A Cryptid Calling (Staff Birthday) [Over!]

Posted 5 months, 23 days ago (Edited 3 months, 5 days ago) by HannahBug


You're sleeping, but something's off. Instead of being surrounded by familiar black, everything is a bright, glowing white. It doesn't hurt your eyes, but it makes you feel lost... confused. As you spin around, trying to orient yourself, a figure emerges from between the light - aer simply splits it with aer starry wings and glides through. It's a Shenbie of some sort, but not a type you've ever seen before. Aer lower half is obscured by the white void and aer's cradling something in aer arms.

Aer lifts aer head to look at you, but does not open aer eyes. In a voice that resonates inside your head like a beautiful, melancholy instrument, aer asks "Dreamer? Do you have it in your heart and home to care for a nit?" Aer extends aer paws, offering you the object aer holds. It's smooth, glossy. The light clings to its surface. You dream you reach out your paw, laying it on the shimmering surface.

When you awake, you find the mysterious nit tucked snugly beneath your arm...

Unknown-nit.png🌠 Until January 8th, you can claim one unknown nit from this event
🌠 Not interested in more characters? You can replace the nit with one ascended upgrade of your choice! However, it must be a non-anniversary upgrade
🌠 In order to claim rewards of any type, simply post in the DA announcement or this TH comment chain that you're claiming your prizes!

β­• This pool will remain open until Jan 8, noon/12:00 PM (PST)Β β­•
There will NOTΒ be exception days after it closes!

✨ This event is courtesy of VyrusVoyd who had their birthday on November 17th! ✨
Because I'm just so, so late, as an added bonus, each user may also claim one behemoth eggΒ of their choice from this event!
Like the nits, these can also be swapped out for one non-anni upgrade if desired
