1x1 Rp with Yukimiraku

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 months ago) by doglover

With my character Madoka. <3 

Yua doglover

 I stared at the great big blue sky as I lay on the green grass of a hill. My eyes slowly started to close on me as a breathed in the refreshing spring air. I could feel my heart beating faster & faster. Again I took another breath to fill my lungs with the sweet sent of spring. I opened my eyes to the sound of loud laughter and saw a girl snuggling with a pure white bunny with red bright eyes. I starred at the two friends who looked like they enjoyed each others company. 

Yua doglover

I slowly walk toward the girl, Making sure to keep eye contact. I sat down slowly making sure not to startle the girl. "Hello there, sorry for spying. I just couldn't help it you and the bunny looked so cute together!!" I smiled shyly. "I acctually love bunnies but most bunnies don't like me." 

(Sorry about that forgot the IC!! XD)

Yua doglover

I starred at her beautiful ears and her matching tail as they twitched. "Oh no, It's fine. Wow!! I had no idea that's so cool!!" I straightened my dress as I smiled a friendly smile. "That would be dandy, but only if you want too!" I smiled shyly. "Also, I'd love to friends too!!" 

Yua doglover

I laugh uncontrollably as two bunnies licked my ears. I slowly and carfully picked up each bunny and sat them on my lap. "These guys are all so cute! Oh my, I forgot to introduce myself I'm Madoka!!" I offered my hand. "Also thank you for making this a great day for me, most of my days are really just blue."  I smiled. 

Yua doglover

"Nice to meet you Umie!! Yay! I'm glad. Thank you!!" I pet the adorably cute bunnies on my lap as they slowly fall to sleep. "I was wondring would you like to get some Ice cream? Cause I am honestly dying for some right now." I smile shyly as I watch the bunnies hop and play around us. 

Yua doglover

"Um..." Madoka thought for a moment. "Ice cream is a soft frozen sweet treat made with milk and other ingredients. It is so yummy!! Usually people put Ice cream in waffle cones!! But it melts really fast." She stood and pointed toward a shop that their sign said "Lalima's Sweet Confectionery" "That's my favorite place to get sweets. Everything is so divine in there, even the air is sweet!! They even give out free samples too!!" Madoka hopped exitedly. 

Yua doglover

"Of course!! Let's go!" I walk toward the confectionery and cross the road carefully while looking both ways. I slowly open the shop door and smell the sweet sent of Ice cream, bubble gum and marshmallows. I breath in every last scent that I can gather of the sweet delicious treats. "Hello Lalima!! It's great to see you again. This is my friend Umie." I stand beside Umie and hug her gently.