Complaints Board [IC]

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 9 days ago) by  Cordelia fangmeat

thanks kavaro for letting me do this bless you

You all have complaints, don't you? Worries? Fears? Sadness? General negativity? About your life, your friends, your enemies, your writer (I'm not the only one whose been thrown in a situation I hate, right? We should give them a little hell now and then for what they do, even if it's just complaining about it) and whatever else? Well, here you go! We snagged permission for this board and everything! Don't make our efforts go in vain, rant and complain away! 

Some ground rules however - I know, a bore, but a necessary evil;

  1. No OOC complaining allowed! You writers have your board- so use it!
  2. Post IC! 
  3. Don't vague eachother. I mean, if your roleplayers know eachother and have consented to it, go for it! But keep it civil in here, this isn't a battleground and I am no referee. Take it to the PMs if you want a fistfight. 
  4. Black out triggering/sexual material for the sake of your fellow fictional beings and writers. Do that with the little two As next to the Font Sizes and check black for both. 
  5. No slurs! That's always a general rule of thumb though, right? I don't have to mother you all, do I? No, no I don't. 
  6. (optional) Have something that doesn't quite fit here? Head on over here to spill your thoughts! Nucille has a board up and running just for you.

Well.. that's it! Go forth in bitterness and tears and.. whatever. Just post.

 Hel celestiials

“What the fuck man, why is my ten year old subordinate’s math homework CALCULUS?! For hell’s sake he’s not even supposed to be in high school, he should be in elementary school... I know my way around basic numbers but please don’t come to me to help you with your calculus homework...”

Molly [FOR SALE] $2 imnessie

“Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching and my students, but sometimes, my sanity really leaves me. These kids are supposed to be adults, which they don’t act like most of the time, and yet they don’t know the differences between ‘they’re, their, and there?’ Like, what did I do to get the students who didn’t pay attention in high school?” 

Jackson Aukerman Zaten

Agnes... can you please stop launching yourself at me. it's getting really freaking annoying. also Oliver, can you please stop stealing my booze? it's seriously not helping you. and can becca stop making me her punching bag already? jeez, you have a fursona, use that.

Sedma Ouzo Thanaturgist

"I didn't spend ten years training to become an assassin just to fall head over heels for a target. There's plenty of fish in the sea, I didn't need them, so I shouldn't have any regrets for doing my job, right? ...Right?"

Eisla Summers -bluejay-

ok so there's this girl named anna

she kind of ruined my life and traumatized me forever (and no, I really don't want to talk about it)

but anyways that was like 4 years ago and even though it still kind of messes with me sometimes, i'm finally thinking, like, "hey, maybe i'll finally be able to start moving on from that!" but guess who decides to fucking show up


idk man, like, it seems like she's really trying to be better but I just can't even bring myself to look at her

I feel sort of bad about it and it's just making all the shit that went down fuck with me even more

man I just wanna sleep for 10,000 years that'd be grand

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Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

"A goddamn kidney stone... Nearly a year of caffeine and NOW I get a kidney stone... Guess I can finally call in sick..."

THE DOENGEON -bluejay-

thank FUCK this thing exists omg thank you,,

I've got 1000 years of built-up anger I've never had the chance to let out so this is gonna be a long one! i'll put it under the cut <3

ohhh boy okay so FIRST OF ALL who the fuck am I

no like seriously

I have no defining characteristics at all and I've had to act like other people so much that I don't even know what my real personality is anymore

I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY OWN NAME HDGHDFGJKSDKFASDLKASDKGH honestly it rlly fucks with me sometimes,,, like I can't even look at myself anymore i'll just feel rlly weird and I hate it i'm so fucking sick of this bullshit FUCK what the FUCK

next order of business, c a m i l l e

we made a deal about a millennium ago that if I helped her with whatever the fuck she needed she'd help me find out about my past and if I even had one

but it's been 1000 years and every time I bring it up she's all like "yeah yeah we'll get there soon"

hghghdgjfdgkfdl I hate feeling like this and I keep telling her how messed up I feel but she doesn't care! she actually gets mad at me for asking her to keep up her end of the bargain like wtf????? she's been having me prey on mentally ill people and manipulate them into doing what I want for centuries now and i'm getting sick of it. it feels really wrong and she won't even tell me why i'm doing it in the first place

she's keeping a lot of secrets and i'm starting to regret ever meeting her in the first place, but it was that or wander through limbo alone for the rest of eternity

I hope she backs off soon but that's wishful thinking at this point

anyways,, thanks for reading ig? if you have any advice on what I should do i'd love to hear it!! 

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Alfie Lilina

Ohhhhh nooo... looks like I have spilled the tea. I don't want to get in trouble!

Simeon Purnip

"Oh! Yeah, I got one! So help me out here--

It's cute when a raven brings you a ring. Or a cat brings you a dead mouse. You find that cute, right? I saw you smile! You smiled and you called 'it a little offering' and it just made your day that such a simple act could make you feel wanted and loved.

So um...why is it unacceptable when I do it?"

Sakurai Rihito ichimilk

Okay, I get that I'm pretty much a shut-in and all, and my very few friends are like, the same as me. But like. I have my own life, y'know, so can everyone just get off my back? I'm happy with being inside and fixing other people's computers and playing video games and creating my own content. I don't need a girlfriend?? Or a wife?? I didn't accidentally summon a demon just to get a girlfriend. I'm also very happy with my demonic boyfriend, thanks. And another thing I'm pretty pissy about is like, okay, so what if I'm basically an otaku degenerate? I'm still a functioning member of society. No need to call me out on it, like I know what I am haha??

Elliot Milkman

"I love the idea of college, if I was really honest. But the amount of stress I'm getting out of that is almost nauseating. I'm putting in a good amount of effort into it and I'm still at an F. 

Hah... I'm technically just laughing away all the stress to my classmates because they're doing as bad as I but in reality, I'm pretty sure they don't care about my situation. We're all in class for somethingAnd I really don't have the funds to afford to take the class again. All I want to do is to be with my friends...""

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