1x1 Rp with Yukimiraku

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by doglover

With my character Madoka. <3 

Lalima doglover

"Oh Hi Madoka!! It's good to see you!! Hi there!" I give them both a big warm smile. "So what would you both like? We have many treats her at the confectionery. There's bubble gum, licorice, chocolate, ice cream, lolipops, cookies, cake, mints, cupcakes and many many more." She moved her hand throughout the shop pointing at each on the wall of organized sweets. "We have some ice cream samples here, the flavors include vanilla, peppermint and chocolate chip cookie dough." 

Yua doglover

"Well, I'm just dying to buy some cherry and rainbow bubble gum! Also do you have any black licoric in stock?" Madoka jumped happily. "So Umie which flavor do you want to try first??" 

Lalima doglover

"Got it let me package them for you." Lalima quickly put on some gloves and took the candy to the packaging station. (The packaging station is in the middle of the confectionery. All you have to do is click a button beside the front desk and in automatically pops up out of it's hiding place.)  She cautiously packaged the sweets in clear bags with fancy rainbow ribbon. "Sorry Madoka, No licorice this time. But I'll make sure to order some next week." As she said those words a clip board appeared in front of her. 


Yua doglover

"Yay!! Packaging time!! She giggled cheerfully. I followed Lalima exitedly while hopping toward the packaging station. "Shoot, I was really exited. Oh ok. Well, I'll just wait till next week then!" I watched as a robo arm popped up out of nowhere to hand Lalima her clip board.

Lalima doglover

"Here you go Madoka." I said while handing her the candy. "So Umie what are you looking to try?" I said while moving toward the front desk. 

Yua doglover

"Thank you Lalima!" Madoka said cheerfully while exitedly hopping up and down. "Yes Umie, What would you like to try?" I said as I breathed in another breath of the sweet candy scent. 

Yua doglover

"Oh, I have an idea!! Umie, How about this, you can close your eyes while me and Lalima put one piece of candy in your mouth and see how it tastes! Would that be ok?" Madoka as curiously.  

Yua doglover

I carefully put cherry bubble gum into her mouth. "Ok now taste, also I wouldn't swallow bubble gum cause it might not be the best for you." I jumped exitedly as I went around the room to get a few more sweet treats. 

Yua doglover

"Yes, I know right!!" Madoka hopped up and down as she watched Umie excitedly.