What's One Line your OC would say? (Medium)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 19 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are 3-5 sentences!

We've got games with lots of writing, and some with little writing, so how about... m-medium?

Same as the original game!
Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: She was in awe as she gazed at the splendor of the first person, only able to mumble, "I love your outfit." She blushed. How embarrassing.
OC 3: "Hey! You're really smart, aren't you? Can you build this?!"
OC 4: "How dull." He turned away with a scoff and crossed his arms. He wouldn't say anything else.

- This is an IC game! Please reply with your character's thoughts and reaction!
- Your post MUST be 3-5 sentences! Nothing more, nothing less (This includes any sentence in between dialogue!)
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- This is still a low effort game! Please don't write too much and don't expect a lot written back!
- You can post every two people, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you to decide if you want to write one or not. They don't have to be 3-5 sentences long, either.

Don't want to write a few sentences? Try out these games!

One Sentence Limit: [x]
Unlimited Sentence Limit: [x] [x]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into 3-5 sentences
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed
Posting in the thread when under cooldown results in a warning then a ban

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Jing Lian pinksun

Jing Lian's brow furrows ever so slightly as his tail flicks behind him in an anxious manner. There is something about this man- something wonderful and overwhelming, rendering Jing even more speechless than is usual for him. Staring is rude, he knows this, but no words will form. This level of abhorent social skills is strange, even for him.

With a light clearing of his throat, he manages to force out a single sentence, a subconcious thing he truly hadn't meant to say out loud.

"Can I paint you?" Oops. Terrible thing to ask of a stranger.

miu stxrfallen

It takes Miu a moment --- or is it a few hours? --- to muster up the courage. Truthfully, she would never come up to a stranger in the first place, but he paints such beautiful things, and Miu has been wanting a painting to occupy some empty spot of wall in her house. She finally approaches, manages to get his attention with a call that's just barely loud enough. "Excuse me," she starts, voice strong at first, but quickly fading to a timid timbre, "would you be open to painting something for me? I can pay, of course..."

[Umin] Ak'haum SymeSynth

Altraus' gaze settles on Miu, and there is something akin to careful observation from the way his eyes practically sparkle, a growing intent to open her like a book and to browse the contents as he pleases.

He is, however, rather aware of the fact that such an action would probably not be received well, and so he leans back. Allows a smile to play upon his lips, and extends a hand to her as a friendly gesture. "Is there anything that you need help with?"

Altraus smiles. There's a sparkle in his eyes, and he extends his hand then. A heaviness rests in the air before them, speaking of a potential finality.

"Well, then... what is your wish?"

Rylex Marclyn

^ "OHhh shit. You fo reals reallies? You gon' grant Rylex his Christmas wish??!"

"You kinda like Santa Clause aint you? You magical, you flying, white hair, wearing a coat, and you be seeing people. Heck, Rylex bet you can even grant wishes on Christmas like St Nick. Can you grant Rylex his wish for Christmas?"

"Lil mama. Aint no need to be paying Rylex. Rylex more den happy to help a pretty lil gal like you." Winks.

Mildred BewareOfTheMenace

"Why hello there soldier, I need a little help. Can you please help me carrying all those groceries to the shop, I can't do this all by myself but I can pay you with money!"

V "I made it myself! I can make you one tho it's gonna take some times since...you're a pretty small fella but I'm sure it won't be a hassle. Yes, I have some pictures of my lil puppy Branch!"


mephone6s melbourne

6s looks Mildred up and down; simply, in an observant way. “Your dress,” she begins, “…it’s very pretty.” A small, genuine smile flashes across her screen. “Where’d you get it? And also, do you have any pictures of your dog?”

v She nods, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her child. “Here, I can show you some pictures of them! They’re really shy, but I bet you two would get along.” Pulling out his wallet, 6s shows a family picture of herself, her wife, and her child. “She’s my entire world.”

PAL lezbtron

"I see you already have a little one if I'm not mistaken," The overlord purred, slightly circling herself around 6s before standing in front of her and clasping her hands together. "Quite peculiar things aren't they?" She'd ask bluntly though she didn't seem to have any malicis. It was like beast trying to lower themselves down to be less threatening, there was a bit of a genuine effort to make herself a bit less .. imposing. "I don't think I've seen your little one yet, though I'd love to if you would allow me to." A half hearted smile was plastered across her screen as her sentence ended, it was a genuine one though.

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Slythos SymeSynth

Slythos is no fool - he knows that this seemingly-normal woman hides something behind her exterior. He is, however, not like the Dreamweaver — the act of quietly slipping in and looking into someone is not really an action he performs all too often, and straightforward questions are very much his preference if he can at all help it. He crosses his arms, peering at her through dark eyelashes. "You're hiding something, that much is obvious. I might as well know if this will be a potentially dangerous thing, or something I can just ignore."

Alessandro LittleRobot

"'Lord of Nightmares,' huh? I don't suppose you'd be willing to pay a little visit to my family, would you?" Alessandro had his arms crossed with his usual unhappy expression. "More specifically, my little brother - Angelo. He's a little too proud with his new title..."

Olethros Vapor

"..It shows well enough on your face, the pain you've been through. A gruff demeanor is more obvious than one might hope for... but..." Olethros trailed off, and amidst her silence, she shuddered. "Your sorrow is strong, your sadness is predominant, it-- it exposes enough. I can almost... taste it... ah... do you want loukoumi?"

This post has been removed.
Zita Romero junebuggeryy

"-Ah, shoot! Heya miss, didn't see 'ya there-" Zita steps aside and pulls her muscled arms in, doing her best to be... any amount smaller after nearly knocking over Olethros. Her garbage bag, rustling with litter, crinkles as it's pulled away- and the long stick serving as her "reacher/grabber" tool awkwardly juts up at the sky. Her shoulders relax a bit- and she takes on a more casual tone. "You with the conservationists? I don't think I saw you at icebreakers- Ah, screw 'em, you learn a lot more about people on the job."
As she talks, she lowers her tool, picking litter out of the wetlands and popping it into the garbage bag. "-Man, aren't these wetlands gorgeous? Really happy that we got enough volunteers this year. We get to clean it, and enjoy the view!"