Find a voice for the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Yorick retroleum

Okay, I thought this might be a fun forum game. Or not. I dunno.

So what you're gonna do is post IC and choose a voice from a show/movie/cartoon/anime/video game, etc. you think the character posted above you would sound like! You can base this entirely just off their design, or read up on their personality if there's a big description and kinda go from there [although, if they already have a voice match descripted don't read it just come up with your own, at least just based on the design in that case]. It's up to you! Try to link to a clip of the voice too, on youtube or something and link it in your post.

So for example I'll share that I imagine my character Priscilla to sound like Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z Abridged! Like, pretty much exactly. It's scary.

It doesn't have to be exact of course, just pick something you think would fit. I love voice matching my characters so I personally think this would be fun :0c

Anyway have at it have fun!

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 Amlet ickei

The picture makes me think of Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club

Micca Esthiem Necronomeow

"I'm reminded of Yandere-Chan... Just for the monotonous voice..."

That's actually pretty spot on.

 Hedy Knight Chronicler

 Carl Clover from Blazblue, perhaps?

Naria Kaneko YunaNoire

Nepgear (Christine Marie Cabanos) seems like a good fit to me! Cute, perky inventor girlies! \ o/

Marina Petalofdreams

I'm a big fan of UTAUloid and Naria i think would probably have a voice like this: Shirakane Hiyori

Melanie timeGrenade

i think mami from madoka magica english dub ^^

AAAAH i'm so happy , haruhi is one of my favorite characters ;D

it's perfect


 Ember Luciana Celosia TalaMemories

Wow! I love choosing voices for characters. It's something I like to do in my free time. lol Now, for the character above...

I think Wendee Lee as Haruhi Suzumiya matches Melanie! I don't know; I imagine Melanie being an enthusiastic character, so Wendee Lee's Haruhi came to mind... xD

Now, as for my character, Ember, I already have a voice (or voices) planned for her. But I'm curious of what the next person will pick for her voice! ^^

And sorry if Ember's profile lacks a lot of information... I still have to fill it out. ^^; But feel free to look at her Charahub profile if you're stuck! :D

chiliechii Oh my gosh!! Cherche's voice would be suitable for Ember! :D Sadly I haven't played much of the Fire Emblem series (hopefully one day), but I can tell that it's a wonderful series. And I will keep an eye out for Cherche if I ever try out the series! ;)

 Meimu chiliechii_inactive

Since she's a gentle swordswoman my mind immediately went to Cherche from FE Awakening. Sorry there's only a few seconds of her speaking, but I couldn't find any other video with her voice reels. :')

I already did Meimu but I'd like to see who else someone comes up with!

Renne Araa HeroofEnelios

I think Satanichia's voice actor would work. I can picture it. 

I've been through most of my characters but I want to see what other peple come up with. ;w;

Kei ickei

Reading Renne's profile, she makes me think of Sakura from Naruto

Calibur Ranohara

I have no idea why but I thought of Matt from Digimon for some reason?

✮A.K.✮ jetsetspy

I'm thinking Dust from Dust An Elysian Tale

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Era Kinene

 Smaug? Pretty deep and scratchy and a very well known dragon