What does your character think of the character a-

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Muika Hayashi/Kita meltylandnightmare

-bove them? (title got cut off)

 NOTICE: I've been hearing that some people have been giving extremely low effort responses to people in the thread. I want to say that this is not okay, and if you're going to make a post, at least put some effort into it.
From now on, you'll have to have at two sentences in your response. I do not tolerate having low-effort responses in an attempt to just get a reply. Would you like it if somebody gave you a low-effort, two word response? No. 
If you repeatedly break this rule, punishment will be put in place. This is NOT acceptable.

UPDATE: A little thing to know! If 24 hours without a response have passed, then you may respond to your own character with another character of yours. Just a heads up.

UPDATE 2: I saw somebody do it and that inspired me! You can reply to the character above you by editing your post, if you want! 


Pretty self explanatory. You post IC, and your OC says what they think about the character above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other character. For example...

P1 starts off with, for example, Yume. And then it basically goes like this.

P2 (Posting IC as Isamu): A bit too energetic for my tastes...

P3 (Posting IC as Marina): Just another self-righteous, smart alec prick!

You get the idea, right?

I hope this hasn't been done before. This is my first time making a forum game...

Anyway, let's begin, shall we?

Edit probably nobody would see: Wow... When I made this a year ago, I never expected it to blow up like it did. This is just insane... I made one of the most popular forum games (I think), and I didn't even realize how big it would grow when I made it. It was my first one, too! Thanks, all!


''An elf? hoho,I LOVE me some elf folk...N-not in a lovey-dovey-fangirl way!! Of c-course not!! Hahaha!! kill me please''

Tsubasa Dianxia

"....You have an interesting, uh, character, that's for sure. I certainly see no sin within you."

She pauses for a moment, before she shot the strange human a funny look, it almost seemed as if she were chuckling a bit.

"...At least, not the kind that would require me taking your life, anyhow."

Yvonne fangmeat

A soul snatcher? I see. [Yvonne masks her nervousness well, but the feeling is no doubt there even though she has nothing to fear. Someone who has the ability to snatch the soul from the living body is a force to be reckoned with.] I wonder how you judge those who you deem corrupted. Some sort of monitoring?

..Also, goodness, but are you chilly at all? The weather is so cold!


"You scream beauty, and I'm obviously living for that purple. I think you make a beautiful Machine?

Capsaicin reinapepiada

I feel sick... Is that rude? Ughh I know it's rude, but I don't like you looking at me like that! Just go on with your life, would you? Gives me the creeps...

 Royale jetsetspy

 "Hey there! You seem like someone who'd enjoy a good fight! Now those are the sort of people I like!"

Sai Feng jinkisaragi

 "Your tail.. your goggles... everything.. So cool! I wanna be like you!"

This user is not visible to guests.
Ruffles reinapepiada

You could've taken any form, and you choose to become a blonde? Honestly.... Same.

Aspa Modwri

"You could become anything, but you choose to be human, or sometimes a cat person?" Aspa tilted her head to ponder a few moments. "I think that is pretty interesting.  I'm a little curious about your reasoning, of course, but that is your own and I don't want to pry."

EDIT: Reina, you ninja!  Here you go:

Aspa blinked as... oh.  She smelled very, very nice.  The Hunter began to sniff at Ruffles, eyes closed as she kept her hands to herself, but sniffed the air around the living chips.

Adair Dianxia

"It looks like you and I share a similar trait, ah, but where the truest beauty lies, you don't seem to have. What a shame, you could have reached perfection, if only your lower half was like mine."

Toni Takara bulgariansumo

 "Do you get cold with no shirt on? I dono't think I'd be comfortable without a shirt..."

❁Aristo❁ jetsetspy

 "I- I know I shouldn't know this since we've never even introduced ourselves yet, but I know that we've already got a few things in common."

Iris HeraDevil

"Your choice of weapon is amazing."

Avexion Ikayuro

"You are... quite the lovely young woman."