Your OC Takes a Bullet for the OC Above! [IC]

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by HardyLark

Your Oc Takes a Bullet for the OC Above!

So! I don’t believe I’ve seen this one before and what better way to have more as interactions than this!

Anyways! The game is simple! Your OC takes a really bad hit to protect the OC above them! Whether or not this gravely wounds or kill your character is up to you! Doesn’t necessarily have to be a bullet, pretty much anything is on the table!

Here’s some ground rules!

Rule 1: Please wait at least two posts before posting again! This can be ignored if 24 hours have passed.

Rule 2: Please have your responses be at least 3 sentences, but more in encouraged. It's also a good idea to read the character's bio if they have one, to make things more relevant. Responses that don't include any thought or care for a characters bio, and are too general aren’t great, so please make a little effort to include the character above!^^

Rule 3: Keep it PG-13! Due to the nature of this game I would ask that any triggering topics are marked by the proper warnings and spoilered!

Rule 4: If you claim, make sure you are filling your claim within four hours of doing so. If the time elapses, we will move on to the next player in the interest of keeping the game moving and fair. If you cannot fulfill your claim within the time limit provided, please wait until you're able to do so. Thank you! 

Rule 5: I try my best to check in on this thread when I can, but if there is ever an issue or problem, please DM me so I can resolve the situation as soon as possible!^^

Additionally, if your character does not have a profile, or you feel like their profile doesn't include the information to keep things exciting, you can leave a note for the next poster of what your character might be doing to get into such a situation, but that’s entirely optional and not required to play!^^

Just have fun with it!


1/2/23 - Added 4-hour claim limit to rules (Rule 4) and cosmetic changes.
1/7/23 - Added Rule 5.

 AK celestiials

oh this sounds really interesting-

mayhaps i'll write a follow-up if school lets me?

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Roswell van Breek fizzelston

 Vomit warning (blacked out}

Void knows it was not intentional.-
Roswell hadn't left the mad overthrown king's side after the other offered him one free drink. Not even after most of the party had died down. Roswell was drinking his, uh he lost the count hours ago-th, gin as his head piqued up. The atmosphere in the thinned crowd had changed. And while the king was busy flirting with some ladies, (the Krō just simply sat on the side drinking) something moved in the crowd. Roswell squinted. He detected the iron-reflection of knives. A hooded figure. Shite. As quickly as he drunkenly could stomach, Roswell rose to his feet. He eyed Nevrakis. Reached for his own kram, but decided it wasn't worth risking his skin for.
Free drinks or not, Roswell valued his own survival above everyone else. He tried to get out of the approaching assassin's way but cursed himself for his drunkenness. Roswell's legs felt like spaghetti and his stomach protested with every step. It was easy to say that he didn't make much progress. It was easy to see that he just happened to end up in the worst place at the worst time. Just in front of the mad-king. Hated by all - called vile by many.
A stunning sensation in Roswell's shoulder made him realize that. His gaze lazily fell onto his shoulder. A knoiveh...
The weapon had found itself a way in to his shoulder, cut through the fabric of his overcoat and shirt, and pierced his skin and muscle. Roswell's arm felt limb. It had been meant for The Wolf of Rida, but it just happened to strike Roswell. A krō far from home.

Everything after that happened so quickly. Drunken-thugs tried to catch the assassin, bodyguards appeared from nowhere, the crowd thinned out more, until there was nobody left. Beside the mad-king himself, some guards and Roswell. Who still sheepishly reached towards the dagger, that struck out of his frame like a splint.
"Assassin," he told Nevrakis. Showing the other man a sheepish grin, as the sensation and most notably the pain started to dawn on him. "Vot," he muttered. As his drunken fingers curled around the pommel of the throwing knife.
"Oi think oi'm going to throw up."


Roswell @ one of those thugs

"Oi could really feel sumethin' when she told him that she loved him yer know," Roswell said. "And de kiss… Void," he said longing. Roswell looked up. Lips pursed.
"Void," he repeated. In a different tune. He cursed at himself, as he'd noticed the shift in atmosphere when it was already too late. 

Thugs jumped them seemingly out of nowhere. Roswell cursed himself, he'd know they were here. There were a thousand clues he'd ignored. No krōs on the rooftops, a broken streetlight, mud tracks. He'd seen them. But he had become something no thief, nor leidsman could afford. Careless. Roswell had become careless and now he'd to pay the price. 

His hands whipped to his own gun. Before his fingers could find the holster, the air-filled itself with bullets. Sulfur, gunpowder. Plus the unmistakable smell of blood. Roswell was certain he´d passed away. But to his surprise felt nothing. No pain. No bullets denting his body, not the warmth of blood. When he opened his eye he noticed why.
Ace stood in front of him, her arms spread. Shite. He watched her collapse and held his breath. His jaw clenched when he saw the hand twitch and the whole body reanimate again. Her wounds closed. Roswell watched as she whipped out those chains. With his hands, still damp clamped around the handle of his gun, he watched. Roswell´s lips twisted from the sound of broken bones and his shoulders tensed from the man who´d got slammed against the wall.

“Yeah, oi’m fine,” he muttered. His eye unable to dart away from the man that slowly slumped down against the wall. Motionless. Roswell’s fingers drummed on his revolver before he removed his hand.
 “How about you?” he finally managed to say. He’d difficulties not to stare at the person and back at Ace.
Roswell kept a sheepish grin on his face as he followed her in her wake. His foot tested the face of the bitten man in silence.
“Mercenaries,” he finally said. Nudging with his foot against the man’s shoulder. “Dey ware de symbol,” he said. Pointing at the simple dagger emblem on his chest.
“Oi don’t know dem,” he muttered. “Or someone rich enough to send dem after me. But I need to be more careful.” 

Ace LostPocong

Spoiler cuz Ace gets hurt.

Talking about some cheesy romance novel, Ace and Roswell walked into a shady alley. Turning the corner, they were suddenly faced with multiple armed goons. Without saying a word, they opened fire, aiming mostly for Roswell. Seconds later, the ground was littered with shell casings, and splatters of blood, but none of it was Roswell’s. Standing in front of her friend, Ace collapsed, bleeding from the many wounds she had sustained.

It only took a second before she stood back up, her regeneration having kicked in and keeping her alive despite her injuries. Before the assailants could reload, an adamantium chain shot towards them, wrapping around one of their legs and turning into a copy of her shackles. Teleporting to the shackled man, she took him down and bit into his shoulder, using his blood to speed up her recovery. Letting him drop to the ground, hoping he was just unconscious and not dead, she took down the other assailants, one with lighting, and the other just by grabbing his face and slamming his head against the wall.

“Are you alright?” Ace asked her human friend, “Don’t worry about me, I’m pretty tough.” Checking to see they were still alive, she asked, “Do you know these people? Or someone who might have sent them? They’ll probably try again, and I may not be around then…”

After suddenly being pushed, Ace watched in horror as the bullet stuck the bartender instead. “Why?” she could only ask, as everyone around her ran away in panic, “Why did you do that? I would have been fine!”

“I won’t!” the demon assured Roxanne. There’s no way she would let someone who was willing to risk their own life to protect her die. She quickly made some silk and used it to make a bandage, stemming the bleeding, before calling an ambulance. Holding Roxanne’s hand, Ace paid close attention to her pulse and breathing while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.  

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(Admin Post) Whyme123 Sorry for the ping, just wanted to let you know that it seems you skipped the person above you and instead responded to the person above them. If you could fix your post so that it fits better that will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!^^

Follow up:That’s alright, I’ll cover the responses later tonight for both of you, but in the future please don’t skip people even if they’ve blocked you. (Meaning you may have to wait before you respond to them) I know it can be upsetting but it causes problems with the flow of the game. Thank you!^^

Illanya Mariold HardyLark

brainmaggotz_ Spoiled for some alcohol use and injury!^^

Illanya, had admittedly been wholly unused to traveling across the plains. Some of the other realms were odd and this one was no exception. Though some had looked at her oddly the she'd walked into the bar with full armor and a cloak, it had been late enough into the night that most of the people around were more interested in nursing their drinks. The paladin had been careful in preparing to come here, going so far to at least exchange some of her gold for the paper currency that was common here back in the City of Doors. She hadn't thought to ditch the armor but at this point it was really too late to do more than quickly make her way to the bar and settle down. 

She quickly passes a few bills to the bartender asking quietly for the house cider, not entirely certain about the vast amount of drinks on the menu. It's not long before she's received her drink from the feline bartender and starts sipping at it, a pleasant buzz already starting to fuzz her thoughts. 

It's not until she halfway through her second cup that the door slams open, a shuffle of footsteps causing the knight to turn towards the entrance, a light blush on her face belying her drunken state. A man stumbles in, his face red and twisted in anger, his cloak and garb markedly similar to the paladins, at least as far as time period goes. There's the sound of a something locking into place and a crossbow comes out from under the cloak,  and he aims rather badly at the Paladin, enough that the cross hairs stray just past Illanya and at the Batender standing near her.

The Mechanisim fires, and the knight is already pushing herself up onto the bar, using one hand to push Roxie down. the other to hoist her self up. The bolt strikes her with a sickening thud, but she doesn't waste a moment, one hand raising, spectral vines with flowering blossoms erupt from the axe at her side, and wrap the man up. He struggles for a moment before tiring and falling limp, the vines disappearing as he does so. The Paladin slumps down, grasping near her chest a pained grimace pulling across her face.

"A-are you alright? I think that man was after me but- he nearly shot you instead-" The woman cuts off with a groan, falling onto the bar, her face twisted in pain. Cups and battles scaterring a shattering against the floor. The bolt has revealed itself more fully with Illanya's back exposed. It seemed that man was close enough that the bolt has punched through her armor lodging just below her shoulder blade, it's fletching already somewhat red with the paladin's blood. She looks up from where she's fallen to the bartender and offers a weak smile.

"Sorry, I'll pay for those too."

Whyme123 Spoiled for a bullet wound? yep

If a banishment spell could've gone wrong at any time, it would've had to be now. She'd never seen a spell backfire so spectacularly, and she curses herself for not getting out of the way quick enough. Of course the place it took her would be an active battlefield, the sounds of explosions driving the paladin into a sprint, her hands gripping axe and shield tightly. Wherever she was, it appeared to be a firefight of somekind, the sounds of fire arms ringing in her ears. Illanya had only encountered a few gunslingers in her lifetime, but this seemed to be more than one gunslinger. 

As she runs, she spots a man reloading, glancing from his gun to the area around him. He doesn't seem to notice the man sneaking up behind him, a rifle aimed directly at his head. Illanya's in between the two within seconds, her shield raised. It does little good, a round of about 3 bullets erupt in rapid succession, the first two dent against the shield. The third finds it's mark in the Paladin's shoulder, the momentum of it sending her reeling. The enemy raises his weapon to fire again, but the sight of other bullets drives him away. Jamie would turn to see Illanya kneeling, her hand pressed to her shoulder, the bullet having made it's way through entirely. It'll have to be something she heals with her magic when she returns home, because she can already feel the effects of the banish spell wearing off, so she simply gives the man a weary smile and a nod,

"Be a little more aware next time, hate to see you die out here." Illanya huffs, a cheerful look on her face as the spell wears off entirely and she disappears in a flash of light and a shower of flower petals.

PicklePantry No worries! I was excited to see you respond regardless! So here's a follow up!^^

She'd definitely seen better days, and she just wanted to get somewhere safe. Amid a rather intense buzz, a bullet wound, and the crossbow bolt stuck in her back, she was surprised she was still standing, let alone stumbling along the path. It was tough to do anything more than focus on not tripping and falling onto the trail beneath her.

The Paladin isn't coherent enough to realize what's going on until something slams into her, an alarmed cry coming from behind her. The sharp crack of a firearm firing jolts Illanya from her stupor, but she's already on the ground. Whirling around, she finds that she recognizes the woman who must've pushed her out of the way. It was a somewhat vague memory, but she remembers meeting with the King of the area, and this woman had been there, watching the party wearily though most of the meeting, at least as far as she noticed. Why Ennette was here was beyond the Paladin, but that wasn't important. The sight of a rather ambiguous figure was enough for Illanya to put the pieces together. 

Sudden fear strikes the knight, as her gaze scans over Ennette before focusing on the gash on her arm. Despite reassurances that it was nothing serious, Illanya can't help the guilt that washes over her. Despite the princesses' wishes for her to flee and escape, a deeply rooted sense of pride and the oaths she's sworn come to mind, and she simply grimaces. She can't just flee and leave a princess to fend for herself, the idea itself was ludicrous. 

However, she certainly wasn't sticking around to let the man get in a second shot. With a wince of pain, Illanya rights herself, magic gathering around her back, her eyes flickering with warm white light. Two near-transparent feathered wings sprout from her back, and she lurches forward grabbing the Princess and with a flap of her spectral wings, they shoot into the sky. 

"S-Sorry Princess, I hope you'll forgive me for not listening, but I wouldn't dare leave you alone to fend for yourself. " Her voice stutters, likely from pain, and the need to raise it over the howling of the wind. After about a minute, Illanya stutters in flight, a grimace on her face. Despite the paladin's best efforts to slow their descent they still land in a tumble. The Paladin simply lays where she's fallen before sitting up and looking to where Ennette has landed.

"That could've gone better. Still, I doubt that guy will be able to catch up to us for a little bit. I should have enough time to patch myself up." She hums, giving Ennette a wavering smile, pain clouding her eyes. Through it all, her gaze strays back to the Princesses' arm and she grimaces.

"Here, let me at least heal that for you. You took a shot meant for me, and I can't let that debt go unpaid I'm afraid."

Ennette PicklePantry

(I didn't want to spam you with NV   I hope this is okay aaaa!)

     From nearby, yet far enough to not be noticed (she certainly hoped not!), a bush shivered and shook. Then, a ball of white poked out. Wide, star-struck purple eyes longingly gazed at the paladin from afar. There she was, the great knight Illanya, from the kingdom, Arlin. Ennette herself knew little about the kingdom and was initially wary when Illanya and others had come to visit her father, yet the moment the paladin commented on the castle's flowers, her opinions changed drastically.
     She went from wary, to grateful, to... smitten?! Was it possible? Oh foolish Ennette, did you really fall for someone for as much as complimenting the flowers-- the flowers you didn't even grow?! She wanted to run off to deny such silly logic, but her heart beat to loudly and demanded she face the truth! Oh, it was true! She was in love...! If it hadn't been the flowers comment, surely this fate would have still come. Illanya's kindness and her strength, her title, even that pipe...!
     WAIT! What was that...? Another bush was shaking? But... But she was right here!
     Ennette's eyes widened as she saw a figure pop out of the bush, a gun in hand. Bandit? Assassin?! She wasn't sure, nor was she sure why they were targetting the paladin-- Oh no! One look at Illanya showed that she wasn't in the best of health! Maybe it was because she thought she was alone (instead of in the presence of a killer and a princess) that she allowed her pain to show? But it seemed like she'd been shot before-- twice, in fact! One even by a... crossbow?? Illanya wouldn't be strong enough to dodge, and that's if she even noticed the killer behind her! Think, Ennette, think!!!
     Her body moved before she knew it. "Watch out!" Ennette heard herself cry out and pushed Illanya out of the way.
     The princess opened her eyes, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. She looked at her arm, where the pain was coming from, and let out a relieved sigh. "Don't worry!" she told Illanya, showing said arm. "It only grazed me! You're wounded, so you should go get some help! I'll try to hold them off!" Looking back at the mysterious figure, Ennette clenched her jaw. She'd practiced against swords, but not guns. Serpentine pattern, right? She could do that and try to disarm them, or at least knock it out of their hands...?

S O B S 

     I must have those muffins. It was a mantra Ennette stubbornly repeated to herself as she plucked the strawberries from outside the castle. She'd asked her father for some, and though tired, he agreed he would if they had any strawberries. Of course, it was most likely a trick set up by him, knowing full well the kitchen had none, and that they wouldn't receive their ingredient restocks until later in the week. It wouldn't stop the craving princess, however, and she stormed off to get some on her own, despite people's protests.
     The basket was getting satisfyingly full. Before she could pick it up to leave, however, she heard a rustling nearby and spun around just in time to see the goon running over. Eyes wide, Ennette stood there, stunned, too frozen to decide between fight or flight.
     Then, suddenly, a figure lunged out at the attacker. "R-Rylex?" gasped the princess once she recognized the armor. The two were locked into a close battle, with punches and kicks tossed in every direction. Ennette looked around helplessly for something she could do to help. She'd left Liszt back at the castle so she could carry the basket, if only she'd taken it...!
     Looking back at the battle, it looked like Rylex was starting to get the upper hand. The assailant, however, desperate to clear his mission, pulled a gun out. He shakily pointed at the charging soldier, then at Ennette.

     The gunshot caused all the birds nearby to fly away.

     Silence slowly settled back into the field. Ennette opened her eyes slowly. No pain. Was she in shock...? No... No, she wasn't hit, actually! But...
     Relief quickly turned to panic, and she looked up just in time to see the goon fall to the ground with a swift punch. "R-Rylex..." she stammered. Despite his smile and his words... the both of them couldn't help but stare at the hole in his chest.
     "Rylex!!" she screamed once more, trying to catch him when he fell, but only able to keep him upright. She fell to her knees as well, her mind was racing. What-What was the right thing to do? Should she lay him down? Prevent him from laying down? Should she apply pressure? She didn't have anything to mix herbs with-- there weren't even any herbs nearby! And-And even if there had been, she didn't know anything for fatal wounds! She-She--
     Tears began to flood Ennette's eyes, of which she couldn't rip away from that... blasted bullet wound. A bullet wound that could have been avoided if she'd just stayed inside. It was all her fault...!
     "D-Don't talk like that!" she pleaded while holding the soldier's arms. "Y-You're a soldier, aren't you? A powerful one! Y-You've told me s-so many stories about your victories! Th-This won't stop you-- It CAN'T!" Just keep talking, just keep saying something to keep his attention and keep him awake; alive. "What-What about all the women waiting for you to come back? You can't... You can't go breaking their hearts, right?"
     A strained sob escaped her when he collapsed. "R-Rylex, no!!" she cried. She looked around. Nobody she could see, but... but was it possible other guards were nearby? "HELP!!" she cried and screamed. "HELP, PLEASE!!"
     No reply.
     More and more tears began to roll down her face, blinding her. Hearing the soldier's weak voice, she looked down at him. "... As... As long as you stay awake through all of it... o-okay?" she whispered, offering him the sweetest smile she could muster past the shaking and the tears.
     Resting his head on her lap, she began to sang. Her faltering voice slowly grew steady, and soon the music of a royal siren began to fill the field. It was a somber melody, guided by her gentle voice. Its lyrics were lovely and gentle, yet the harmonies were mourning. The music gradually wrapped around the nearby town, and reached even the castle.

     And as if to join her in a duet, the castle's funeral bells rang out.

Rylex Marclyn

 ^ ( I CRY   why this response so beautiful. it is like a song in itself. *ugly cry* she must'n blame herself... NUuuuu!!! feels bad for making Ennette feel guilt. Nuuuu!)
Rylex swore he'd protect the King's daughter! Something about wanting to win the King's admiration and trust. Rylex did always seek approval from men with a title.  And today, Ennette was out picking strawberries so it can later be made into muffins. Rylex was near by making sure she was safe when a goon comes out of nowhere and attempt to kidnap the Princess! Rylex was able to fight him off. Getting into a pretty nasty brawl when the goon pulled out a gun and fired it at the Princess out of desperation! Rylex quickly reacted and side steps to block the blow, taking the bullet. Rylex did one final uppercut to knock the dude out. Then stumbles his way back to Ennette.

He wipes his bloody mouth, "Ohhh fawk! God damn Princess! Would chu look at dat!" Trying to catch his breath. "Peace of cake. Haha!" Patting himself on his chest. Then he quickly covers his gunshot wound at his chest. And finally looks down to realize how bad the wound was. Rylex tries his best to stop the blood flow. But drops down to one knee. "Ohhh ffffkkk!" The soldier was in shock now. Realizing how fatal the shot was. Then looks up at Ennette, "Yo best get go'n! Run home before more of them princess nappers show up.." Then his voice starts to trail off, getting weaker. "Don't think Rylex gone make it... Tell yo daddy it was ah honor serving him...." He belches out a few bloody cough. "But... you is more dan welcome to sing a tune fo Rylex. Makes Rylex's death be look'n all epic yo... Hahah...." Before finally collapsing.


"Ohhh Ems!! Why chu go and do dat!?" As he catches her in his arms. "You us gone be okay gurl. Rylexs gotcha. What Rylex told you hm!? Rylex says you is safe. You is wid me!" He picks her up and coddles her in his giant arms. Then quickly takes out his cell phone and calls for an ambulance. The soldier looks back at at Emily and checks her pulse. "You is alright. They's on they way. You is all good Ems. Hang in there..."

Emily yanderechips

Something felt off today.

People were staring at Rylex. Something was wrong, she just felt it. Emily brushed her hand against her scarf. All these eyes just looking at him made her uncomfy. These weren't the normal glances of woman passing by, they were more... Menacing.

From the corner of her eye, someone took out a gun.

Quickly reacting, she jumped and tried to push Rylex out of the way! But he was far too big for her to even budge--

And so.

The bullet hit her arm instead.

She collapsed onto his chest as the suspects fled the scene. Tears started to stream down her face. "......ow..." She winced, starting to shake. Then it hit her. She had just saved Rylex. She had just saved someone who was way taller than her. She smiled and looked up at Rylex, who looked back down at her. Letting one more grin pass, she blacked out.

Varrho Katthekit


Varrho, today, was met with an unfamiliar sight.... Someone was pointing..... Something at this lady. Having grown up in the area he had grown up in, which was peaceful and never had to worry about it.

She seemed frightened.... Should he do something....? Should he leave it alone....?

A sudden BANG. And something was flying towards her at a quick rate. No.... There wasnt enough time to think anymore!

Running off of pure adrenalin, he dashed forwards, with a shout. "LOOK OUT!" 

He was quickly hit with a bullet, beginning to stumble.

 Candida VictoryDrawsStuff

The famous sniper called “The White Ghost”, was just finishing her mission for the day, successfully sniping her target.

She was returning back to her organizations headquarters, looking forward to see her adopted family again, maybe get a good amount of head pats as a reward. Candida was happy, and proudly held a painting depicting the scene of the snipe, and her fallen opponents.

Though as she was heading back, she saw a sniper in the shadows, aiming their gun at a small blue creature.

“No! I cannot let any evil sniper be unchallenged!”

Before the creature could do anything, Candida lunged to shield them from the bullet. Her own rifle in hand, she took the hit in the arm. Though in pain, Candida managed to turn to the creature that is Varrho as she held her rifle with barely shaking hands, muttering “cheeses” under her breath.

Despite being injured, she gave off a smile at them.

”Don’t worry. Go run! Let me handle this, a ghost can never resist a target to haunt!”

And if they do run away, they can see the White Ghost, already aiming her shot at her new opponent.

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Val Troops21

A strange dragon would come in contract with a man who was said to be a monster hunter. This would scare her a bit as she felt as if she could be hunted but seeing that if she could try to befriend the man or at least speak to him she might just be able have someone to meet to and get a new purpose in life. Although,something felt off today. Not the man himself but the environment. Her undead eyes would try and survey the area,"Do you see anything suspicious?" Val would ask him,"Aside from me? I am very much real even if I don't look like it?"

Her many eyes still began to look around. Then she may have hear something. A gun shot,but where? Another one was fire and hit a tree. Well, at least the undead dragon could locate them,"Stay wary",Val said. After a few minutes she would calm down for a moment before another gun shot was heard. On impulse she would fly to the bullet that had hit. Right at one of her many eyes. There was a surprisingly loud scream from the undead entity but even with the brutal headshot,no blood leaked. There was also purple flesh instead of the usual bloody red flesh. "I-I'm fine. I can tank these because I'm undead after all",Val said. She looked at Fang with a bullet stuck in one of her eyes,"Sorry for the insane site".