Dregan's Collection of Questionable Characters

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Dregan

Well, it seems worth taking advantage of the 'Beyond Reality' segment to... well, do a few more bits and pieces of non-canon stuff. And what's more non-canon than having real people asking characters questions? As such, here's a topic with a simple enough premise, which I'm sure many will also use for their own topics - any character I have on this account, you can go ahead and ask questions to. And of course, I shall write up answers for them! And well... let's bend the rules a li'l bit on this too. Whilst you can ask questions yourselves, you can also have your own characters ask questions. There's just gonna be a lot of questions basically is the idea. And answers. Answers to those questions. ... Well let's get on with it then!

 Wicked Spekkal

rap is lame and ur the product of a broken condom cause yOUR LIFE IS A MISTAKE

Eer Dregan

@ Wicked

Yo-yo, what's up? 'Cause it certainly ain't fuckin' me after seein' THAT face on my feed! Shit, only reason they call you 'Wicked' is 'cause you like the Witch of the West. Hey, hear water melts you - probably why it looks like you don't even know what a fuckin' shower is. Mic drop bitch. Try not kick your own fat ass on the way out!


Alright, question for all those involved in Dragon Corp (or at least feel like answering); Why Dragon Corp? Like... why did you join/found it? And do you regret it?

Chant (Balance) Whip




 Seth Dregan

@ Spark

Why did I found it? I mean, it's not complicated. I've seen a lot of problems in the world that less keen eyes perhaps... haven't noticed. Or things that perhaps others have noticed and just find it more convenient to... look past, look through, rather than look at.

Sorry, I'm getting caught up! Dragon Corp.'s ultimate purpose is to make a difference in the world. We've made a number of medical breakthroughs in terms of biology, as well as advancing technological fields in robotics - our prosthetics are highly recommended. What I really want I guess, is change. We're helping the world, one step at a time.

Diavolo Dregan

@ Spark

I assisted in Dragon Corp.'s founding for many of the same reasons as Seth. I have a strong belief in him and his convictions. I don't regret anything.

Pelt Dregan

@ Spark

U-uh. Well, I, um, joined because they asked me really. I-I mean, I used to attend the, uh, school. Doctor Seth seemed to take notice of me for my, uh, grades. Said he could use someone like me in his... uuuh... medical division. It's where my interests lie. I mean, u-uh, I'm both a sorta... scientist there, and subject of study? For, uh, studying of powers and things.

I-I'm not sure why you'd ask that last question, but no I don't regret. We're, um, doing good things - and the company's done a lot for me.

Igsma Dregan

@ Spark

Hey-heeeey! Sooo... I have something of a condition y'see! I think we're calling it, uh, Transdimensional Blindness? It's related to my powers y'see - it ain't fun to talk about t'be honest with you. Still, Dragon Corp. is obviously big in the medical field, and have a particular interest in powers and how they work and all that. Therefore, started going t'them to study my condition and such, see if they could help!

Weeell, turns out a position of sorts opened up whilst I was attending, and well, what d'you know, I was the perfect fit for it! So I TOOK it! And do I regret that? Of course not! I mean, I got a job - an AWESOME job at that! This is way better than being unemployed and like, having people throw benefit money at me or whatever. I'm DOING things!

Never Dregan

@ Spark

...I asked. ...I don't.

Eer Dregan

@ Spark

Yo-yo-yooo, what is UP? Lemme wrap your li'l head around this one. So like, I was in school one day, an' I was in Diavolo's class, an' I was workin' on some like, li'l robot dude, and she comes over and she's like 'Shit son, that's wicked hot', an' I'm like, 'YO, RIGHT?' An' so when I was done impressin' her, like, big boss dude stepped in, and he was like 'Whaaaaat? an' they were both like 'Yo this Eer guy's 'aight! He's a fuckin' genius! We gon' NEED someone like him! Because his shit is shit HOT!' An' then, 'cause I'm so wicked and awesome (and hot), they gave me a job - and I fuckin' DIG it! Like, I've got my own lab, and my workshop and everything, shit's tight.

Only regret I have is like... Okay, it's difficult to get chicks back to the new place. I mean like, it's not difficult to get them to WANT to come. I'm the motherfuckin' Eer, I got ladies all over me! I can't walk for 'em! Jus' like... My place is hard t'get to, you dig? An' last time I went to one of their places, well, their dad got preeetty fuckin' mad. I mean like, I could've taken 'em! But like, chicks don't dig you punching their dad.

Dragon Corp. is fuckin' sweet though. Jus' sayin'.

SR-1 Anna Dregan

@ Chant

O-o-oh, hello Chant! Um, thank you! I like your hat too! It's very nice! c:

As for milk, um. Well I like to have it on my cereal, which is nice - and sometimes it goes all chocolatey when you put it on the cereal! Though mummy sometimes likes to also make like... it's like milk, but also like strawberries? I think that's my favourite milk!

Electrisa Electrisa

Oh! Oh! Nen, hi! Hello! Strictly hypothetical question. For a friend. Of a friend. Whaaat do you think of demons? Like, as a whole, I guess, as a species. Or maybe certain individuals you know, cause you probably know plenty of demons I mean they're not that rare?? Like, SOME people dislike them, for reasons. Do you??

 Esme sparktheboar

Hey, hey Raph! I just heard you hosted like... a fuckin' party a few years back? Do you think you'll be hostin' another one of those or what?

Nen Dregan

@ Electrisa

O-oh! Hello Electrisa... Why do you... why do you want to know about demons? N-not that I have any issue with them! I've met more bad people than I have bad demons... In fact, I believe there are demons among my flock. You see, it's often portrayed that angels are the servants of gods, and demons their enemy. But my intent is to change that. My intent is to change a lot of things. So... thank you for the question. I'll... see you around, E-Elec.

Raphael Dregan


Ahah, now that's a face I don't see so commonly - though it seems you've been somewhat left out of the loop my dear! I host parties with a certain regularity - breaks up the mundanity of a quiet house. And you can certainly expect more!