC-Last-of-Dark.png🌲 D3: The Reveal 🌲

Without realizing it, you hold your breath for too long. You have to gasp to fill your lungs and the glowing mote responds immediately. It spins, presumably to face you, and bounces in the air, as if it's jumping in alarm. This sends silverware clattering across the countertops left and right. You wait, unsure of what to do or if you should be frightened at all. Is this... magic? Some light mage playing around? It wouldn't really make sense, but you struggle to come up with another explanation...

After a few moments of seeming staring each other down, the mote pans forward slightly - a questioning step. It pauses, then drifts closer, then closer still. You try to summon up an appropriate reaction, but what would that be...? Are you scared? Curious? Both? You don't have much time to dwell on it. Within moments, the light has come to hover right in front of your nose. You almost... want to touch it. The thought enters your head without permission, yet seems so appealing... You find yourself raising a tentative paw...

The second the glow seeps onto your fingers, there's a bright flash of light that illuminates the dim room. It blinds you for a second and you blink hard against the flare. When your vision next clears, you find yourself face to face with a Child of Shivelight. They glitter beautifully, as if made from hundreds of tiny stars

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin activating the mote. What do they think of the results?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌲 D3 Rewards 🌲
Some of the Shive's sparkles twinkle close to your skin. You think you see a change out of the corner of your eye, but you can't be sure without looking...

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Sections: Rings appear to cut the body into segments (though they don't really). Commonly the accent color, but can be any color. Rings must loop around  the body and connect at the ends
🍃 2 > Jagged arms: Arm wings with a simple jagged outline that enable flight. While they can have ridges, these wings do not have fingers
🍃 3 > Clingy tail tip: Add a hand of  any type to the tip of a keke's tail (can be naga or a hip-tail if they  have one). May be any color, have any number of fingers, and have  optional paw pads. Shouldn't have claws unless upgraded otherwise

 Interlude: Introductions

"Well met." The glimmering Shive greets you, a gentle smile on their long muzzle, "You frightened me there... My name is Last of Dark." They bend at the waist, giving you a formal bow. When they straighten again, you ask them what they're doing in a local haunted house. And why are they so shiny...?

"Oh, this?" The Shive looks down at themselves, a chuckle in their tone, "I hope it doesn't startle thee, but it's 'cause I'm a ghost." You tilt your head. They're unlike any ghost you've ever seen or heard of... "You see," The Shive continues, "I've been passed for many years now. I was visiting the home of an old friend when I stumbled across a strange light. I stepped through and found myself somewhere very peculiar indeed: a land where the sky shifts colors and burns with heat..." They glance around the kitchen. "I suppose my wanderings since have led me here."

There are many questions you could ask such a curious traveler of the afterlife. You try to sort through your thoughts for the most relevant. You decide on "Why can I see you?" 

Last of Dark tilts their head, confusion twinkling across their starry features, "Whatever do you mean? I'm perfectly average - nothing special."

You explain to them that both their form as a glowing mote and this - seeing them in such a complete form that stands right in front of you - is highly irregular. Ghosts are supposed to be invisible, their presence only known by the living when they haunt inanimate objects. As you speak the words, Last of Dark's ears alert with recognition

"Is that what's wrong with this place?! Here I thought something was wrong with me, perhaps an imbalance for being here too long. As I'm sure you saw, objects from this world dance away from my hand. It's as if I'm not meant to touch them. But here, things throw themselves around with such violence...!" They lay a spindly hand on their chest and let out a relieved breath, "Perhaps I am not coming apart at the seams after all."

TL;DR: You meet Last of Dark, a Shive ghost from That He Made For Us. It seems ghosts there work differently than they do on Suise...

🥀 D4: On Their Way 🥀

For a ghost, Last of Dark seems harmless. If they've caused any recent disturbances, it would likely only be from others seeing their mote and being as confused as you were. Still, a haunting is a haunting...

The Shive watches you, waiting for you to break the silence. You ask them how long they intend to stay here.

"Oh, not long at all." They glance out the kitchen window, surveying the village. "It's strange here... Very... well, I wouldn't offend you. There was a peculiar feeling that drew me here, but I cannot find the root of it. Now, I think I am not meant to." They swivel their head back to look at you again, "Would you mind leading me to the village's entrance? All these twisting walls have me turned around and I'm not one for getting a Tender Wing's eye view."

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin sending Last of Dark on their way. Where do they lead them?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🥀 D4 Rewards 🥀
"Perhaps we'll meet again," Last of Dark smiles before you part ways. "Though, I've heard word that a new part of the world has recently opened up and my adventurer's heart calls..."

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Cuts: Gaps in the body, such as on the neck, arms, etc..., where there appears to be only open air. The rest of the body will seemingly float in the correct place and function as normal. The insides visible seem to only include bones and vague colors to reflect their insides. Alternately, the skin can cover up the area beneath the cut, which will not expose the insides
🍃 2 > Limb loss: Well...that's  not great. Allows you to remove limbs from a Snakekey. Limbs include  arms, legs (if applicable), wings, and tails (attached tails only - not the naga tail)
🍃 3 > Light wings: Highly customizable beams of light that are able to provide powered flight (even if they're super tiny?? Whoa!). These must only be two wings unless upgraded otherwise and may be any color. Shape can generally be whatever!


🌓 The Night 🌓
You've chosen to enter Dave's house under the cover of darkness, prepared to brave the spirits and perhaps, if you're lucky, learn their intentions

🌾 N1: Night Fight 🌾

You approach Dave's house under the cover of darkness and already, you reap the rewards. It sounds like the ghosts within are having some sort of quarrel. The bangs of hefty furniture crashing into the walls echo through the night, surely keeping Snakekeys awake in their baskets. You peer through the doorway carefully, intent on not being caught beneath any of those aggravated throws...

There's plenty of furniture inside, which both works in your favor and against. Piles of boxes, padded couches, and toppled dressers could serve to hide you while strange vases, semi-assembled skeletons, and other museum-worthy oddities could very easily be thrown at your head. As you observe the main room, a throw pillow lifts up from atop the mantle and hurls itself out of sight. If you want to remain unnoticed, you'd best get moving

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin sneaking around Dave's house. Are they able to dodge the active ghosts?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌾 N1 Rewards 🌾
Simply being near the strange house seems to have agitated your belly scales. You feel something shift...

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Lil limbs: Small extra limbs that don't do too much. They're cute, though! Can go anywhere on the body in any amount
🍃 2 > Stitches: Add stitches anywhere on a keke. This can be just thread or may include an  incision line. If there are incisions, they should be fully closed.  String can be any color
🍃 3 > Quills: Long, porcupine-like quills that can go anywhere on a keke in any amount. May be any size and color. Can be detachable, but they might take a while to regrow...!

🌳 N2: Busted...! 🌳

It doesn't take long at all for the ghosts to become wise to your presence. You make it halfway down a dusty hall before a candelabra whizzes past your shoulder, smashing into the floorboards a few feet in front of you. You whirl only to see several objects airborne behind you, ready to throw at a moment's notice. Some of them you could take - cushions, rugs, blunt tableware - but a few of the other items make your stomachs flip. You need to find cover now. Before the candelabra can find its footing, you rush down the hallway, random furniture pelting the ground where you stood moments before

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin fleeing the spirits!
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌳 N2 Rewards 🌳
As you flee, you feel something is amiss, but have little time to assess what your belly scales are attempting to do for you in the heat of the moment

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Notch scars: Something  really took a chunk out of you...! A more intense scarring that can cause a visible indent in the skin. Can be used to make nicks in thinner membranes like ears or wings
🍃 2 > Rough hide: Small nubs and ridges along the naga tail and/or back that appear similar to a crocodile's hide
🍃 3 > Segmented tail: Smooth ridges that form down the naga tail. When coiled up, this can look a  lot like you're a piece of candy! Or maybe a snail's shell. Sections should be the same color as the base unless upgraded otherwise

🌾 N3: The Bedroom 🌾

You jam yourself through the first open doorframe, slamming the heavy wooden door shut behind you and locking it. There are several thumps against its other side, but the door seems unbothered. You're not sure if the ghosts could haunt the lock and undo it, so you hover near the entryway just in case...

It seems you've found yourself in a grand bedchamber. There's a massive sleeping basket in the center of the room adorned with old drapes to keep the sunlight out. Furniture such as dressers, vanities, benches, and armoires fill the edges of the space. It's cluttered, but somehow not at the same time. You feel that, if you were able to explore properly, you could find some interesting things hidden in the many drawers. But another bonk on the far side of the door warns you not to stray. Maybe you could barricade the door, sneak out the window... From the stories you've heard, the ghosts don't usually give chase far from the house...

Wait a second. Can't ghosts go through walls...? They should have chased you straight through that door and yet... the bedchamber seems void of any haunting

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin escaping into the bedroom. Do they explore? Try to barricade themselves in?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌾 N3 Rewards 🌾
As you catch your breath, you realize you've suffered a change or two from the chase

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Mouth shaper: Change the mouth outline/attached teeth into anything you like! Shark teeth, huge tusks, a kitty mouth, you name it. Can only change color to added parts (such as large teeth)
🍃 2 > Lifeblood: Change a keke's blood into a different liquid or gel substance such as toothpaste, pie filling, etc... Allows the blood to no longer have to match the accent color. Blood may be a fantasy substance (eg shadow, healing potion,  etc...)
🍃 3 > Exoskeleton: A shell made of chitinous material like bugs and crustaceans! This can be shaped in a lot of ways, but shouldn't generate new body parts such as arms or wings. Can cover an entire character or just parts. May be any color

🌳 N4: Even Deeper 🌳

Cautiously, you leave the door alone for a few moments, testing it. There is no click of the lock. Something is keeping the spirits at bay. Either that or they're just playing with you... You prefer to imagine the former. Still tense, you start to explore the room. The lone window is stuck firmly shut, but you might be able to open it if you had some sort of levering tool. Or perhaps a nice rock to chuck through it...

The corner of an upturned rug bumps against your belly scales, causing you to stumble slightly. You glance down to tuck it out of the way, but realize the rug is actually bent - as if something has held it this way for a long time. Beneath the upturned fold, you see the edge of a trapdoor subtly tucked into the floorboards. Perhaps another way out? You move the rug aside and tug on the trapdoor's cool metal handle. It swings open without so much as a squeak.

Inside the hatch is dark. Dark-dark. There's nothing for your night vision to cling to. You have a choice.

< Descend below the house and into the dark
Search the room further for a means of escape >

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin preforming the action of your choice
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional


🌃 The Hour 🌃
You've timed your visit to Dave's house specifically on the Haunting Hour when the spirits are at their most active... It's best to keep an eye on your back

🌿 H1: The Junkyard 🌿

Once the wee hours of the morning arrive, you head towards Dave's house, feeling pretty nervous because, well... you've already been hearing the ghosts banging around all night. If this is supposed to be their most active hour then what the heck have they been doing in the hours proceeding this one? Indeed, as you approach the house, the area around it is an absolute minefield. It's like the building has been gutted, its contents splayed across the swampy grass and oozing towards other nearby homes. As you watch, pieces of peculiar furniture occasionally twitch, hop, or throw themselves across the yard at something else. Getting inside is going to be a bit more than you bargained for... Once you start towards that mess of haunting, it's liable to all aggro on you if you're not careful

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin trying to get through the mess. Are they able to pass without any ghosts after them?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌿 H1 Rewards 🌿
As you survey the scene, your belly scales do their part to give you a scale-up

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Wrong bite: Give a keke an underbite, overbite, or a crooked jaw
🍃 2 > Glowing eyes: Light is produced from the eyes, causing them to glow. May leave trails of light behind them
🍃 3 > Third eye: One extra eye that can go anywhere on the body. Must match the main eyes unless upgraded otherwise

🌹 H2: Unfamiliar Markings 🌹

At no small peril, you make it inside the building. Inside, you're shocked to find there's still some furniture waiting around, ready for the chucking at the you. Thankfully, it seems most of the activity is outside. Still, you see an end table twitch and dash into the next room before it can get any ideas. You slam a door behind without ceremony - wherever you are, it'll have to do. And it'd better be empty...

Miraculously, it seems you're safe for now. The room you've locked yourself in seems to be an elaborate sitting room. Or... it probably was an elaborate sitting room when the furniture was inside it. Now, there's little more than pale drapes hanging from the walls and a couple of couches too large for uncoordinated ghosts to toss with ease. You'd breathe a sigh of relief, but something's still off... In the center of the room, scrawled on the floorboards in ancient chalk, is what looks to be some sort of... sigil. Its elaborate curves and edges are totally alien to you - you've never seen anything like it. Could this be the source of the ghost's unusual activity...?

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin in the room with the sigil
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌹 H2 Rewards 🌹
Alone with the mysterious writing, you feel some part of you shift...

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Point wings: Large wings with jagged outlines that enable flight. While they can have ridges, these wings do not have fingers
🍃 2 > Neck frill: A  large, cobra-like hood. Can be mobile or stuck in place. Edges of the  frill can be smooth or have small notches/nubs. Can be any color. May go  in front of or behind the mane
🍃 3 > Ribbons: Fabric-like  extensions with a nick in the ends of them. May be controllable or  limp. Can be any color. Concerning, but also very fashionable!

NPC-Dave.png🌿 H3: Master of the House 🌿

There's little to do inside the sitting room other than approach the markings on the floor and investigate. As you hesitantly near the scribbles, you're shocked that nothing's rubbed them away, especially the brawling of the ghosts themselves. The medium looks frail and thin, like a stiff wind could send it packing. You reach out a paw to scrub at the sigil, but you find you can't quite touch it. There's nothing blocking you, you just keep... missing

Before you can get frustrated with this peculiarity, the chalk on the floorboards begins to glow with an ethereal light. You hardly notice it at first, but it slowly grows in strength until it's impossible to deny. The light leaks towards you in strange tendrils, attempting lamely to curl around you. As you start to back away - just in case - a few of the strands coil together in the center of the symbol. They curl tighter and tighter on each other until they assemble into a dense, glowing form. The form of a Snakekey. After the keke has taken shape, color slowly bleeds into them, though their edges remain soft and shifting. In a few seconds, they appear, you imagine, almost as they did in life. But this isn't right... this isn't how ghosts work. Ghosts are invisible

 Regardless, Dave's eyes slowly blink open and then swivel towards you

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin and the lit sigil and/or Dave. What do they think about all this?
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌿 H3 Rewards 🌿
One of the light tendrils touches you and, before you can rear back, you're a little different than before

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Mutant antlers: Antlers like a deer with Cactus Buck Syndrome. This can include extra branches, spikes, bumps, and/or weird angles (TW: Google images contain animal death. Here's a folder of safe examples!)
🍃 2 > Tentacles: Tendrils of any  length that can go anywhere on a keke. These will be smooth, without  suckers or anything like that. Can be any color
🍃 3 > Sized - 420 stars : Change the height of a keke to anything you like!

🌹 H4: Source 🌹

A spike of fear shoots through you. If the normal ghosts are rambunctious at this hour, what will this one be like? You'd start to recoil from the specter, but Dave is looking around in groggy confusion at the dim room, weak sunlight only just starting to leach in. He points a flickering paw at the ground beneath him and mutters, "Usually there's a couch right here..." You blink, surprised at the candidness of this thing that so should not exist. Dave looks to you for the second time. You think you see the shadow of exhaustion beneath his eyes. Finding your voice, you ask him if he's the reason for all this - if he's why the ghosts refuse to leave this house

"I made a mistake," Dave murmurs after a bone-deep sigh, "I know that now. But... you're here. You've found me after all these years. Maybe things can change." He gives you a wan smile that doesn't reach his eyes. The daylight is simmering through the nearby windows, making him appear fainter and fainter. He glances towards it as if there's nothing new under the sun. Then, he appears to reach within the sigil, his paw disappearing for a moment, before drawing out a broken piece of glass. It glows as he does for a moment before flashing and becoming corporeal, the morning glinting across its tiny, broken surface. Dave holds the shard out towards you

"Take this," He says, "It's seen it all." You're not sure about all this, but you find the glass ends up within your paws anyway. Dave gives you one more smile, this one almost daring to conceal a flicker of hope within. Then, the sun rises one more inch on the horizon and banishes him. Dave disappears in a swirl of mysterious tendrils of light, sucked back into the scrawling on the floor. One of the couches in the room seems to take notice and shoots across the floorboards with a loud groan, landing atop the sigil and perfectly obscuring it. It is as if nothing ever happened

The house lets out a sigh and you hear distant clunks as some of the furniture begins to trek back inside from the lawn. You'd best make your exit before it gets crowded in here...

🌿 Draw/write 300 words about your kekin interacting with Dave or the shard of glass
🌿 Drawn entries must be a minimum of a visible sketch (aka clear enough to tell what's going on) and include a background. Color and shading are optional

🌹 H4 Rewards 🌹
Holding the glass in your paws, you realize that the you in the reflection looks a little different than you're used to

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Over here: The eyes float partially or completely away from the face. Oh no!? This  doesn't change the look of the eyes themselves, though the head may have  hollow sockets, visible indents, or be totally smooth where the eyes escaped from. Eyes should also stay near the head (or wherever they came from)... at least most of the time....
🍃 2 > Unique pouches: Allows you to make the cheek pouches (or a type's replacer, such as an Exo's ear bands) any color or shape you like! You can make them bigger or smaller and they can form intricate shapes as long as all shapes connect to a  cheek pouch somewhere. Does not move pouches the base pouches (see pouch relocator [E]) or remove them (see shaped pouch [ST])
🍃 3 > Flight cloak: A long cape of skin that allows to keke to fly in a manner not unlike a jellyfish. May be any color and length. Should start at about the shoulder/shoulder blade area!


🍂 Search the room further 🍂

Slipping into the dark hatch would be unwise. There could be any number of ghosts waiting down there for you. Or other... things you didn't care to imagine. You close the little doorway and put the rug back into place.

After returning to searching the room, you find something that may be of use. Hidden behind the window curtains is a long pole with a hooked end. It was likely used to open and close the window without the owner of the house having to get out of basket. You praise Dave's peculiar laziness and wedge the pointed end of the tool against the sill. Thanks to the sheer length of the lever, it takes you only a couple tries to get the window sliding on its tracks again. You slip out and into the night, questions still in your mind, but the courage to pursue them sapped from you. Perhaps it's best you left the ghost hunting up to others from now on...

🍂 Rewards 🍂
Before you're out of earshot of the building, you feel a twinge. At first, you worry a ghost is in pursuit, but when you look, it seems to just be an upgrade

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Concerning wound: An injury of any type that just... doesn't go away. This doesn't necessarily hurt the character - they might just be That Way! Remember to add a gore filter if you get too wet 'n wild. Since it's kind of a different upgrade, this  can "mimic" things such as notch scars, missing teeth, slices, and missing limbs. But meatier. Maybe bonier? May also be accompanied by  mysterious blood that seems unimportant other than for looks. Wounds can "float". For example, you can remove a keke's elbow, but their forearm and upper arm will still operate as if it was there
🍃 2 >Shut mouth: Seal a character's mouth with a zipper, buttons, or a tied string! Added bits may be any color. If there are additional mouths on a character, this can optionally go on those ones too. The mouth still works and you can undo your binds as desired
🍃 3 > Stick arms: Bird-like arms tipped with talons for the full avian effect. Can be any color. May effect the whole arm or just a portion


🕯️ Descend Below 🕯️

Steeling yourself, you duck into the little square of darkness. You find a steep ramp beneath your scales, cool and concrete. You slither downwards, feeling against the walls in hopes of a lightswitch. This house isn't so old that the lightwiring's gone dead, is it?

The answer is no. To your relief, you find a switch, albeit strangely shaped. You flick it on and, after a few seconds delay, a single magical lantern poorly illuminates the grim space. It looks like it's on its way out. This very well could be the last time it works.

Looking around the harsh shadows, you realize you're in a workshop of sorts. It looks to have been used for alchemical purposes, as the low, rotting workbenches are lined with strange arrays of clouded glass tubing. There's broken glass on the floor and strange diagrams on the walls. Your eyes catch on sketches of runes that you don't recognize. Thinking it must just be a trick of the light, you draw closer, squint your eyes... But you're not wrong. These runes are hand crafted and the sight of them makes you feel like you shouldn't be here at all.

Although no one knows where they come from, runes are sacred. They are to be used as-is and not modified, Aierraterra forbid created. Attempting to do so is very likely to be met with failure and, if discovered, swift punishment. But Dave... he must have avoided detection in Undercover. In a place where everyone was suspicious, he wouldn't stand out. Perhaps these runes, or at least one of them, truly worked. Maybe that's why his house was so haunted - a rune that attracted ghosts...

Thudding from upstairs draws you out of your stunned thoughts. You haphazardly grab a pawful of damning papers and head for the window. The villagers are going to want to see this...

🕯️ Rewards 🕯️
It might just be your imagination, but the papers in your paws send a shiver through you...

🌷 Per kekin included in the above prompt, you earn one use of an upgrade from this pool
🌷 These upgrades can be applied to any of your current or future kekin
🌷 Upgrades cannot be applied on hatchling or newborn approvals


🍃 1 > Bristles: Tough, dense hair that's unpleasant and even stabby to the touch...! Think: wild boar hair. This is a texture - it doesn't add hair on its own!  Bristles shouldn't exceed more than five inches in length. Doesn't change color, but the tips of the hair may be colored
🍃 2 > Twolegs: Adds one or two arms/legs (or 1 arm, 1 leg?) that you can put anywhere on a keke. These may either look like the basic keke paws or match what your keke has already (based on type and upgrades). May be any color and slightly larger/smaller than is usual for their type, but must otherwise be changed with upgrades!
🍃 3 > Silky shoulders: Lengthen the shoulder flaps anywhere from 5 inches to long enough to conceal the arms (like a poncho!) If you choose a size on the larger end of the spectrum, this can allow a keke limited gliding. Added bits may be any  color