1x1 Rp with Yukimiraku

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 months ago) by doglover

With my character Madoka. <3 

Yua doglover

I quickly get a damp towel and wipe it on her face gently. "Here now try this!" I put a spoon full of cherry chocolate chip ice cream in her mouth. 

Lalima doglover

"We make a lot more ice cream flavors if you'd like to try them! I know right!!" I look around and point toward the cookie rack. "Would you like to try a cookie?" I smile happily at the sight of people enjoying my sweets. 

Lalima doglover

"Oh that one's a sugar cookie, would you like to try it?" I carefully hand her the delicate cookie.

Yua doglover

"I know right, I have a huge sweet tooth so sometimes I just stop by and buy some sweets!!" Madoka said while giggling