Find the oc above's distinguishing feature - IC✨

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Nartrium

As you may have understood, the goal of this thread is to look at the design of the character above you (look through their gallery!), and to say what you think makes him unique or distinguishes him from the others! 

I noticed that it wasn't easy to find this on one of our own characters (I guess we're too used to seeing them) so I thought it might be a good thing to get someone else's opinion! 

Post and answer in character for this thread! 

You can suggest up to three characters to choose from for the next character.

If 6 hours pass, you can claim without having to find something for the character above, although a small comment is still better! :3

The first one to post can choose between Venkat (he's the one who gave me the idea of this thread), or Edouard!

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 Kaisley NOT THIS ONE banooky

razz's pink glasses really go well with the red hair!! also i feel like that smile is trademark and no one else can pull off the same energy.

🎹 Roo RatKingUmi

definitely those piercing green eyes!! they are a real focal point on Kaisley's face!


Hi! Just to inform you that this game already exists here:



Ah, guess I didn't search with the right keywords- should I close this one then?


make this one IC instead or smth!! 



Like the character has to answer? Why not! I'll edit the rules then- if this one doesn't already exist too!

For the next person : please answer Umikahw's post 

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Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

"Oh, I don't think I've seen anybody like you before," the youth cooed to the other party while raising a brow. His voice was somewhat saccharine, but there was also a sign of... Genuine regard? It wasn't like it really mattered, though, as he waved his own remark off to the side. "It means a lot, obviously," Fitzgerald continued with a haughty huff, "because as you can see... I have experience with all sorts of people. I've seen tacky folk, fashionable folk, rich folk, poor folk..." He counted each item on his fingers, resulting in grand total of four outstretched digits before he lifted up his hand and promptly showed it to the other party. He declared, "As unsightly as it'd be, I do wish I had more fingers so that I could convey my point better!", before sighing loudly and crossing his arms.

From there, he started to pace, all while continuing his obligatory monologue (oh no):

"That asides, I do see a lot of traits in you that make you stand out... Take that how you wish, but I feel like that I'll know that it's you whenever I see that ponytail or robotic arm of yours next time. And that's saying a lot, considering that I have so many visages to remember... You could've been just one face in a sea of acquaintances and associates, but you managed to evade that fate on the first try, so I really have to congratulate you on that regard. I really, really don't think anyone has done that before! And no, I don't mean it with sarcasm. Though you're welcome to interpret it that way if you want!"

At some point, he stopped circling the individual, and Fitzgerald settled for rocking back and forth on his heels, a cool and genuinely merry smile plastered on his face as a faint twinkle of amusement became apparent in his eyes.

Lightly and perhaps much, much too coyly, the youth stepped forward and pointed at the little contraption on his arm before opining, "For example, I have a feeling that I'd be impaled if I accidentally extended that blade on that contraption of yours, but... It's very, very unique and streamlined. I don't think I'll ever see anything like it again! You have to tell me if this is the only model of it in existence, sir... It's a lovely thing, if I say so myself." He let out a hearty laugh, holding up a hand to his mouth in the process. From there, he parted his fingers so that he could speak more clearly. Unfortunately, this also meant he was going to be more aloof as he shifted his arms and continued, "The same goes for that hair of yours. I don't know if it's metal, or if I can touch it, but it seems lovely. It complements you quite nicely, to be honest. Gives a contrast between that and those scars that I appreciate. Though... I do wish your outfit wasn't so plain... I simply have to take you to a boutique sometime! Wouldn't you agree?"

Of course Fitzgerald had to drop a qualifier like that. Rude bitch.

oh no. he's back. but this time for a follow-up.

Fitzgerald was already being a smug little bitch as he stood in front of this poor woman, his chest puffed out and attitude ready to scald anything that happened to lie in his wake. He even gave her a small sneer just to make it worse, while his foot traced oh-so delicately against the floor.

"Is there anything you need from me, dear?" he asked coyly with a touch of artificial saccharine, "I know you want me to take up all of your day, but you know I cant... I have other affairs to attend to, you know..." He giggled, holding up a hand to his mouth as he fluttered his eyes at the other party. Gross. No wonder he deserved what was given to him as a response.

Immediately, the young man took a step back with a grimace, hand held firmly against his chest. How dare she!? A large dog standing near by him cushioned his retreat, as he bumped into the ppoch's fur just seconds later; immediately, he turned around, and his demeanor seemed to switch as he started to coo over his dog, murmuring ever so lovingly, "Oh, did you hear that? She said something so cruel to me! I think I wouldn't be able to sleep for days! But I'm not cruel enough to send you after her..." He gave the dog's chin a gentle scratch. "Who's a good dog?"

Then he looked back at the younger woman with a scowl before stating harshly, "It's not snark if it pays off in the end. I prefer the term 'confidence' in that scenario." Fitzgerald then jabbed a finger in the lady's direction while glaring at her, almost as if she had told him that she loved eating dog meat. "And hell no! This is my dog! He's not as rowdy as you think, too. He's a good dog..." The oyung man trailed off before facing his trusty pooch and cooing in obnoxious baby talk, "Aren't you, puppy? You're such a good dog... Yes you are!"

Yea, hopefully she got away from this scene as soon as possible.

Fitzgerald took a sniff of his dog's fur - just to get a whiff of the shampoo he had a servant apply onto it earlier - before rolling his eyes and grunting to the other party, "Oh, trust me. I could say the same thing for yourself. Going for personal attacks on both me and my innocent dog... Especially my dog. Who does such a thing? He did nothing wrong, you bitch." Woah woah there. He didn't even bother to look at her in the eye as she walked off - not that she deserved it in his opinion - and as soon as she was gone, he went back to cooing over his dog like it was the loveliest thing in the world.


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Charlotte Kennedy Max-with-no-Coffee

"There is nothing to distinguish! You're like, the most boring person on the planet.." Charlotte tried to analyze everything about him from the stiff posture to his stoic and smooth face. "Eh, maybe the glasses? that's like, the only thing," Charlotte already felt bored out of her mind sitting in a dinky area across from a John Doe she knew nothing about. "I'm not trying to disrespect you, man, I'm just being honest.." She scrambled around in her mind to find something to start a conversation. Anything. "Do you games? I know plenty, we could play some together if ya want.." She moved around uncomfortably in her chair, flexing her arms and crossing her legs. "I mean, you're well kept together I guess. All the people I know are either extra-extravagant or look like they crawled out of India's sewers. You're..some kind of middle ground," She wanted him to break the silence so bad, it was killing her. She felt like she was talking to herself the whole time. It would be nice if the other half contributed. 


@NP I will follow up! 


"Well, ..........................." Kiba was honestly very cute to Charlotte, almost as much as stockings were. "Thanks for the compliments, they were nice," Kiba basically radiated a positive aura that made Charlotte perk up in an instance. "Wanna play a video game, kid? I can show you around the ropes of Call Of Duty, or maybe Dark Souls?" Her first instinct was to always offer up a gaming session, they were something both parties could enjoy. Charlotte pulled the pup over to her hips, "You can sit next to me and I can show you the anatomy of a controller if you want. Maybe her restlessness and boredom had finally subsided. She let Kiba choose the game and hooked up the console, slipping the disk inside. "Lets sit back, kid!"

🌟 Firecracker the Pup 🌟 AutisticallyPaige

"That's not very nice about being boring, everyone has their quirks! Yours seem to be that cotton candy hair!! I also love that heart on your cheek!" Explained Kiba estatically "That fang you have too, we seem to match!" Kiba added happily.