Dregan's Collection of Questionable Characters

Posted 7 years, 1 hour ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Dregan

Well, it seems worth taking advantage of the 'Beyond Reality' segment to... well, do a few more bits and pieces of non-canon stuff. And what's more non-canon than having real people asking characters questions? As such, here's a topic with a simple enough premise, which I'm sure many will also use for their own topics - any character I have on this account, you can go ahead and ask questions to. And of course, I shall write up answers for them! And well... let's bend the rules a li'l bit on this too. Whilst you can ask questions yourselves, you can also have your own characters ask questions. There's just gonna be a lot of questions basically is the idea. And answers. Answers to those questions. ... Well let's get on with it then!

 Doctor Disco Spekkal

Whoa, it's you! Sam's told me a lot about you, you know! Says you're pretty cool and fiesty! And y'know what? I dig that kind of person! How about you hang out with Doctor Disco too sometime, huh? Cause I gotta meet the live bass machine for myself!
Oh, and questions? Gosh, I dunno! Other than, well, do you use your powers a lot? And what for? Gimme deets, girl!

 Boa Spekkal

Hey Vas! Hope you, uh, don't mind me asking a few questions! .....And by a few I mean just one. For research! About, er, demons specifically. And you're an expert, I've heard! So, real quick sorry, what's your opinion oooon demons? What can you tell me about them? And, uh, if it's not too personal, what kind of run-ins have you had? With demons. Thanks!

 Mafrit Spekkal


 Cocoa xMoonCanary


HEY UH So uh.


AND WHAT WOULD YOU SAY....  is your normal order..
if you happen to like it


asking for a friend y'know all that jazz

JC Dregan

@ Doctor Disco

Yo, yo, whaaat? Holy SHIT! You're the other chick from the radio right? You have like, no idea how much Sam like, gushes all over you! She is DEFINITELY into you, know what I'm sayin'?

But oh no, yeah, I'm TOTALLY down to chill! You call the time and place, I'll bring the music!

Oh, oh right, powers, yeah! I mean, uh, I mostly use it for playing out music, but I can like... enhance noises I make? So I can like, shout suuuuper loud, or when I smack my hand against something, make that loud too? It's all like, uh, vibrating shit... Ooh, I do have this one real neat trick! I can like, emphasise my heart beat, so you can hear that. You want a proper bass beat? That's some cool shit right there! Oh, and also I can add distortion by like... moving my body and such! I could totally be a DJ really.

Vas Dregan

@ Boa

Oh, hey Boa! Yeah, er, questions are fine! I... can't say I'm much of an expert on demons? It's more they've just sorta popped into my life.

I mean, my opinion is, uh, well it's probably not been the best for the longest time? I sooorta thought... uh... all of them were... evil... I mean, that's changed! I've met good ones since then! It's just, uh, hard to sometimes like... see that, considering the past.

As for run-ins, well, there's loads. I mean, I've told you about the Disneyland one before - and I fought off that army invasion before? That was one of the bigger ones? There were also the kidnappy ones, those were never fun. And the people who'd made pacts and became demons and...

I guess more than anything I've learnt that no matter the demon, punching them all in the face seems to work pretty universally?

...Apart from the good ones - I... I don't punch them.

Raphael Dregan

@ Mafrit

...I am really hoping for your sake noone was in there at the time. Because I'd really not have to waste the time on doing acts which would be considered frankly untoward. But I am needing a new hobby...

Regardless, I guess I can always buy the city a new one. Probably saved dusting it.

@ Cocoa

Ahahaaa, hello again! I am perfectly well thankyou, albeit rather hoping to occupy myself - perhaps you could assist me with that? Oh, and of course, you're MORE than welcome to ask me any questions you'd like! I'm not shy~

As for coffee, I'm known to enjoy it - though I can't say I have a 'normal order'. I'm a rather changable man - I like to be surprised. Anything unique and new, I'll be on that in an instant. If it's the usual set of choices... I'll go with whatever I've not had for the longest!