Date, Befriend, and Avoid!(GAME)

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Ahyst

**This is in character game! Please be in character to play! ;w;**

It's like Marry, F, and Kill but that seems a bit extreme and I feel that last two words might can upset someone! So my verison for it is;


Date, Befriend, and Avoid!!!

Basically you can be in character and choose which characters your character would like to date, befriend and avoid!

Date; basically what it means, your character would date a character of their choosing.

Befriend; be friends with a character of their choosing.

Avoid; A character they would prefer to avoid.


Let me start this off; , , and !


For extra fun, you could inculde a tidbit or something! ;w; I hope this takes off~

Hala Oidekivi Vapor

Date Ochiael: Honestly? As mousy as she was, Hala did enjoy a bit of flirting. She particularly liked being on the receiving end of said flirting, because it made her feel warm and fuzzy, and it boosted her fragile self-esteem, because she was pathetic. It didn't happen often, either. This was a treat. "You're very kind." she told Ochiael with a light exhale, "And you... you don't have to pay much attention to me. Maybe you're just the kind of man to do this sort of thing for fun, and, well, I guess I'm not unfamiliar with that." She let out a shaky laugh. Haha, not funny. "So, maybe you don't really care for a date, but... I'm open to making tea for you, if you would like that. We can have a nice lunch by the window... Or, we could go riding, or gamehawking, anything you'd like to do..."

Befriend Farren: "I like your lizard... things..." Hala told Farren. She wasn't entirely sure what to call either Toxtricity, and so tried to not linger on them for very long, but her mind always came drifting back... "I don't know much about your creature battling, or whatever, except that I don't think it would be much different from cockfighting. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I think. It's not like it's uncommon where I'm from, but..." She paused, and then shook her head. That was enough of that. "I would like to watch you, at least, your band, or your battling. Both, I think would be... nice." The only problem here was that Hala has never heard punk music in her life. We'll see how that plays out.

Avoid Aamona: "You're a... demon? Half-demon? A half-demon demon hunter?" Hala wasn't sure how that worked, but nevertheless it was alarming to her, who was raised to reject all things even remotely evil. Aamona, for example. Was this woman possessed? Was that what was going on with her? Was the the spawn of a succubus? An incubus? A bus? Who knows, and Hala wasn't about to find out, already rattled to the bone by this poor woman who she had never spoken a word to prior to this little meeting. She wrung her hands in her lap and looked down, her brows furrowed. "I'm sorry." she muttered, "I think it's best if I... if I left, yes? Best for the both of us..."

Hala | Odette | Korrina

Hobart Spanish_Senpai

Date: Odette - While he liked all the friendly people he was usually acqainted with through Ozell, it got tiring sometimes to be so responsive to everything. Filtering his bluntness was hard, but he didn't want his bad attitude to reflect negetively on Ozell. Someone who understood the peace of short conversations and standing at the far edges of crowds was a comfort to Hobart. Talking about his past was not something he liked to do and he was more than happy to keep out of her buisness.

Befriend: Korrine - Hobart felt that familiar spark of irritation as Korrine talked about cognitive distortions. He didn't get it and he would never be interested in understanding it. But she did so much of the talking between them, it was easy to just give the occasional grunt of yes or no. While feeling insecure about the gaps in his knowledge was not his favorite past time, he did enjoy just hearing someone talking. He didn't have to know exactly what was happening, but a voice engaging with him was relaxing as he continued his work.

Avoid: Hala - "I-I just . . . Can you at least snark back or something?" Hobart sighed exasperated. He didn't know how to talk so carefully to someone who was so fragile. Everything he said was too blunt, too cold and he didn't like the look on her face when he hurt her feelings. He would be lying if he said it didn't make him a little angry how willing she was to take insults as well. Just because someone says something doesn't make it right. Seeing that endless cycle was just exhausting. "Listen, I'm sure you're great and all, but I just . . . I can't be around you."

Sorry I had to make some of their preferences a little different so I could use Hobart (for some reason it was hard to find a character I had that had enough backstory and fit with your characters so I had to do a patch job if you will)

Nimb ~ Hobart ~ Wekesa


Date: Definitely Wekesa. She is so adorable! There's not much listed about her character, but look at her! She's precious! Plus, she's a CEO, so she must be raking in bank.

Befriend: Nimb, without a doubt. First off, the boy's a unicorn! Who wouldn't want to befriend a unicorn? He also seems like such a sweetheart.

Avoid: Hobart. I feel like he would yell at me and I would cry about it. His bio says that he sees people as nothing more than a distraction, so I doubt he would want to be my friend anyways.


Cardio / Doobie / Tonic 

Knife v13kai

Date Tonic: Knife eyed the bat with a somewhat glare. Or at least, it was softer than her normal glare that seemed etched onto her face. She was appreciative of the bat's appearance, perhaps would have tried dating her in the past. She could also do that now, one would ever compare to Siv. She thumbed the wedding ring still on her finger despite her wife's passing. 'Not ready yet. Maybe next time,' she signed.

Befriend Cardio: The poodle was nice. Odd, but nice. She wasn't sure why Cardio would want to spend time with a crotchety kenku like herself though. Plus, the other girl was young and untouched by violence, where as Knife was middle aged for her species and focused on revenge. 'Don't get me wrong, you're nice, but you should hang out with peers your own age,' she stated. There, no one could call her selfish if the girl stayed, she at least told her otherwise.

Avoid Doobie: Her glare was sharp again. Doobie was odd and high on plants she normally saw in an alchemist's shop. Being drugged up would probably bring on thieves in no time, looking for a target that wouldn't put up much of a fuss. She wouldn't be around when that happened.

DnD Boyband: Archemede |  Saul |  Malakai

Kenya Almog

Date: "Definitely Saul. People I can trust are my thing. Our opinions are very similar, and I just believe he would be a great person to date. His eyes are very... Pretty, too. Love the colors."

Befriend: "Malakai is very admirable, and I think would make a good friend of mine. I do usually judge people by the first interaction with them, but he seems... Interesting, at most."

Avoid: "Archemede's personality is very unlikeable to me. Any chance of someone on my side breaking the law, even in the slightest, to do 'good' is just something I'm not up to deal with."

Naru | Ido | Raycon

Philomena (Outside Philomena) salternate

Date — Naru — "Poor you. Maybe you need a bit more TLC. Well, kids are good. Just...take really good care of them."

Befriend — Raycon — "Ah! How spunky! I can teach you how to look way cool!"

Avoid — Ido — "Ugh, I can't handle your negative vibes, child. I would like to be treated like a queen."





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Saffron PixelatedButterfly

Date- Matcha- "Hmm our first date would be a film and some good coffee, you do make good coffee, right?-

Befriend- Saffron- "Hmm seems we have the same name, that makes us friends.."

Avoid- Berry- 'No offence, but I don't need a lazy arse as a friend or soulmate and seeing as your not really a people person, that's more of a reason to ignore you-

ok for the next person ^^





Date- hmmmmmm, I think I would date saphira!! She seems like a very intelligent person I could learn alot from!

Befriend- definitely Melody!! She seems like a really fun person to hang out with!!

Avoid- i guess my only option left is saffron! She's a tad aggressive and if my virus acts up in response that won't be a pretty scene...





have fun!

Itsuki Hanabusa dandy_haven

Date: "I will have to go with Darwin. I'm not into men but it just happens that the only woman here is terrifying. I do appreciate his curiosity and the way how he smells like lavender is pretty attractive to me"

Befriend: "Malcolm, definitely. He is intellegent, i truly appreciate to have a nice talk with a smart older man. Plus he might share a bit of time secrets with me, i wanted to learn more about time as concept for a while"

Avoid: "I am genuinely afraid of Marcy, with all my respects towards women i would rather stay as far away from her as possible"





Zoey Williams (SB) LostPocong

Avoid (Tanzanite): „I need my limbs, and I’m not willing to share them!... Even if you are kinda cute…”

Befriend (Bartholomew): “You’re cool! But I think you’re a little too old for me, sorry! We should hang out sometimes, you could help me figure out what kind of tattoo I should get.”

Date (Clarity): “OMG you’re so cute! Let’s fight! And once we’re done, we can go out for some dinner.”




Stephen Moonleaf

Date: Lea. "Not sure if you will ever have feelings for me because I'm not even human, but oh well I guess. Also you're quite old in my mind buuuuuut oh well I guess. LET'S GO EAT OUT TOGETHER TODAY AND GO FOR A ROMANTIC STROLL

Befriend: Ace. "You seem kind, and like you would make a great friend. And don't worry, I won't attack you for being a demon."

Avoid: Lunetta. "Because why not."


J (let's just pretend this is an au where they are not me...)

Charlie (I'm working on uploading all my human oc's but for now you'll have to have him...)

 Alim Nasir dandy_haven

Date: "J is the only human here so i kinda have no choice ha-ha! But if i'm being honest she is pretty much my type. I love human gals with long hair!"

Befriend: "Stephen! The man seems chill, i'd hang out with him"

Avoid: "Charlie... Yeah i don't really like silent people. What are they trying to hide from me...? Please tell them to say something and not just stare. Menacingly" 





 BOLT⛈😋⚾️ Zinkyzor


Friend- chal definitely! Seems like a good guy to eat chicken and chat too! He won't nag me like my team so whoop!

Date- deigo!! Sport friends!! Hyper energy!! Whoop!

Avoid- blaiser because he's too damn serious, it kinda scares me not gonna lie. He would probably kill me.
