Ship Two Characters of the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by ChibiMangoFloof

Edit: New Rule! No incest or large age gaps!

For this game, you have to choose two characters from the person above you, and ship them.  


Example of post -


Ship name is Owo

(Then either state why it works, or if it's just to be random, say "Crack Ship!")


Ship two of my characters to start off!



Oh, I just think Lucille & Maria would be so cute together! <3


That is such a cute idea! I never even considered that.. But I love it! I smell a ship forming..


Sorry to pick two characters without completed profiles, but I really like how Livia and Vesper look together. :) I get a chill vibe from Vesper, like she'd be a really level-headed, easy going girlfriend even though her outfit seems intimidating. Maybe Livia relies on Vesper via texts and online late at night when it's super dark outside.



Gosh, I was going to say Needle and Harrow looking at character looks alone- but I see there's already a link between the two! They're both such lovely characters. <3



Aerodonis and Rubais would make a very aesthetically attractive pairing :3

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Jin-bug Kenton and Amber have matching designs, plus they would make such an adorable couple ;/////; 



Heath and Tenrys, a random ship but they match in their appearances (and also seem like they'd look pretty together), if that makes sense! ^w^ Tenrys looks like he'd be able to lift Heath, which is just a cute visual ahaha. plus they're both loyal types, so they'd stick together through thick and thin! ♥ 



I think Prencha would have unrequited love with Ixcatl! She probably looks up to her to a whole lot, but not only is Ixcatl's heart captured by Deakong, but Prencha also feels like she would be rejected due to her hybrid heritage. So from afar, she will cheer her on for whatever makes her happy!  (this is crack af forgive me)

(please lookit my first five folders, otherwise you're going to suffer with a majoriy of uncompleted profiles (theres still a lot but SHH))


@timeskye dude I'm in love with like--- all your ocs. Damn this made it hard to pick ahhh! 


 I really like Sakuhin and Gunya just being like--- this really nervous pair HUHUHU Call them Gunhin FFF --- man but this was hard. Body Facility rocks!! 






Even thought they're already taken, I think Sai & Raphael would look so cute together.

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Hunter and Levi would be cute in my opinion.



Alma and Ajkuna, I'm weak for opposite colours like that


Rumiiya Lia the holy knight and Anmael, an angel, of course.

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