Which of Your OCs is the Meme Above?

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 months, 9 days ago) by PicklePantry

I saw a funny meme and it made me think,
what if I were to post a meme, and you were to say which of your OCs matched it best?

Poster 1: [The Office screencap]
Poster 2: Haha that's got this OC of mine's energy!

[Posts a vine]
Poster 3: Oh yup, that's exactly how this OC of mine would act.

[Posts a Pokemon reaction image]

- You post IC to answer which OC matches the meme, but it's an OOC game, you're not replying as them
- You can post pictures, gifs, videos, anything as long as it's a meme
- But nothing lewd or gory
- You can post every 2 people, or unless 5 days pass
- If 14 hours pass you may post a new meme

Try not to use images from Discord as they expire after about a day!

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Melantha Alkaev Vapor

literally melantha. she's stupid and breaks things a lot, whether she means to or not.


shane cryptocorvid

oh that's Shane, 100%. Tarosi is the wife.


Benji Olivier Dubois aidenopossum

Benji is my Gamer™️ so,,,,,,,Yeah

Sidenote: kinda lost my shit at that for a few minutes ngl


Anvir the Incandescent v13kai

Anvir is 8'6. This bitch is not fitting through human doorways anytime soon lmao


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Panic CorvidCreatures

Panic would say “a child”

August would say everything else 


Jet Northwind PicklePantry

Oh that's Jet. As in, you could tell him about how building another shopping center or casino etc is bad for the environment and he'd stare you in the eyes while telling construction to tear down every single tree.


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Paris qeuoire

Paris can never get sleep haha.


 73 comrade_dragoslav

Definitely 73, his only friend is his pet basketball😔


Davey Jones holohero

due to being an octoling davey is waayyy too used to turf war weapons as like......... actual weapons,,


Jess Jules

She is...very impulsive (and aso highly aggressive and hard to reason with.) and tends to just do shit without thinking or even waiting for a response. Consequences? None. No one would willingly mess with a High Dragon.
