
Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Vapor

RULE UPDATE [8/5/2022]

The title is referencing a Reddit thing. I GUESS. This description will hopefully be enough information to set you up.

"A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole."


  • Keep NSFW to a minimum -- suggestions, implications, and innuendos are generally fine, but keep in mind that minors have access to this thread.
    • Romantic interactions are allowed, but only between adult characters.
    • Sensitive or gory interactions are also allowed, but must be put under a spoiler or blacked out.
  • Remember to post IC! The IC button is on top of the field where you write your post, just switch it on and select the character you wish to use.
  • There is a three sentence minimum in your response to the person above! Please put some effort into explaining why or why not the character you respond to is or isn't the antagonist!
    • As a general suggestion, not quite a rule, however, please try to match half the post of the person you are responding to.
  • This thread will be limited to mostly first-person to reflect the subreddit's own posts. Descriptions of your character typing or writing or what-not is fine, but please keep the response itself and your character's own question in first-person!
  • You may only post every three posts or three days after the last post, not three days after your own.
    • Example: [You] [x] [x] [x] [You] or You [x] [x] [three days pass] [You]
  • You may post a "claim" to avoid getting sniped, but please do not take too long on it!
    • You will be pinged here with a reminder after twelve hours of an unfinished claim. After twenty-four hours of an unfinished claim, you can be skipped by the next person.
  • You must prove that you have read the post that you have responded to. Your post must contain elements of the post above and/or the above character's information. No one wants a post where their character is barely -- or worse, not at all -- acknowledged.
  • Be kind to your fellow players, but know that in-character views are not their own out-of-character. Just because their character's rude to yours doesn't mean they themselves feel that way!
    • Do not skip over users who have you blocked or who you have blocked. Wait for someone else to respond to them before posting.
  • I supervise this thread as much as I can, but if you spot problems, please either DM or ping me.
Audemus pocketbrows


If you genuinely, honestly thought you had killed someone who you considered a dear friend, then you should have turned yourself in. I am sure that explaining yourself to the pertinent authorities would clarify the situation. You would have to serve penance for your actions, but it would be penance justly deserved. Unsafe dueling is argued to be the number one cause of death among young mages. You should not have been dueling in an abandoned mall—a place in which I have no doubt you were trespassing—in the first place.

You should come forth and apologize to your friend. If you do not, the situation will only worsen, and your guilt will never be resolved.

AITA for exacting revenge on my nephew’s ex-boyfriend, without telling my nephew?

(spoilered for domestic violence & murder.)

I am the temporary guardian of my nephew, who we’ll call O. O had a boyfriend, W, who was notably older than him. After barely knowing each other for two months, O decided to gradually move into W’s apartment. At this point I was concerned, but as O is not my son I did not intervene (I feel that would have been more the responsibility of a parent rather than a mere guardian).

O ran home one night with part of his skull beaten in. Luckily as a surgeon and healer I was able to save his impacted eye, but the injuries not only very nearly cost him half of his vision, but his very life. Needless to say, it was W’s doing. It was a traumatizing experience for O that has taken him time to adjust and come to terms with. For all intents and purposes, from what I gather, their relationship was benign up until this incident. I have provided O as much support as I feasibly can, and he seems to be doing remarkably well, all things considered.

As for W… I had him brought to justice. By my hand, he died for what he did. Slowly. Let me be clear: I am no murderer. But exceptions were made, perhaps ones that I am not proud of.

I have no intention of telling my nephew that I killed W, but my conscience weighs on me. Every night I am plagued by the memory of W’s screams. Should I tell O what I did? …Am I the antagonist?