[IC] Tea-time with the character above you ☕

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by fizzelston

Another thread by Fizz?
You've guessed it. Your oc shares a nice cup of tea/coffee/warm beverage with the character above them.
Do they spill the tea? Do they spit in each other's mugs? Share biscuits? Go wild, go stupid, as it is tea time binches!

Rules are simple:

  • You don't have to describe every movement,sip, but put some afford in it. 3 sentences minimum. 
  • Please no NSFW or violent stuff. If you really want to go dark please black it out. Like this! 
  •  You can post again after 2 replies, or if 12 hours have passed. 
  • Please fill in your claim in22hours. I'll try to send you a reminder after ±10 h. We want to keep the game flowing!  If you fail to do so your post getsskipped.
Character 1: Oh boy i'm first
Character 2: God, you have an awful taste in tea dear. Mint tea? Are you for real. Jeez.
Character 3: I don't think I have any sugar but I got some sweeteners. I know those aren't the same as sugar but.. It's sweet. Hence the name haha.

Want to order some overpriced coffee instead? Click this link

first poster gets a freebie. 
Maribelle Burnett Vapor

         Perhaps a creature so ethereal -- barely realized as anything less than that by the girl, who had only pondered the stars and never galaxies in more of a provincial state -- did not need tea, or even wanted it, or... who knows? There was some not-so-obvious anxiety radiating from her. At least so far she managed a stony face, only softening whenever she offered Ariel another pour from her kettle. She cursed herself each time she did, and then other times beyond that, for being so shy. She could not tell why that was at first, but...

         ..It was a sense of inferiority, wasn't it? The knowledge that perhaps she was unable to see and learn as he had.

         But here in this interdimensional wherever-the-fuck, she felt perhaps she could speak more freely of it all. Even then, she was slow to begin, focusing on the tea instead.

         "It's honeybush rooibos." She said to him, her voice as monotone as it ever was in spite of her mood. A pleasant scent had filled the air. "It's sweet. And it goes well with fruit. But I don't have much fruit other than pears and lemons, and I'd rather make a proper dessert with them. If I had white tea, though, then maybe..." Once his cup had been refilled, she trailed off and stepped aside, suddenly too nervous to bother sitting with him, even across from him. She glanced over at her own empty cup. "It comes from the deep south, the leaves do. I like herbal teas like that. Sometimes white teas, like I said, because-- it's almost like a watered down juice."

         And then, Maribelle looked at Ariel curiously. "Does Earth have anything like it?" She asked. All this time, she had imagined the planet to be something out of a fantasy novel, all bioluminescent jungles and towering mushrooms and giant glowing insects, something bizarrely new. She supposed this would be her only chance to know anything about where Ariel was from. "I know you saved it. Somehow. I guess you would know a lot about it, then, being there for so long..."

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 [The Conductor] SymeSynth

The Conductor slowly lifts the cup of tea to his lips, taking a long and relaxed sip, before eventually lowering it to the saucer, his movements refined and graceful, almost paying no attention to Alistair for some time. That will not last forever, however, as his gaze eventually alights upon the frail man, and his stare roams. There's interest there, almost predatory in nature, carefully hidden behind a veneer of affability.

He taps his clawed fingers on the edge of the table, his free hand rubbing at his chin in thought as he mulls on what to ask the human(?), his curiosity dominant and temper thankfully in a low simmer, playing at the questions poking at the periphery of his mind. For example, how can such beauty be dulled? He can't help but muse on what-ifs: timelines where Alistair could be allowed to blossom at his full potential. Under normal circumstances, he would be willing to provide such an opportunity, although there's an awareness - and an inkling of doubt - that the ravenet would probably not quite understand what he means, so he opts not to bother.

In a peaceful time such as this, there are always other opportunities to be had. And right now, the Conductor wishes to simply learn more about him.

"What kind of tea do you like?" he begins, now leaning forwards to reach out and grab the pot on the table, white-red eyes peering at the container and noting that it's almost empty, although with his abilities, replenishing supplies is pathetically easy. "If you'd like, we could also do something besides simply drinking tea. Perhaps chat like gentlemen?"

He chuckles a little, lips curling at the little in-joke, although he doubts that Alistair would understand. Unfortunate, that. "Or, if it is more to your interest, we could play something mentally stimulating. I'll let you choose the game, if you'd like."

NP: I'm sorry that you will have to have tea with someone like the Conductor.

v oh my god I'm so sorry girl you don't deserve to be with someone like this trashbag. please leave for your own sake and safety. :(((

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

While Allisriedia's time in the noble courts gave her plenty of experience with men like the Conductor, he was... different, somehow. Although she couldn't pinpoint it, there was something about him that made her shiver at her very core. If she could've without being seen as mean, she would've spilled her tea on that suit of his and left the table.

Unfortunately, although she no longer was part of the higher classes, its etiquette still rubbed off on her - so she desperately attempted to make some semblance of conversation instead. She didn't say many words, however, choosing to hyperfocus on her tea in order to avoid anything deeper than small talk.

"So... this is lovely tea. Where did you find this place?" she asked as she looked to him, her voice far quieter than usual. In all honesty, if she spoke any louder, her voice might start quivering - and she couldn't have that happen.

For how long would she have to suffer through this hell before she could leave?

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claim StridesThroughAshes !

Arrik chryslerminivans

"Lovely day, ain't it?" Arrik smiles, looking up at the dragon, "Sire this is a tea party, but you look more like a coffee person? Correct me if I'm wrong."

Underneath the smile, Arrik is a bit terrified of the massive creature, but remains polite. "Hm, allow me to find something suitable for you to use as a teacup..."

Amancio pinksun

"Here, I prepared an herbal tea! This one has very good calming and healing properties!" Amancio pushes a teacup in Arrik's direction, followed by a small plate of cookies.

"I made these too, if you're interested. But never mind that, you must tell me about yourself!" They begin to ramble excitedly, leaving no time to sip their own tea, nor for Arrik to interject. "I love adventures, I'm sure you've had some great ones with what you do! What was it again...? I don't understand much of those things, my home has nothing like it. But it sounds fascinating!"

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Haywood Esterofila

Haywood has never had tea before. Silly, isn't it? One of the most famous drinks in all of the world, and yet he's never known its taste. The young, strange creature before him seems to have an abundance of it, and Haywood takes the hot cup from him, peering into it a bit nervously. It was very hot. The only hot drink he's familiar with is watered-down coffee.

He sniffs at it tentatively. It had a nice smell to it. Like leaves. That is what tea is, isn't it, dried leaves? Haywood brings the cup to his lips, taking a perhaps too overly eager sip, because he spits it right back out into the cup. 

"Hot!" Haywood fanned at his burning tongue. "Ah, how-how silly of Haywood. His most sincere of apologies... He should giv-give it another taste, yes?"

And he does, this time blowing on it before taking a drink. He found the flavors to be complex, grassy, and rather sweet. He could taste the honey.

"What a pleasant treat!" Haywood beams to Jaimee. "Haywood wishes he could afford more of it."

Novem Aloofcloud

"I never thanked you for helping me, did I?" While in truth he felt no need to actually thank Haywood, the kitsune capable of healing at an alarming rate- he felt the need to keep up appearances at least.  It was unfortunate that his body had healed before the wound was covered up, but it's not like Novem was going to keep a gaping wound out in the open to get infected, he would make no mention of the events. 

"I hope you'll accept this as my thanks." As the man speaks he places a cup full of tea in front of Haywood, a soft smile on the disguised kitsune's face as he makes his offering.  It's not poisoned, completely safe, Novem wasn't out to harm Haywood he had no reason.  "It's just green tea, I have a preference for it."  At the very least, it was high quality. 

"Do be careful, it's still hot." He wouldn't stay long, he had other matters to take care of...

Ivan Sokolovsky Quantum7021

Ivan was not one for sharing tea with people he did not know. He kept himself hidden away in his mansion for a reason. He felt out of place with most everyone, and Novem was no exception. Especially because he was daring to serve green tea- how dreadful. Ivan’s preferred type was white tea, or the more bitter types from faraway places.

Ivan still sipped it anyway. He’d never insult someone to their face, that wasn’t the way to do things. He wasn’t a rude man, after all. Or he tried not to be. “Thank you,” he said. He drank so properly, looking like a prince with his hands in perfect for, around the teacup. He stayed silent, not having much else to say. He sank further into his seat, feeling tired by the interactions with other people.

Xanteke starb3rr1

claim ^.^ ( also, a bit of a word of advice but id suggest alluding to the character on top of you a bit more maybe? we dont want anyone to feel left out on a forum game! )

Despite the obvious lack of tea in Xanteke's cup, she followed Ivan to an absolute T, like taking a 'sip' whenever he did. She could at least have some decency to hold the cup by it's handle, but instead opted to hold the rim like some sort of claw. If it wasn't appalling enough, Xanteke had voiced her opinion that it would do Ivan to "have some company". ..If this was her way of getting to know someone, imagine how Xan was like when she was comfortable.

"..You're not the talkative type, are you?" Xanteke swirled her cup about idly, finding that, after a whole ten minute dialogue, she was talking to what could've been a brick wall.

Well, if that's not working.. Why not put him on the spot?

"Say, howsabout you tell me what's in this thing?" Finally, out of pure curiosity, did she actually help herself to the teapot placed between them, pouring out a finely brewed camellia tea. "You look like you know your stuff.. Which is kind of why I bothered you in the first place." A light scoff left her, "I've never tried anything like this— Or any 'food' for that matter."

v ok so the main takeaway from this is that feidaris and xanteke in the same vicinity is like two particle accelerators duct taped together. will write a response !!

[Edeia] Feiaris SymeSynth

Oh, Feiaris has quite a lot to say about what are essentially blind dates, and it's the fact that they are such wondrous events: all these new faces to meet and people to know about never fail in arousing a giddy excitement in the Edeia, and if she had no concept of manners, she might be practically jumping all over the walls whenever she meets someone particularly distinctive.

And the Luminary before her is certainly one of those wonderful individuals, her being thrumming with anticipation. There's a part of her that wants to just go ahead and pepper the traveller with an entire variety of questions, which she unceremoniously squashes down, at least for the meantime. They have just met, and the Edeia of Diversity can't have someone be scared off by her being a bit too excited, can she?

Oh dear, maybe Veunimaru is rubbing off on her a bit too much.

She clears her throat — a mimicry of the sound, anyway — and regards Xanteke with something akin to restrained curiosity, the gesture noticeable despite her rather peculiar appearance. Perhaps it may have been a better idea to assume a human form for this one, but it may be a bit too late for such a thought. Feiaris might as well just work with this to the best of her ability.

She gestures to the tea set on the table with one of her hands, the inklings of her magic already twining its way around her fingers in luminous gold. "Is there any tea that you'd like to have in particular?"

A pause. Her three-eyed gaze settles on the young lady as she waits for a response: a discernible action even if her eyes seem to be solid in hue. "...Well, while we're at it, is there anything that you want to ask of me?"