Write a headcanon about the OC above

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Azineli

So, yeah. The title says it all. I'm just saying, by the way, my character is undead.

tiffani lordsatin

she's fascinated by all species of insect and occasionally animals (though she prefers to keep her distance from most). she enjoys collecting animal bones as a way to learn about animals and their body structure. her favorite things to look at are insects and she has spent a lot of time observing them. she likes the orderly, matter of fact, way that most insects carry out their lives (eg. the perfect teamwork of ants, the intricate webs of spiders).


yes!!! canon!

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Nick Reynolds Bucket

Now, I know her profile said she doesn't like tea. But hear me out: she likes tea. She doesn't stick around humans much, but dammit, their behaviors and lives can just be so.. interesting. Sometimes, when she finds a human that's willing to talk to her, she just lets them vent and rant. She lets them talk about their lives and sometimes even prompts them to talk about things they're upset about. She doesn't speak much in return, but she's a good listener and just.. wow, humans can be so dumb and entertaining to hear about, lmao.

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Thread Mashter-Potato

Reuben shares an unfortunate fate with the rest of his species whenever they're involved with worlds or areas with higher levels of temperature: Sweat. More precisely, given how their ancestors had adapted to the colder temperatures found on his homeworld's surface, there was never a natural requirement to sweat, and they had lost this natural ability, or have had it seriously weakened.

It isn't rare to find Ruby panting as means to ventilate himself, that, or he will keep as close to locations or items that generate endothermic reactions, or otherwise cool down the area around them.

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♛Lowell Carson♛ L0WETIDE

Desmond is VERY into romance novels and movies! He often watches/reads them in his spare time. He often finds himself relating to the protagonist, and they motivate him in his quest for finding his perfect partner. He thinks that if discovering true love can happen in a book, surely it'll be possible in real life, too!


Gnhshdoejdiefusodj I love this, it's totally accurate! I think this one's gotta be canon hehe

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Zadiel Vauquelin quietelf

Lowell is ticklish behind his knees and will do his high pitched scream mixed w/ laughter when tickled there.

lmao you hit the nail on the head!

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rexton seems like the type to expect others to respect his personal boundaries, but doesn't feel the need to respect anyone else's. if you're getting a bit grabby and he's not down, he's gonna tell you off. if he's the one being sleazy, though? just grin and bear it. (also, he appears to have had a bio at some point? it's disappeared. i didn't know if you were aware though so i worked with what i was able to find! ^^;;)


you're super right on both counts!! :'D his life pretty much centers around his work so having someone to talk to about it is thrilling.
(that's also how he landed his current girlfriend. it started with a question about his blood type and spiralled out of control from there.)

Scarlet Taylor Viski

Kanaye likes to impress people with his experiments and vast knowledge. While he doesn't need or require the validation, it makes him happy when they are genuinly interested in his work.

 And along the same lines, but as science is one the key things he knows in life, he likes to use it to impress and catch the attention of potential companions/people he is interested in, a partner that is not only interest in him but also in his work is his dream.


You've hit the nail on the head, that so 100% her!!!

Viper muichiro

Scarlet is the type of woman who confronts bullying she sees whenever, wherever. If someone tries to film it and make a mockery out of her, she proceeds to elegantly get in their face too, teaching them effortlessly how to respect someone! 



Otto Alkaev II Vapor

Viper is the most evil man of them all. He does not actually have his driver's license. This, however, will not stop him, because he does not care what other people think. If he wants to careen down a road in a stolen Ferrari, then he damn fucking will.

this is so cute. it's canon now u_u [sorry 2 that dog your new dad is still mean]

 Forest and Tank Parasolhyena

Otto managed to adopt a 3 legged Corgi from the market place. They were selling it as meat but the little gal was just so loving that as Otto walked by he watch the little dog wagging her tail and jumping around in her cage. He couldn't pass her by at that point. The owners were fine selling it too him but he had to convince him he wanted it raw because they didn't understand why anyone would want a 3 legged dog.


Ahhhhhhh!!! That's so perfect oh my gosh!!!