Draw the Koma Above

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by komaruhoyo

Draw the Komaruhoyo posted above!
When you've completed your piece, post it as a reply to prior post so the Koma's owner is notified.
Claims must be completed within a month, multiple late or missing claims will result in a strike.

Redeem in Submissions with prompt specified as "DTKA"
and you'll get the standard prompt bonus!

Character: Link to TH profile or Masterlist for Koma
Notes: Anything an artist might need to know when drawing your Koma!


Starting us off!

Character: https://toyhou.se/22943843.minna
Notes: Minna usually keeps her ears closed and is a very quiet kind of person who'd be easy to find with a book, or curled up for a nap, or writing her own stories. She's usually a quiet kind of happy and not easily upset.