What's One Line your OC would say to the OC Above?

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 months, 26 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are ONE sentence only!

We've got a lot of games where we write a lot, so why not do the opposite?

Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: "You're nice and I appreciate that!"
OC 3: "Hey! I think you're cute!" (Incorrect)
OC 4: "You're smelly."
OC 5: "You have a terrible attitude." He rolled his eyes and looked away. It was all he would say. (Incorrect)
OC 6: "I love you."

- This is an IC game, so please post with your character's response!
- You don't have to write one word, you can write a sentence! But it is one sentence maximum!! No descriptions or elaborations between dialogue.
- This is also a low effort game! Please don't write long texts and don't expect any back!
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- If the latest poster of the game has blocked you, you must wait for someone who hasn't blocked to post.
- If you've been sniped, either edit your reply or remove the post.
- You can post after 3 other people have posted before you, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you if you want to do it. They don't need to be one sentence, either, but please be sure to indicate who the reply is for.
- Again, this is a low effort game! Do NOT expect posts to be descriptive of your character! This game's whole purpose is for short replies and quick fun.
OOC commentary is not allowed as its own post. It must be attached to your game post and must not derail the thread.

Don't want to write just one sentence? Try out these games!

3-5 Sentence Limit:
[One Line Medium Version]
Unlimited Sentence Limit:
[What Would Your OC Do to the OC Above?]
[What Does Your Character Think of the OC Above?]
[Interact with the OC Above: Dialogue Only]
RP With No Cooldown/Limit: 
[OC Chat]
[OC Chatroom [NSFW 18+]]
[Worlds Forum]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike (unless reaching strike 3)
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into one sentence
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed.
Be careful, ellipses (...) and dashes don't always make your post one sentence.

Please PM mods with any issues or questions you may have.


Aella PearlPlaya

"Aye, quite a thick accent- just show me what you're interested in if something catches your eye, probably won't be able to understand you just telling me."


V "Huh? No, I've never done any sort of blogging before." V

Ralph Donohoe parvapinna

'Wait, aren't you that blogger-'

'Yeah, nature's nice. I'm quite thankful that my mum fostered my appreciation for it.'

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

"I do think the outdoors are a nice thing too, nature is quite the wonder isn't it?" 

Edwin Elsiikun

"Nature is nice and all, but I struggle to enjoy it during spring due to, reasons..."


"You and me both, man."

vvv "I think it's pretty fun, better with other poeple though- And minimal lurkers, of course."

mauve melbourne

”I’ve never been hunting, what’s it like?”

Kaoru (FEM VER.) ryokvcha

"Tends to vary depending on what you're hunting, hehe..."

This post has been removed.
Kareem BewareOfTheMenace

"I like hunting for dinosaur fossils."

v "Yes! Is it my favorite hobby!"

This user is not visible to guests.
Vicus Yumikki lezbtron

"Ugh-, keep your water away from my robots!!"

Selkie ryokvcha

"Can we have the water, then? ᗜ"

v "Sure, we can try! What's it about?"

Al BewareOfTheMenace

"Can you please help me with my little project?"

V "Why thank you! Well, they're pretty much broken new but I still got more new ones!" (Nah, it's fine.)

Marcel MidnightFever

^ ahh sorry about the hammer stuff! I was commenting on Selkie but didn't notice that the thread has updated!!

"I've never seen such fancy inventions before."

v "It's just me most of the time. It can be tiring, but seeing my customers smile makes it all worth it!"

Jules DreamyDinosaur

Λ "Impressive! I see how you feel, the appreciation of customers is truely amazing!"

"Ah baker, do you run the store by self or do you have help?"

V "Oh err, thank you, heh heh! Maybe when I have time, I can cook up something for you on the house!"