Anniversary Prize Pool '23 [Over!]

Posted 10 months, 4 days ago (Edited 8 months, 16 days ago) by HannahBug

This year sees Snakekeys turning six! And the rewards this year are very special indeed : ) Think the prize pool looks a bit
lacking? Check the MYO type change section! That's where the fire is this year. Anyways, thank y'all for your continued
 support and love you give the group while I struggle to be a human being <3 Hope you enjoy

🎁 Prize Pool 🎁

🌟 Shock and Maw: Anything goes as long as it involves mouths! This includes tongues and teeth. Give your keke a fun monstery mouth, multiple maws, pharyngeal jaws, toothy markings - you name it!


🌟 1 > Eye of the Beholder: Anything goes as long as it involves eyes!
🌟 2>  In a Pinch: Anything goes as long as it involves spikes! Pointy markings, slit pupils, stegosaurus tails, claws...all that and more. Cannot be used to remove  points, only add them.

🌠 These upgrades can be applied to any Snakekey or PC created between September 1st, 2022 and September 21st, 2022!
🌠 Each keke or PC created will only have access to one of the anni upgrades! You have to pick one
🌠 An exception to the above rule: you may create 2 keke/PCs that have two upgrades during this event OR 1 keke/PC that has all three

🎆 Transformation 🎆

If you'd like an existing keke/PC to apply one of the anni upgrades, this is your section! Just follow the prompt below to earn upgrade uses

⭕ Draw a 2-panel comic or write 600 words about your keke/PC finding something with upgrades that shouldn't have them. A tree, a chair, a building, some dirt... How the heck did this happen?? Is it some weird blip in reality or is someone just playing a prank on them?

🍃 Each comic will give you 1 upgrade. You can do the comic a max of 4 times
🍃 You can apply these upgrades on a max of 4 existing Snakekeys/PCs. Note that's 4 total, not 4 of each for a total of 8!
🍃 If you wish, you can apply multiple of the above anni upgrades on the same keke/PC. Just note that this will be considered 2 or 3 upgrade uses, leaving you with 1 or 2 remaining
🍃 Note that this prompt can only reward Shock and Maw, Eye of the Beholder, and In a Pinch! The other anni upgrades are sitting this year out
🍃 If drawing for the prompt, the keke/PC must be a minimum of halfbody in both panels. There must be a minimum of 1 background. Everything must be fully colored and done in a neat lined or lineless style. Shading is optional
🍃 Entries for the prompt go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!

🎟️ MYO Type Change (3) 🎟️

The past couple years, Goobers and Shinies have had their time in the spotlight as they've turned into free MYOs. Who's next? Plumies! The thing is, in my mind, Plumies, Fawnettes, and Subterfeweges are inseparable...! They came out together as the first big surprise from Bloom Season way back when. So, I've decided they'll be a big surprise again! All three of them are changing to free make-your-owns this yearThey can now and forever be created whenever you like just like regular keke, Crestuls, Goobers, and Shinies. Give these iconic event babies some love <3 Plumie guide, Fawn guide, Ewe guide

A Plumie adultA Fawnette adultA Subterfewege adult

unknown.png🏅 Membership Achievements 🏅
This year, we're playing catch-up with Keke Kindergarten for five-year members and Making Memories for six-years. In addition, Changeling Behemoths have been retroactively added as a reward for the 4-year achievement. If you claimed a character reward for said achievement already, congrats! You have a Changeling in your pocket now. See the achievement page here for the rewards you can claim! Remember not to claim any rewards until your actual joint date! The keke group wasn't created until Sep. 3rd and didn't open for approvals until Sep. 12th ; )


This event ends September 21st, 12:00 PM (PST) ⭕
Exception days will be open for registration after the event