🐀Fav4Fav & Follow4Follow🐀 (closed)

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 23 days, 6 hours ago) by Korkikorel


this is now closed, I won't favorite characters anymore due to not being comfortable to do that anymore, if you want to, you can unfav and unfollow if I didn't get to fav your OCs yet

fav any of my characters from folders "most used/favorites" , "♡sonas♡" , "closed species" and "not sure where o-o" and I'll fav some of your characters depending on how many you faved

also if you follow me I'll follow you back

DNI if:

- basic DNI criteria idk what else

- oh and if your page has sexual content please DNI


Hi there, faved 17 characters! I'd be very grateful if u fave my friendo's chars here💗


I faved 157 characters! You don't have to do a full 1:1 fav4fav but I do want favs on the following:

If you do want to use up those extra favs, there's my mass fav4fav thread and the JoJo OC world ^^

Korkikorel - faved Kasvis & Tangerine ☆☆

Please return to Lindy & Maylu if you can, thank u ♡


still open btw! 


still open! thanks to everyone who already faved my characters! 


Faved 44! Could you fave from here https://toyhou.se/Buddy31246/characters/folder:5197733/order:favs_asc  


Faved 8! Please fav these characters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8. Ty! And I subbed please sub to this user!!


I faved 2!! Fave whoever U want of mine idc!! (:>3)


Faved 10

Any 10 here pls https://toyhou.se/Danollian/characters/folder:4497824