Health Concern

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Talon s8913844

Guys, there's been a rumor going around that the smoothies at Spinda's Cafe are filled with Opium. What the hell is Opium, and is it considered bad for red rats??


For the lack of better words, it's a drug. It's considered deadly in higher doses.
Also, I doubt that rumor is actually true

Signed, some therapist

Ray Jhep13

Really?! That's concerning... Should I be more careful about that??

Maybe someone should check on the ingredients of those drinks...

Salem CometHammer

Clearly, the cashiers are sick of the customer’s attitudes and this is their way of revolting. Stop being Karens at the counter yall 

Talon s8913844

Well, whatever the reason, I'm pretty sure the police should get on this. I'll take Johnny to the hospital, just in case.