"Text Post Meme" the OC above you!

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Galacta Astriferous pfmzkz

Anyone remember that trend where you assign Tumblr text posts to fandom characters? (Some examples,in case you're lost.) I was thinking that it could be done into a snazzy OC forum game!

First of all,some guidelines:

  • Post IC with a character for the person above to choose a text post.
  • It's preferable that you post IC with a character you have some info on,so this thread can flow nicely.If the character above lacks enough information for you to work on,you can always guess what they're like.
  • Insert an image for the text post itself,like this:
  • Bonus points if you do it for several chararacters and/or a full edit including an image from the character(s),like this:

So yeah,let's get this ball rolling! also this is my first forum game...rip me

Draconis Nightsong goldenDiscord

I did a couple because I have no life lmao xDD




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Maxy Konno bulgariansumo

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU GUYS ARE ABLE TO FIND THESE QUIRKY TEXT POSTS?(I've been wanting to participate in this for so long ;_;)

Yurio jetsetspy

This was honestly the first thing I thought of

 Yvalhaell Aurhovala Papes

i had to do a two-in-one.

v OMFG.......

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Nikola and Pepsi Jutta

I'm so bad at this ha ha

Edit: That is great 👌 


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 Irynae Rinell Monue


I couldn't choose. D: <3

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Iris HeraDevil

I have no clue why but when I saw this I thought of him

Gingerol reinapepiada

Bryant Jutta

Edit: That's pretty funny!!