What's One Line your OC would say? (Medium)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are 3-5 sentences!

We've got games with lots of writing, and some with little writing, so how about... m-medium?

Same as the original game!
Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: She was in awe as she gazed at the splendor of the first person, only able to mumble, "I love your outfit." She blushed. How embarrassing.
OC 3: "Hey! You're really smart, aren't you? Can you build this?!"
OC 4: "How dull." He turned away with a scoff and crossed his arms. He wouldn't say anything else.

- This is an IC game! Please reply with your character's thoughts and reaction!
- Your post MUST be 3-5 sentences! Nothing more, nothing less (This includes any sentence in between dialogue!)
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- This is still a low effort game! Please don't write too much and don't expect a lot written back!
- You can post every two people, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you to decide if you want to write one or not. They don't have to be 3-5 sentences long, either.

Don't want to write a few sentences? Try out these games!

One Sentence Limit: [x]
Unlimited Sentence Limit: [x] [x]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into 3-5 sentences
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed
Posting in the thread when under cooldown results in a warning then a ban

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mephone6s (mattice seade) melbourne

6s simply stands there as she looks at Penny, her gaze unwavering. Truly, she isn’t sure what to say to the woman who stands before her, other than, “How the hell did you manage to get a bounty worth ten billion on your head?” Shocked, they laugh. “Genuinely, what crime did you commit for that to even be possible?”

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

"You're so familiar though I'm not sure why.." She would say as her antennas twitched, almost if they were trying to sense something. "You're .. fully organic, right?" She asked, seeming genuinely confused at the prospect since the person she reminded her of was .. not organic. The robot's antenna would twitch a little as she'd realize maybe the questions she was asking were a little inconsiderate. "Aha, I'm sorry, I just-- would you like some tea?" She'd offer as she'd attempt to change the subject. 

"We have battery acid too, but I'm not sure you can drink that!" 

 Jericho Wey _Deadweight_

"I'd like to hear the philosophy on how others justify building this new age with the bones, ash, and blood of those whom you wrestled it from, just as they had done before you." Jericho sipped his drink whilst lazing in the seat in front of her. "I mean, it's pretty ironic, and I'm sure everyone is more or less happy about it. I'd actually find it quite comedic if you all think you're any better than those who died. Of course, survival of the fittest, strongest, whatever; the thoughts behind the morality and justifications of it all interest me."

Hala Oidekivi (Young) Vapor

"In regards to you making your own honey, I had to ask, but-- do you take care of bees, or something like that?" The woman looked Jericho over, trying and failing to imagine him being so tender as to look after creatures so small and fragile. There was some appeal to the concept, nevertheless. "If not, then... I mean, I've always wanted to visit a bee farm! ..Would you please go with me in case I... might get scared of them?"

v "Hard?" Hala had to think about that question -- but, in the end, she only shrugged. "If-- I mean, if anyone misses me enough, they... they're always free to write to me, so, it's-- it's not like I'm keeping my location a secret or anything! ..Ah... but, as for you, if... should you really stay for another person? I have a big family. I don't think I would've changed anything for any of them."

Jacques Howlard fizzelston

"Was it hard for you to move?" Jacques absent-mindedly toyed with the jar of pickles in his hand. "I have been thinking about moving myself. Away from this village, but something, someone, ties me to here. Did you leave someone you loved behind when you moved?"

Marcus Marclyn

"Ah, you must be staying for a loved one. A beautiful bow back at home waiting for her man? Regardless, a man should move and travel when he wants to."

As much as he hated robots and android, this one was actually 'cute' and 'friendly'... Mixture of feelings for sure. All he could mange was a low grunt in return.

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

"Hey, hey!" The robot would beep in an attempt to get his attention. "Down here-- yes, would you mind if I talked to you for a bit?" She would ask, lightening her tone more than it usually was. "I'm very curious about how your mindset works and I'd love to know more about you and your circumstances!" 

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

"I'm assuming you're capable of drinking tea. Thinking of lavender tea because of you, right now -- it's surprising, honestly, because it's nothing like how you would expect it to be. It's... more spicy, especially on its own. Do you have any favorite teas? ..If you're curious and want to try, I can make an alright blend with lavender and cinnamon."

aurae stxrfallen

"Were you self-taught with the piano?" Aurae asks, legs hooked on her broom as she hangs upside-down. "I've always wanted to learn an instrument, but I don't have the patience to teach myself and I don't know anyone else patient enough to teach me." She hums a single note, low and mostly in thought. "Not asking you to teach me, of course, unless you want to. Was just curious."

<Sona> [Edeia] Elsyne SymeSynth

"Something about you is quite familiar," hums the Edeia, currently donning his humanoid visage, eyes locked onto the seeming half-elf. Something about his gaze seems to radiate a particular ethereal air. "I assume you have some form of fae heritage, or at least something adjacent?"

"Of all the words you could think of, you would rather babble on about fate...?" And that is most definitely a form of a scoff, going from the way he rolls his eyes.

Lan Turner PicklePantry

"A being of creation-- created by Creation itself; a living paradox. You are a question and an answer in an endless cycle. Yet, is that truly a conundrum, or are you something that extends beyond life's limitations? Were those limitations on purpose? How grand and mysterious Fate can be..."

v "Does one need to trust what they see? What they believe? What of ourselves? Can we trust in our own being to make the correct decisions?"

Terrence BewareOfTheMenace

^ "I guess you're right. I mean, I was just being sure tho."

Tho Terrence is a bit freak out seeing Lan Turner for the first time, he tries to remain calm because this is the least scary thing he has saw, given how many times he has seen many weird and crazy things in the past. "I uh, heard rumors about you and I thought it's just horsecrap until I go see for myself. Turns out I was wrong, and they were right that you are real but I also heard another rumors, some says you're a good and peaceful guy while others says you're a horrible person. I honestly don't believe in rumors but since this is real, I'll ask you a question: how do I trust you?"

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deliverance stxrfallen

"You used to work at a zoo...?" Deliverance's expression stays the same --- emotionless, but there's a small glimmer in her eyes that indicates interest. "Did the birds have a proper habitat? I always feel for them, stuck in cages like that. But if they are being well-taken care of, I suppose I can't be mad at humans for it..."